Instigator / Pro

Islam Does (Not) Encourage Authoritarianism


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Thank you for accepting my challenge @RationalMadman.

Mainstream Islam Does Not Encourage Political Authoritarianism (Pro)
Mainstream Islam Does Encourage Political Authoritarianism (Con)

Mainstream Islam: traditional mainstream Sunni Islam according to the traditional legal, theological & mystic Islamic schools of thought. Namely, the Four Madhhabs of law & the Ash'ari/Maturidi creed.
Encourage: to help or stimulate something to develop.
Authoritarianism: a system of government centered on the strict subjection of citizens to the authority of the state, at the expense of personal freedom.

Round 1: opening arguments.
Round 2-3: arguments & rebuttals.
Round 4: closing round, no new arguments.

Shared BOP.
Debate structure is to be observed.
Citations are to be quoted in the text of the debate.
Sources are to be reliable.
Translations (of original text) are to be adequate.
No forfeit.
No disrespect.
No kritiks.
No shotgun argumentation.

Best of luck.


>Reported Vote: Barney // Mod action: Not Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 3 points to Con (Arguments), 1 point to Pro (Conduct)
>Reason for Decision: See Votes Tab
>Reason for Mod Action:
The voter justifies both point allocations. While the voter may not exhaustively cover all arguments presented by both sides, he did due diligence covering points required to show that he read and considered arguments from both sides.


"Your hatred of Islam"

Islam is bad. Correct. The product of islam is hate. Muslim countries are a failure. Followers of islam commit violence at great scale. The main difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity was historically much superior. Best and strongest countries in the world are Christian countries. Worst countries in the world are muslim countries.
Islam is based on Quran. Quran is only good as a torture manual. Quran has nothing but the products of the violent teachings. Products of violent teachings are violent followers.
Islam is authoritarian. Every muslim country is authoritarian. However, we dont hate authoritarianism. We hate the weakness of islam. Muslims keep pretending that they are victims, that everyone else is oppressing them. The truth is that muslims are weak. Their religion is a failure.


Hit me with your best lines.
I want nothing less than your greatest effort of lyricism.


Voters may opt to honor rules in the description, so those votes are fine.


As a voting moderator, would you consider the last two votes valid? I was under the impression that first, the rule-breaking penalty is limited to conduct unless specified otherwise, and second, votes on forfeits alone can only allot conduct.


"That you think your arguments did not contain mention of the west, already shows that I’m more familiar with what you posted than you are."
- On the contrary. It shows you haven't actually read any of my arguments, clearly you haven't passed the first paragraph into my intro.


That you think your arguments did not contain mention of the west, already shows that I’m more familiar with what you posted than you are.


"People can forfeit and still have a more convincing argument; in fact that’s much of why a consuct allotment is available."
- Unless it is specified in the debate rules which Con agreed with by accepting the debate. Shared BOP means Share BOP, no kritik means kritik warrants loss...etc.

" An argument can be concise, and more convincing (especially when it bothers to be on topic)."
- This is not your debate. Your vote on arguments must reflect who had better arguments overall. Con did not refute or address not a single one of my arguments, which is a concession, nor did he defend his. Not like any of this matters here, since Con forfeited the debate anyways.

"And again, the only reason you are winning this debate is that I voted to give it some attention. Without me, this debate would have remained unvoted and forgotten. If you are opposed to people voting on your debates, nominate a judge who has pre-agreed not to vote."
- You voted in favor of Con. Your hatred of Islam is oozing from your explanation: "repulsive pedophile founder" "that piece of shit".

"So you never mentioned how Islam should be compared to the level of authoritarianism of the west rather than just authoritarian or not? You never mentioned rape? You never mentioned anything to the effect of ‘ Allah>Everyone else’?"
- My arguments are laid out in the opening round if you bothered to actually read it, & summarized in my closing round. What is my case anyways?

"What did I accuse you of saying which you did not?"
- Here: "Con explains that Islam is forced to be authoritarian by creed (mainly the loss of personal freedoms for everyone who isn't Muslim, such as voiding marriages if a Muslim wishes to rape someone's wife right in front of them), even going so far as to declare murder isn't murder due to special pleading". << This is what you wish I had said, & has nothing to do with what I argued.

- Again, you can show everyone the alleged weakness of my arguments & the alleged strength of yours in your own debate. This isn't your debate. Just because you hate Islam doesn't mean all haters must automatically win all debates. Each is judged on its own merit, if you're even able to separate your hate from your judgement.


People can forfeit and still have a more convincing argument; in fact that’s much of why a consuct allotment is available. An argument can be concise, and more convincing (especially when it bothers to be on topic). And again, the only reason you are winning this debate is that I voted to give it some attention. Without me, this debate would have remained unvoted and forgotten. If you are opposed to people voting on your debates, nominate a judge who has pre-agreed not to vote.

-> “ You haven't even bothered to mention a single one of my arguments.”
So you never mentioned how Islam should be compared to the level of authoritarianism of the west rather than just authoritarian or not? You never mentioned rape? You never mentioned anything to the effect of ‘ Allah>Everyone else’?

-> “ Instead you attribute things to me which I haven't said.”
What did I accuse you of saying which you did not?


"How old are you? You’re pulling g kindergarten tactics of ‘no they were off topic.’"
- This isn't about your feelings about the subject. It's about who won the debate. You so badly want Con to win, you pretend as if I made no arguments & Con defended his. In reality, Con defended none of his arguments & refuted none of mine. He just forfeited instead, which in itself warrants an automatic loss. You haven't even bothered to mention a single one of my arguments. Instead you attribute things to me which I haven't said.

"And when I’m back on a computer instead of a cell phone, I’ll happily debate Islam with you. It being pretty much the only religion that forces itself as a government seals the outcome with only a minimum of effort. Heck, your own case on this one included at least one accidental concession of the whole topic."
- You can bring your arguments then to establish your case. Not in your vote. This isn't your debate.

"It seriously feels like you’re offended anyone actually took the time to read the debate. This isn’t a safe space free from reading and criticism, this is a site for ideas to be challenged for their weaknesses."
- Which Con spectacularly failed to do in THIS debate. You can show everybody the strength of your arguments & the weakness of mine in your own debate. Your vote here must reflect THIS debate. Not the one you wish it was.


How old are you? You’re pulling g kindergarten tactics of ‘no they were off topic.’

And when I’m back on a computer instead of a cell phone, I’ll happily debate Islam with you. It being pretty much the only religion that forces itself as a government seals the outcome with only a minimum of effort. Heck, your own case on this one included at least one accidental concession of the whole topic.

It seriously feels like you’re offended anyone actually took the time to read the debate. This isn’t a safe space free from reading and criticism, this is a site for ideas to be challenged for their weaknesses.

barney you need to stop caring about how many votes a debate gets. thats not your job. also, votes just build egoism, they dont really matter in the long run.

In sha'Allah this stays unrated


"Con dropped a lot, as did you."
- Con did not drop a lot. He dropped 100%. He had zero rebuttal, which means all my arguments still stand. On the other hand, I mentioned every single one of Con's arguments & addressed them one by one, which Con failed to defend against either, since he simply forfeited the rest of the debate.

"Not to mention how bizarrely off topic most of your case was."
- Again, if you wish to debate this topic with me, you can ask. In this debate, it is Con's onus to establish how I was off topic or otherwise, which he didn't. Rather, Con was mostly off topic, which I have indeed established in the debate.


Con dropped a lot, as did you.

Not to mention how bizarrely off topic most of your case was.


All good.
Not sure why Pro has to be such a Karen about it.


I’m sure pro will win, but I got reading this before realizing it was a double forfeiture, so gave what is most likely only actual vote weighing arguments. The single vote will further get momentum for people to vote (as already evident by your own).

Normally, I agree with Barney's votes, but Con did forfeit twice. So yeah, that is a concession.

Otherwise, I think both sides did a great job!


- If you wish to debate the topic with me, you can just ask, instead of debating it in your vote to further defend Con's non-existent arguments in ways he didn't. Con lost the debate by forfeiture. Regardless of forfeiture, Con failed to address a single argument or point I made. Not one. Which you also seem to ignore. The BOP is shared...


- Interesting! I am busy the next couple of weeks, but I'd love to debate your topic afterwards.


Mormonism is more likely true than Islam or Islam is more likely true than Mormonism.


- I may have time. What subject exactly do you have in mind?


Would you be available to debate a similar subject?

Going to closely follow this one.


This debate may interest you especially as I can see it will be high quality.

Please follow.

@WeaverofFate this is my source for the last quote, my bad I didn't post it.

This will be interesting. I will keep an eye on this.