I pick the topic, you debate what is asked.
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 1 vote and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 5
- Time for argument
- Three days
- Max argument characters
- 20,000
- Voting period
- One month
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
I pick the topic, I even pick the sides.
Mall/Con obeys and tries to argue the side of the topic that is assigned.
Round 1
Topic: Mall consistently struggles to use sources/references in debates.
My side: Pro
Mall's Side: Con
What is meant by " struggle to use "?
Is that trying to use with no success or not at all ?
Round 2
Shall I bring you some sources of your debates where you don't use any to explain it to you?
Yes please, thank you kindly.
Let's see what happened.
Round 3
I'll show you in the next Round, okay?
I'll say this while we're waiting on you .
A lot of topics I choose are based in empirical record and what you may call common sense.
When you go back over the debates, you'll find that I'm not quoting what someone said.
How am I going to have a source for a quote I don't have?
I'm not citing historical events stating exactly where and what date they occurred.
I broach things you can observe yourself. That's the only way it's proof to you. Otherwise I can give you what someone said but that's all it is.
Just what someone said and all the case studies are not administered by myself or you . If it was you, show where your name is attached to the research and experiments.
This is why I deal primarily in subjects you can verify with relatable experience and observation like water being wet and fire being hot.
Having sources is supposed to prove what is being said isn't false .
If that's the case, you have to be in a situation where what is being said is challenged or questioned.
No one thus far has ever challenged what I've said for consistency.
The most I get is " so and so has not presented any proof". Making this statement alone is like closing the door to what is being said.
Instead what I expect is to challenge what I have said for consistency and validity.
Many don't know how or know what questions to ask to falsify.
Many don't know how to make counter points that would show how what I say doesn't hold up or hold water.
For them it's just easier to look for a source of what someone said like a scientist and leave it at that.
Even if you provide a source of a study, I'm going to challenge it with the consistency of what we observe everyday .
That's going beyond just "he said ", "she said" but knowing and how do you really know?
You can know what somebody said. But how do you know yourself, for yourself?
That's what these topics are aimed for.
If you believe what I'm saying or believe it's true, leave it there.
Round 4
I rest my case based on that last round.
That's all I do. I'm not making claims that you can't test and observe yourself.
What you're testing, able to see is the source.
I won't be repetitious , I yield here.
I'll most likely make a part two to this topic.
An opportunity to pay attention to what a true source of evidence is.
Round 5
Mall did not give us a single example of him using a source.
That was all Mall had to do in order to win this debate.
Case closed.
Try the forums, it is not about rating or wins there but trolls do exist.
You don't even engage, least not this time. You didn't address anything I stated. You people are so scared to communicate directly with the person but just communicate at them.
You didn't challenge what I stated as it would of begged the question to turn the tables on you.
I ask you people direct questions and you're hesitant to answer.
Mall, you are genuinely funny to engage with at times.
This person absolutely could not prove I don't use sources. That's why they came back empty handed after promising gold and silver, case closed.