Instigator / Pro

cable cars should be installed


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
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Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information

Round 1
1. When people install cable cars, it has the effect of dispersing people so the trail damage will be reduced. Therefore, the tourist area will be less damage with trash or something. And it also has an advantage that it can protect the natural environment more efficiently while increasing the economic feasibility of tourist destinations

2. The minority can also enjoy the area by cable cars. 

3. By installing cable cars, the surrounding commerical district can develop. 

4. It is a prejudice that developing equals environmental damage. For example, the Austrailia sky rail is a gondola that is installed in the world cultural heritage area,but it is accepted for being the means of transportation with the least environmental damge, it won the Ecological Tourism Award from the government. 

5. Also the constructoin cost is low.

6. THere is no need for bridges, road facilities, embankments, etc when passing through valleys, seas, etc.

7. Regardless of the terrain it is possible to drive in a straight line for the shortest distance.

8. There are few disasters caused by snow and rain, and there is no need for snow removal.

9. It does not block other traffic even when it intersects with railroads and roads, and it does
not require traffic control personnel.

10. Accident damage due to transportation volume is significantly reduced.

11. The area of natural damage is significantly smaller than that of roads, and there is almost no environmental damage caused by noise/exhaust.

12. It is possible to return to the original natural state at any time.

1. Impactless points

2. The minority can also enjoy the area by cable cars. 
We have long passed the stage where Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King needed to take stand for their rights on public transit. Unless there is any proof that, other than professional organizations, public transits do prevent minorities from taking them, this point means nothing.
3. By installing cable cars, the surrounding commerical district can develop.
5. Also the constructoin cost is low.
7. Regardless of the terrain it is possible to drive in a straight line for the shortest distance.
8. There are few disasters caused by snow and rain, and there is no need for snow removal.
9. It does not block other traffic even when it intersects with railroads and roads, and it does not require traffic control personnel.
10. Accident damage due to transportation volume is significantly reduced.
11. The area of natural damage is significantly smaller than that of roads, and there is almost no environmental damage caused by noise/exhaust.
12. It is possible to return to the original natural state at any time.
[citation needed]
I demand Pro to not only illustrate instances of these phenomenon(which Pro has not), but also correlation to show why they should be installed.

2. Definitions

to set up for use or service
to be set up for use or service to undergo installation
These two entries are the ones in my opinion fitting best with the topic itself. The examples include:
had an exhaust fan installed in the kitchen
install software
The software installs automatically.
In the context of installing a fan and installing a software, both went from a state of unused to a state of being used. Nobody would call repairing a fan that has been working for years "installing the fan" or updating a software "installing a software" The fan needs to be brand new and the software needs to be not on the computer prior in order to be called "installing".

What this means, is that to install a cable car, a new cable car must be produced and placed on the cables where it can then operate. What this also means, is that meaningfully and pragmatically, only pre-use cable cars can be "installed" as if a cable car has already been in use, it can only be repaired or transfered, however, it can never be "installed".

Now let's take a look at the topic statement.
cable cars should be installed
This topic is not
We need more cable cars in the world
And this topic is not
More cable cars should be put into use
The topic is specifically phrased in this way, whether intentional or not, and because of the way it is phrased, the emphasis is on:
A purpose of (An unrestricted set of) Cable cars (In an restricted moment of time, assume modern society?) is to be for installation
The definition of Cable Cars is:
a vehicle moved by an endless cable:
one suspended from an overhead cable
one that moves along tracks
Note, it does not say that a vehicle that can be moved by a cable is a cable car(if I strap an elevator to a pulley system on the cable car, before that process, the elevator is NOT a cable car, even if pulleys are strapped on it before it is put on actual cables). In order for a vehicle to be a cable car, it must be able to:
  • move along an overhead cable
  • OR move along a track powered by cables
What does that mean? This means that in order for a cable car to be a cable car, it must be installed. A cable car, before being put on the cables or the tracks, is not able to be moved by the cables or along the tracks, therefore, cable-caresque objects that are not installed on cables or tracks, including ones that would later become cable cars upon installation(this installation is not one by a cable car, rather, an actual cable car is the end product, not the ingredients), are NOT cable cars due to them not satisfying the abilities the dictionary definition required them to selectively satisfy.

The previous sentence is and should be seen as a logically coherent sentence. Similar examples include "Before I became a teen, I was back then a child." "Before injecting carbon and other metals, the steel was majorly composed of the element Iron." Yes, before a cable car is installed, it is something else, just not a cable car.

Because a cable car isn't yet a cable car until it is installed, that means the term "installed" cannot realistically apply to ANY cable cars, because all cable cars are already installed. The topic statement becomes as absurd as statements with entirely incompatible state signifiers such as:
  • Biological men should be pregnant
  • Children now should be adults
  • Atheists ought to believe in a god
As such, I argue for the opposition of the position that supports a claim that is impossible. I rest my case.

  • Due to dictionary definitions, all cable cars are already installed.
  • An installed thing cannot be installed from the present state because it has already been installed.
  • Therefore, Cable cars can't be installed, and thus they shouldn't be installed for this reason.

Round 2
(What you said makes me confusing.... SO!! I will just make my claims clear, and rebute what I understood.)
First, about impactless points, I meant that the disabled people can also enjoy the area by cable cars. You can find a graph that shows disabled people travel more than others. For example, physical disabled people like someone who can't walk have difficulties when they want to see the beautiful view on the top of the mountain. But cable cars can take them to the top.
Next, by installing cable cars, the surrounding commercial district can develop. Cable cars can take people where they cannot go by themselves, or if it is a long distance but it cannot be traveled by other transportations. When cable cars are installed, then more people would visit to that area because they can go to that area's landmark easily by cable cars. So when many people visit that place, they would be more likely to spend money near that landmark. That is why I said the surrounding commercial district will develop.
And also because cable cars are sky transportation, it does not distract the traffic. It is considered to resolve the traffic gem.

install-to put something in place so that it is ready for use
So installing cable cars could mean creating a new one in somewhere, not removing the old one.

  • Pro did not even put dedicated skepticism on whether or not my definition is accurate, so we will keep it the way it is.
  • Pro gave NO links to anything, not even names of scientific journals or even news articles, to prove Pro's points despite saying there are evidence.
    • These points should be seen as not entirely impactless but with relatively little impact whatsoever.
Sources are needed to prove that cable cars are worth installing, or are even possible to install.


I restate my definition and examples for "install" that has gone uncriticized over the course of the rounds:
to set up for use or service
to be set up for use or service to undergo installation
These two entries are the ones in my opinion fitting best with the topic itself. The examples include:
had an exhaust fan installed in the kitchen
install software
The software installs automatically.
Pro does attempt to bring up a defintion, which not only seemingly was sourced from nowhere but agrees with the entries presented just above. There has been no contentions on the fact that in order for something to be installed, it must transform from a state of being unused to a state of being used. There has been no contentions on that when something is already installed, it cannot be installed again because it is already in usage.

The definition of Cable Cars is:
a vehicle moved by an endless cable:
one suspended from an overhead cable
one that moves along tracks
This uncriticized definition rules out any vehicle that is not moved by a cable, on a track or not. Before I strap my car(whether it is a minivan or a supercar) onto a cable midair or on the ground, it is not a cable car, again. Similarly, before a cable car is a cable car, it is not. Before a cable car is able to be moved on a cable, it is not one. It is therefore settled that only those vehicles on their respective operational cables count as cable cars. In other words, only cable cars that are installed are actual cable cars.

Since all cable cars are already installed, it is impossible to install them again. Therefore, the action the topic concerns is impossible.

  • Due to dictionary definitions, all cable cars are already installed.
  • An installed thing cannot be installed from the present state because it has already been installed.
  • Therefore, Cable cars can't be installed, and thus they shouldn't be installed for this reason.
  • Thank you for reading and vote CON.