Instigator / Pro

There are only two genders


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After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
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Two days
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Two weeks
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No information

Round 1
Biologically, gender characteristics are only assigned to the two existing genders male and female. We only find additional distinctions, some of which are not as rigid as thought. With deviations up to intersexuality. It would also be necessary to clarify terms: when normal people speak of binary, they mean the existence of two sexes. When biologists speak of binary, they mean the existence of only two positions in the distribution of these characteristics. If we now come to some of these "additional genders": Binary/non-binary (for example). - This self-proclaimed gender is based on the two biological sexes male and female. Why do the "other genders" not express themselves in sexual characteristics? Just because you don't feel like your gender - Then you should see a psychiatrist - doesn't change it.

Hey, acutally your point is wrong.

The gender spectrum is an understanding that gender is not binary, but rather a spectrum of biological, mental and emotional traits that exist along a continuum.
In contrast, the gender binary—also called gender binarism or genderism—is a belief that gender is composed of two distinct and opposite genders (women/men) in which there is not overlap.
Unfortunately for those who believe in a gender binary, it is not scientifically or medically correct. Gender can’t be binary, because it is a personal identity and is socially constructed.
Sex, which refers to one’s biological characteristics, also exists as a spectrum, because intersex people exist. A person’s sex can be female, male, or intersex—which can present as an infinite number of biological combinations.
Today, numerous scientific fields, including biology, endocrinology, physiology, genetics, neuroscience, and reproductive science, have confirmed that both sex and gender exist as a spectrum.

-- Closing Statement
When using the terms sex and gender, it is important to note that “sex” (female/male/intersex) describes biological traits. In contrast, “gender” is a broader term that reflects how a person lives within society. One’s gender identity could be woman, man, transgender, nonbinary, or an infinite number of other possibilities.
Because gender is a personal identity, is socially constructed, and has limitless possibilities, it takes no further explanation to explain why it is a spectrum.
Therefore, when people question the existence of a gender spectrum, what they are usually questioning is the existence of a sex spectrum. 
Round 2

Thank you for your answer. I deliberately brought some interjections for the argumentation first, and also deliberately used a general term for "gender". In this way I was able to determine the level of argumentation of my counterpart, so that I remain comprehensible to him in my argumentation. Now I can dissect your argumentation perfectly.

Since your argumentation focuses on the social concept of "gender", but the general concept is more comprehensive and combines both the social and the scientific, I will explain the problem to you: The majority of people (91/100 respondents in a sample survey) who assign themselves to such new kinds of gender (since 1969) cannot distinguish between the scientific and the social concept. They equate the two. Thus, in places where it is asked, they state the gender to which they feel they belong, but not which is their biological gender. Just because one does not feel that one belongs to a certain gender does not mean that the biological gender has changed. And that is exactly why I see the social view of "gender" as meaningless. - It doesn't change anything.

Today, numerous scientific fields, including biology, endocrinology, physiology, genetics, neuroscience, and reproductive science, have confirmed that both sex and gender exist as a spectrum.

For in humans, as in most animals or plants, the biological sex of an organism corresponds to "one of two distinctly different forms of reproductive anatomy that develop for the production of small or large sexual cell types - sperm or eggs, respectively - and are assigned biological functions in sexual reproduction. In humans, the reproductive anatomy at birth is clearly male or female more than 99.98% of the time."

This is what science says about the "spectrum" of the Sexus:
The function of male and female anatomy is to support reproduction through the fusion of sperm and egg. Therefore, in humans, "there is no third form of sex cell types, and therefore there is no sex 'spectrum' and no additional sexes beyond male and female. Gender is binary". Intersexuell are extremely rare and they are neither a third gender nor proof that gender is a 'spectrum' or 'social construct'.

I know that this biological statement is considered critical in today's society. However, it does not matter; society is constantly changing. Today's society in Western countries has become very effeminate: 60 years ago there were clear role models for men and women. These are softening nowadays, so that the social differences between the two sexes have become smaller. Just because role models have faded into the background, however, does not give us the ability to adopt or invent new genders. The many changes in society make them questionable. But what is fact remains fact.
Okay Gendermatico, I see you're seriously trying to break my points - but once again, you are wrong!
Let me explain why (and yup, lets talk biological gender):

reproductive anatomy at birth is clearly male or female more than 99.98% of the time
99.8% is a bottomless exaggeration. But I will admit one thing: from the outside, about 90% of all babies actually fit into a gender pigeonhole.

PRO must think smarter:
- what about the anatomy of the head? Often people are born with the body of one gender, but the head in its structures does not fit this.
- FINTAs and MINTAs do not think up a new gender in the course of their lives, but discover that something is wrong with their inner structure. the intelligent approach is to take this into account, whether it is visible from the outside or not.

The function of male and female anatomy is to support reproduction through the fusion of sperm and egg. Therefore, in humans, "there is no third form of sex cell types, and therefore there is no sex 'spectrum' and no additional sexes beyond male and female. Gender is binary".
- That is scientifically wrong.
- Just because some members of the forward-headed LGBTQIA+ is not able to reproduce is no evidence for them to not exist.
- Party, non-binary persons are actually able to reproduce:

Artificial reproduction allows the LGBTQIA+-community to theoretically increase in population and and brings them up from their biological capabilities to a common level.

... and let "facts remain facts":

Just because role models have faded into the background, however, does not give us the ability to adopt or invent new genders.
- No one "invents" new biological genders, since evolutionary mutations and adjustments to nowadays technology (referring to the European Sperm Bank and other methods of artificial reproduction) have simply put a gap between male and female.

--- Closing Statement

There are more than two genders, because:
- not being able to reproduce does not proof non-existence of a gender
(- non-binary genders can actually reproduce)
- biological mutations
- your 99.8% binary at birth is wrong (non-binary gender is often not visible from the outside. if so, many affected people feel pressured to keep that circumstance secret).

But what is fact remains fact.
Round 3