Instigator / Pro

The most fundamental 'enemy' and/or 'rival' movement of the MtF or FtM transgender movement/position is actually the genderqueer 'they/them' position/movement of LGBTQ.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 3 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

RULES IN DESCRIPTION, read before accepting.

No Kritik allowed unless the Kritik is to say they are overall the same movement, which I will be happy to prove is an illusion.

I shoulder the burden to prove that the genderqueer movement is in fact even more of a fundamental opposition and clashing movement with the transgender (MtF or FtM) movement and that their philosophies are actually further apart than the MtF or FtM transgender movement is to transphobic conservatives.

I accept the most severe interpretation of this burden of proof, I have it 100% on me, Pro. If I meet it, I wish voters to respect and vote regardless of what they feel inside.

The definiton of enemy and/or rival in the context of this debate is a movement whose fundamental pillars on which it is based render the original/other movement severely juxtaposed, hypocritical and/or critically implausible to uphold what it's actively pushing for and doing as time progresses.

A most fundamental enemy and/or rival can in fact appear to be one's closest ally. The appearance and even genuine unity with the enemy against the enemy of the 'conservative' types is not at all a clear-cut case against Pro's position and Con agrees to this when accepting the debate. Instead, the nature of the alliance needs to be proven by Pro to be fallacious and by Con to be genuine on a fundamental level.

I define the transgender position/movement as encouraging the libertarian/liberal taking of hormones, plastic surgery and even genital disfigurement in the name of enabling those with gender dysphoria to experience a fantasy lifestyle as if they were born with the characteristics associated with the other biological sex. The shifting in sex characteristics are physical and encouraged to coincide with an overarching shift in gender.

The genderqueer variant of LGBTQ as more the Q than the T that has, whether through deception or Con is free to argue genuine interpretation and understanding, come to believe that they are allied to the transgender movement...

I define the genderqueer position/movement as believing biological sex and gender being totally unrelated to one another. They believe a female can have a vagina and breasts and adore them and act as masculine and/or non-effeminate as she wishes, breaking all kinds of cultural norms for her gender without a single artificial drop of testosterone in her body, demanding people to see her as a 'he' and/or needing to whatsoever fulfil a 'woman' or 'man' role in the society unless she feels it natural to her (or 'them'). Other variants linked to 'they/them' exist such as e/em/eir and ze/zim vs ze/zir type genders but overall the idea is it's not he vs she and that the dichotomy is flawed.

Con agrees 100% to these definitions on accepting the debate, that is the consent given when clicking 'accept' and voters are to hold Con to them. I will accept 0 debate on semantics regarding those. I will accept Con to be either a conservative or a liberal for trans people or whatever they want to say their position is. Con is allowed to only attack and not even defend a position but I am free to prove they actually have a position and that it is incoherent even if they deny that they have one. My burden of proof doesn't mean Con has nothing to prove just that initially it is indeed on me, as Pro.


Due to the forfeits it is an easy vote in my opinion but even without it, observe the description vs the debate.

Interesting read, in my opinion, I have actually had a trans person I interacted with admit I have a really good point and changed their view of what they are in terms of the mechanics of being a feminine male rather than the same as a ciswoman. They thanked me sincerely and were impressed.

The debate challenge is there for you 4D. It should be no problem for you since you're a mastermind tactician and inventor.


The drama queen here is very obviously you. There is a rule against discussing PMs in public btw.

Alright 4D, stop trying to insinuate that I'm other members in DM's, thanks. It's obvious what you're trying to do, you're a snake and a drama Queen.


There are plenty of high ranking debaters to call out that all think you are full of shit. You're only picking on me because I react so I will just stop reacting.


Idk what narcissistic issues you have but I am dont letting you spam my notifications, though I guess I will be notified for you posting to this debate.


why are you trying to throw shade that i don't respect descriptions, like you're not 10x the ego debater as i? debate me on your virtual reality bullshit and i will destroy it simply for your disrespect and hubris to the greatest mind ever lived for your nonsense.


Physicalism is the metaphyiscal theory that ultimately everything is physical. Both string theory and field theory are part of physicalism. Do you want to debate it or nah? most Gods can be ruled out in physicalism except pantheist conceptions. Although if it makes you feel better i wont argue for a pantheist god at all. Put all this in the description.


You have 0 respect for descriptions, be clear which physicalist theory you are backing:

Field theory, string theory, etc

is there a god allowed in your reality, to explain how despite all the chaos a completely unfathomable degree of harmony and constant 'laws' of physics, chemistry and biology are present in this reality?


Didn't I say I would argue for physicalism, rationalmadman? We can plaster it all over the description. If you think that's rigged, then I don't know what to say to you. You're simply in denial in case your philosophy is proven absurd. I would enjoy hearing about your 5D chess philosophy, which in your own words is "a genius way of comprehending the world and will let you comprehend the world in ways religions and other philosophies could not do." You also claim it will blow my mind, especially if I'm on psychedelics. I'm quite skeptical of these claims, and would enjoy to see you prove me wrong. If it were a truly revolutionary philosophy you shouldn't have to be scared about a poor resolution or the unlikelihood of it. All you're telling me is that you know other competing theories are better but this one "sounds cool and makes me feel unique and special to believe"


I do not debate in bad faith, I make crystal clear what my aims are.

Bad faith is to pretend you are there for anything other than winning and be there only to win. You cannot be openly bad faith, it doesn't work.

I have told you multiple times that I will debate in complete good faith if you remove the win vs loss aspect of it. Make it unrated and I'll explore but do I want to waste my time and effort on 30k chars per Round under time pressure on a debate so rigged against me resolution-wise? No, not really especially when I know you will play as dirty as possible to win and live in denial that you do so.


I will happily debate you.

You want a topic where you can bring multiple models of reality all wagered against simulation at once and you can fall back on them being equally probable while I need to prove simulation theory more probably than ALL at once.

That is inherently unfair and always going to favour you due to the structure of debating and limitations, that is if anyone bothers to vote on such a long and drawn out science+philosophy nerd debate.

Its also funny to note that your entire Discretionary rules are based upon the stipulative definition fallacy. Meaning the entire framework of your argument is based on illogical nonsense.


Am I really being told by the most openly bad-faith debater on the site that he's scared of my semantics games? I'm unsure what semantics games can be pulled on a simulated universe debate. The fact that you're not even opening the debate due to fear of a lack of votes shows where your priorities are. It's obviously not to challenge your own beliefs. All i see is you making excuses.

"all the top 10 debaters are scared to debate me" - RM


no, that's a huge debate and voters don't vote on that. I have had enough ties to know what I'm talking about and I already know you are a debater who has zero respect to be loyal to descriptions or agreed upon semantics, so I want a resolution/topic that's very specific and allows me to work around your trickery.


the likelihood of it in comparison to other potential metaphysical realities.


that's a huge theory with a lot to be debated, which part of it is it you want to debate?

Maybe this can be re-done with Ehyeh's main account, with this one deleted, because all that is necessary is a copy/paste of arguments.


thank you for the advice, have it shall be then. I would really like to debate your simulated universe theory, please. Lets see the sophist magic.


You can believe what you want, first learn the difference between 'have' and 'of' before lecturing me, ty.


You wouldn't of even posted that argument if my account wasn't banned. You would of just kept your kritik story going.


Whiteflame gave me a choice of keeping this one or the other one. I decided to keep this one, im not really sure why. Simply a gut feeling i suppose.

Novice, you are asking for a war.


I would have kept this account, because your record had much more potential with it. Perhaps ban your own one?


please see below my typo, I'll correct it in Round 2

" prefer you to become a transwoman then demand"

major error, I meant 'than' not 'then'.


K means attacking assumptions in the resolution/title.

Non-issue in what sense? I argue that both are challenging cisgender norms but the the transgender movement challenges it by conforming to it inversely while genderqueers completely defy the roles genuinely.

A Transman mimics male characteristics to play a man's role, similar with Transwomen and the woman's role.

What a stupid debate lol

I accept if you will accept me, they/them is a non-issue, what you mean by K in this case tho


Correct in a way, the Nazi's foremost enemy would be social democrats on balance but of course this could be argued to be socialists/communists, anarchists, humanitarians, lgbtq and their rights advocates disabled and their rights advocates, jews and their rights advocates.

The ideology clash is the key in this debate. It is a shame you were blocked or I may have successfully snared you but the voters could see that either way.


I have a different perspective on which of them is the problem but sure.

I agree here - the 72 gender they/them movement seriously convolutes the far more serious issue of transgender right - it undermines and makes a joke of some serious mental phenomenons.


So by your definition of enemy or rival movement, the NAZIs were not an enemy or rival movement of the Jews since they only genocided them and did not in fact , "render the original/other movement severely juxtaposed, hypocritical and/or critically implausible to uphold what it's actively pushing for "


You are unblocked, you can now accept the debate. Ensure you understand what you have agreed to in the description.

I am not able to accept this debate.

I assume it is not kritik to argue that global trans intolerance, fear, suicide, violence, incarceration, capitol punishment, prostitution, etc. are more fundamental "enemies" of trans folks then privileged Karens crying about pronouns.


Well, to do the debates I actually have to be at my computer, since it is significantly harder to write debate responses on mobile.

I am almost never on my computer and, when I am, I have client work, so having more than 1 or 2 debates right now takes up too much free time that I have lol.

Oromagi and I are still debating election irregularities in the 2020 election and I just started this new one.

If we wait a couple weeks then I can debate you on something! But as of right now I just don't have the time for 3 debates.


No, I am not an arrogant fool. I can lose this, I want the drop to be recoverable by beating the similar rating that beat me (or the rating to be so high the loss is lesser)


My rating is too low to accept the debate. If you lower the rating if no one accept it after tomorrow ill give it a shot.

I tweaked the term to be position/movement


It is the other movement that's the threat to the other, you have it backwards. They are reinforcing patriarchy and gender norms backwards.

To explain more would spoil my Round 1.


Try and strawman.

By the way I am with the they/them movement.


I would probably agree they/them type "gender expressions" are actually quite hard to defend and harm the trans mtf and ftm movement. Although you may struggle yourself if they take an ID perspective, which means even if they're opposites it shouldn't matter. Unless you argue an ID view of gender is nonsense? I wont take the debate, i already have a similar one going, and i get the sense you may end up being easy to strawman in this debate simply through your wording in the title, and id rather not strawman to win debates. Especially on a side i dont agree with.


Okay... There is not a limit to the debates you can do at once and if there was, it wouldn't be 1.

Though, tbh, I think this is an open and shir case for CON. But I won't explain why because that would be debate manipulation, and I also want to see RM's prowess defending a difficult position.


You JUST missed me!!

I am currently about to embark on a debate on whether Joe Biden probably has dementia.

Interesting debate here, however, I suspect the instigator will be unable to defend such a proposition, especially given the weak framework, and the burdens involved. Even considering the debaters and/or potential contenders involved, the particulars of the outcomes I theorize are not flattering.


Fancy a high rated debate clash?


Care to take a dabble?