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Pedophiles should not give candy to children


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I know that as a response to this debate some people might say: "Look at him! First he was defending pedophiles, now he is criticising them. He doesnt even know what he is doing"
- Calm your tits, gentlemen. First, this is not the critique of pedophilia because candy is not the inseparable part of pedophilia. I just want to say that candy such as chocolate is harmful for childs teeth. When a pedophile looks at some documentaries about pedophilia, he will probably see how some other pedophiles gave candy to little girls and after they did that they got lucky. So a pedophile could maybe think if he gives candy to a little girl, maybe he could get lucky with her. But this is wrong. Candy is harmful for teeth. Pedophiles have a choice to give other sorts of gifts to children such as toy animals, dolls, action figures, costumes, necklaces...ect. If their relationship lasts, they maybe even buy a smartphone to a child. So surely the government can choose to conduct education about this. For example, if a pedophile follows a little girl when she is going back from school alone, the first thing he thinks of could probably be that he approaches her and offers some candy. But this is a terrible idea when it comes to dental health of children. Government needs to protect children and educate pedophiles.
This is an unrated 1 round debate. In fact, I dont expect of anyone to accept it. I just created it because I thought it was interesting to think about.


Where did I say "Pineapple juice"? And what does poisoned water(Coca Cola) have to do with chocolate?

Pineapple has 10-20 grams of sugar per 100 grams of pineapple.
Chocolate usually has 50 grams of sugar per 100 grams of chocolate.
Thats more than double.

Watermelon has less than 10 grams of sugar in 100 grams.
Banana about 10 in 100 grams.
Raspberries have less than 5 grams of sugar in 100 grams.
Strawberries also less than 5 grams of sugar in 100 grams.

So how exactly is chocolate a preferable choice as a candy compared to these natures candies?

I enjoy pineapple juice too, but it's ridiculous to say that you can't get cavities from it.


Coca Cola has 10.6 g of sugar per 100ml. Pineapple juice has 23.


I believed so too when I was a child...until I got cavities. Apparently, the toothache outweights the little pleasures that chocolate gives. Going to the dentist isnt fun either. I figured out it is better for me to have my real teeth rather than to have, well, whatever is the replacement.
Also, as I have discovered, a person can live without candy. Also, there seem to be joy in other food too. So the overall "happiness" doesnt seem to be diminished when we take out the candy. At this point, spinach to me tastes like the best thing ever. I have never enjoyed candy as much as I enjoy cooked spinach. Also, I need to mention that watermellon, pineapple, half spoiled bananas and rasberries are the real "candies" of nature. Want a candy? Have some pineapple.


Depending on your definition of child, I've been one for at least half of my life. At no point did I think I shouldn't receive candy from anyone. Since his argument is purely from a dental hygiene perspective, I fail to see how my enjoyment of candy is different from that of a child's. If anything, a child should indulge even more since they haven't gotten their adult teeth yet.


Pretty sure he is arguing that nobody should give children candy, including pedophiles.

I'm now convinced that Best.Korea is trolling

In reality, I've been lucky to have very few cavities, and I've only ever had one filling. But the fact of the matter is that people should worry a lot more about other parts of their health than dental hygiene. Your joints, lungs and kidneys are some non-exhaustive examples that are much more difficult/impossible to replace/repair.

Edit: "a [lot] more"

I think I puked a little while reading that.

Counterpoint: I fucking love candy and modern dentistry can replace my teeth as many times as my insurance will cover it.

This is HoF Misc. category nomination level obscurity here.