Instigator / Pro

Homosexuality is wrong


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After 2 votes and with 14 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

I agree that emo homosexuality is cute. But its wrong. A penis doesnt go inside a penis.

Round 1
Penis cannot go inside a penis.

Not as quickly as penis can go in vagina.

You are a man.

You have a penis.

Penis goes in vagina to produce babies.

Penis in penis doesnt produce babies.

The argument that homosexuality is wrong is a controversial and divisive issue that has been the subject of much debate and discussion in recent years. While some people like the my opposition believe that homosexuality is unnatural and immoral, others argue that it is a legitimate and valid form of sexual orientation that should be accepted and celebrated. In this argument, I will be presenting the opposing viewpoint and making the case that homosexuality is not wrong, but rather a natural and normal part of human diversity.

Definition of Homosexuality:

Homosexuality refers to a sexual attraction or romantic relationship between individuals of the same sex. It is an inherent aspect of one's identity, and not a choice or behavior that can be changed or controlled. According to the American Psychological Association, "Homosexuality is not a mental disorder" (APA, 2020).


While it is true that the primary function of sexual reproduction is to produce offspring, this does not necessarily mean that all sexual behavior should be evaluated based on its ability to produce offspring.

The purpose of sexual behavior is also to express love, intimacy, and pleasure. Moreover, the ability to have children does not determine the moral value or legitimacy of a sexual relationship. Many straight couples are unable to have children due to various reasons such as infertility or age, but this does not make their sexual relationships wrong or illegitimate.

Furthermore, the argument that homosexuality is wrong because it does not produce offspring is based on a narrow and limited understanding of human sexuality. There are many ways in which LGBTQ+ individuals can start families, such as adoption, surrogacy, or assisted reproduction. These options allow LGBTQ+ individuals to form loving and supportive families, just like straight couples.
In summary, the argument that homosexuality is wrong because it does not produce offspring is flawed and lacks a broader understanding of the purpose and value of sexual relationships.

Argument 1:

Homosexuality is a Natural and Normal Part of Human Diversity:

There is overwhelming scientific evidence that homosexuality is a natural and normal part of human diversity. Studies have shown that homosexuality is present in every culture and society throughout history, and that it is not a choice or a result of environmental factors (APA, 2020). Moreover, research has revealed that homosexuality is influenced by genetic, hormonal, and neurological factors, indicating that it is a natural and inherent aspect of one's biology (APA, 2020). Therefore, it is not accurate or fair to label homosexuality as "wrong" or "immoral," as it is simply a natural variation of human sexuality.

Argument 2:

Discrimination and Prejudice Against Homosexuality is Wrong:

The argument that homosexuality is wrong is often used as a justification for discrimination and prejudice against LGBTQ+ individuals. This can take the form of social ostracization, employment discrimination, and even physical violence. Such discrimination and prejudice is wrong and has serious consequences for the well-being and mental health of LGBTQ+ individuals. According to the World Health Organization, "Homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity are major contributing factors to the poor mental health outcomes and high risk of suicide among LGBTQ+ people" (WHO, 2021).
It is therefore clear that the argument that homosexuality is wrong is not only inaccurate, but also harmful and damaging to LGBTQ+ individuals.


In conclusion, the argument that homosexuality is wrong is unsupported by scientific evidence and based on discrimination and prejudice. Homosexuality is a natural and normal part of human diversity that should be respected and accepted. It is important to recognize and challenge the harmful and damaging effects of discrimination and prejudice against LGBTQ+ individuals, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all.


American Psychological Association (APA). (2020). Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality. Retrieved from

Round 2
The purpose of sex is not to produce offspring. We should all be gay.

Then the humanity will have very high birthrates.

Gays usually have 3 or more children as their own offspring.

Gays produce more children than straight people.

My penis is pregnant again.

We should all stop reproducing.

Then we will have plenty of children.

Let us do that. Its natural to destroy your offspring. You should most certainly do that.
The argument presented by my opponent is not only offensive and sarcastic, but also flawed and misguided. While it is true that the purpose of sex is not solely to produce offspring, it is also not appropriate or ethical to advocate for the destruction of offspring or the intentional reduction of population. This type of thinking is irresponsible and ignores the many challenges and consequences of overpopulation, such as environmental degradation, resource depletion, and social instability.

Furthermore, the argument that homosexuality is wrong because it does not produce offspring is based on a narrow and limited understanding of human sexuality. As mentioned before there are many ways in which LGBTQ+ individuals can start families, such as adoption, surrogacy, or assisted reproduction. These options allow LGBTQ+ individuals to form loving and supportive families, just like straight couples.

In conclusion, the argument presented by my opponent is offensive, flawed, and unethical. It is important to recognize and respect the diversity of human sexuality, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

Round 3
Homosexuals should fuck us all in the ass. It will make us more tolerant towards each other. It will cure cancer.

Homosexuality benefits society in many ways. Countries that support homosexuality have less Covid infections.

We should pay to watch homosexuals beating each other up with pink dildos. It will save the planet.

Let us dress in girl's clothes and bend over to celebrate how great we have become.

Look at me mommy, I am a girl now. Are you proud of me mommy?

The response by my opponent is not only offensive and sarcastic, but also lacks any logical or factual basis. Homosexuality does not benefit society by promoting violence or exploitation, and there is no evidence to suggest that it has any impact on the rate of Covid infections or the health of the planet. These statements are simply absurd and not supported by any credible evidence.

Furthermore, the suggestion that homosexuality should be used as a means of promoting tolerance or curing cancer is not only ridiculous, but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices against LGBTQ+ individuals. It is important to recognize that homosexuality is a legitimate and valid form of sexual orientation, and that LGBTQ+ individuals deserve respect and acceptance, regardless of their sexual orientation.

In conclusion, the response by my opponent is offensive, absurd, and perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices. It is important to challenge and reject such hateful and misguided statements, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

Vote CON.
Round 4
Our country will be great if we let homosexuals fuck us in the ass.

Homosexuals are so great. We should build monuments of naked homosexuals. That will glorify their power.

Homosexuals are heroes. Homosexuals save people. We should praise them.

Superman was a homosexual. He saved the world a couple of times on movies.

There is great wisdom found when exploring another man's hairy ass. It most certainly isnt disgusting.

There should be naked men twerking to show us how great homosexuality is.

Fucking men in the ass will make everyone more kind.

There will be rainbows dancing everywhere and God will piss money on us.

We will all be rich if we accept homosexuality.

There will be no more wars. There will be no more poverty.

We will not burn in hell.

Homosexuals will solve world hunger.

People will respect each other more. We will say hello by grabbing each other's ass and twerking.

Its not cool to be manly. Its cool to be gay and have other men use your ass as a vagina.

It will not ruin our country and turn us all into women.

Homosexuals will make our military stronger so that we can defeat Russia.

We should send dildos to starving people in africa to make them more homosexual.

Donate your dildo today.

Watching gay porn daily should be mandatory for all adult citizens to make them more nice.

If we accept homosexuality, then we will have cure for autism. There will be cure for cancer. Our wages will increase. The aliens will give us their technology.
My opponent yet again just counters with sarcastic and unethical points. I have given enough evidence and arguments that prove "Homosexuality isn't wrong".

Hence, I further EXTEND argument.
Round 5
I would like to conclude with a quote "There is no happiness in another man's butt".



The argument that homosexuality is wrong is unsupported by scientific evidence and based on discrimination and prejudice. Homosexuality is a natural and normal part of human diversity that should be respected and accepted. It is important to recognize and challenge the harmful and damaging effects of discrimination and prejudice against LGBTQ+ individuals, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

There is overwhelming scientific evidence that homosexuality is a natural and normal part of human diversity, influenced by genetic, hormonal, and neurological factors. Studies have shown that homosexuality is present in every culture and society throughout history, and that it is not a choice or a result of environmental factors. Therefore, it is not accurate or fair to label homosexuality as "wrong" or "immoral," as it is simply a natural variation of human sexuality.

The argument that homosexuality is wrong is often used as a justification for discrimination and prejudice against LGBTQ+ individuals. This can take the form of social ostracization, employment discrimination, and even physical violence. Such discrimination and prejudice is wrong and has serious consequences for the well-being and mental health of LGBTQ+ individuals. It is therefore clear that the argument that homosexuality is wrong is not only inaccurate, but also harmful and damaging to LGBTQ+ individuals.


The argument that homosexuality is wrong is unsupported by scientific evidence and based on discrimination and prejudice. It is important to recognize and respect the diversity of human sexuality, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

I have clearly proven my point throughtout my arguments. I have also countered my sarcastic, unethical and ridiculous opponent.

 Vote CON.

Thank You!