There are some people who seem to belive that children cannot feel pleasure from adults and that children should be considered a property. To these people we provide the greatest opposition.
This is equivalent practically to, for example, allowing all children to drive cars just because one kid can actually drive cars, or allowing all children to draft into the army just because
one strong kid is actually that rigorous. No. Letting young children join the military just because they want would leave the children dead if they are ever allowed in due to the lack of required strength.
Children should not be considered property. I agree. What I don't agree is that children are considered property just because we deny them something they don't know what the impact would be and could permanently hurt them for the sake of protecting them. No. In fact, our shift would be of more "disposable" if we just baselessly allow them to do things that could hurt them in more ways than they know and resulting in them getting hurt. I will ask Pro, again, What do you do if you allow a young girl for such deeds, and she returns hours later telling him that this feels horrible and damaging?
If Pro's approach is reliable, then any education ever, as long as it is new, would be considered abuse to the children, consider it blows their mind and gives them a new way of thinking. Pro likely would think, based on this, that we should just allow children to not go to school whenever he wants. The endproduct of such approach would result in a spoilt child, without any meaningful skill, just for the sake that they refuse to learn anything and refuse to be treated "badly". And this is as if they don't get hurt by their wild thoughts. If your kid desperately want to see live dinosaurs while not learning the event of their extinction, would you sack billions to find cloning technology?
So yeah, Pro's approach to education is likely wrong.
Children want adults, just like they want other children.
Keep in mind that this entire scenario exists only on paper as of this point and Pro has never proven such existence despite my demand. I highly suggest Pro prove the existence of this case, as I have mentioned as early as R1, or else this case will be treated no differently than a baseless one, which is what it ought to be by then.
When I see the rights of pedophilia being so violently attacked by a large group of very aggressive people, I feel the overwhelming need to act to protect those rights securing their existence from those who know not for the pity.
I guess you are talking about this.
You talk against rape, yet when pedophiles are sent to prison they are often raped and beaten, even when they didnt hurt the child.
The prison is an entirely different problem, which is just a part of a larger overall problem in prisons: Violence. As for "Rights", sure they should be kept alive and not just "executed on the spot", but what do you consider a violation of their right? We probably agree on the fact that they should not be allowed rogue on the street, grabbing whatever kid they like regardless if they want it or not. And to say it once more: Most of the kids do not want it according to statistics done in research. Those who actively want it is statistically negligible and does not even show up on the survey. To sacrifice the interests of many children just to satisfy the illusion of desire for the statistically negligible is...backwards, I would say.
Pro has not illustrated:
- The "sexual desire" is possible at a young age, or even that, is a healthy desire and should be fulfilled.
- To sacrifice the lot for the interest for a group that barely exists is a just act.
You want to stop these desires at children. Hence, you first convince yourself that these desires dont exist. Then you want to convince children in these lies. Then you want to convince me.
No, no, no. I am saying that either these desires are illusions and not genuine, or that they can suppressed. I am not saying these desires do not exist, they can feel like that, they probably just have too little information to have a more objective outlook in life, which is normal for their age. I have mentioned this earlier, Pro never refuted.
Then, comes the
delay of gratification, which is just a form of suppressing urges. Delay of gratification is vital for school-age children for the choice of doing homework and play. If there is no education attempt on delaying gratification in one's entire life, such child would:
- Never get any good grades if they find this subject unfun, because they disallow themselves to stop having fun.
- Allow themselves to get hurt in ways they did not know was possible, cases mentioned above.
- Even rape random strangers on the street every time they feel sexually motivated, and possibly get themselves hurt because almost nobody likes that.
- Eventually be a failure at life. That is what Pro wants?
So in conclusion, if I stop her from trying to have a relationship with a grown man, I am probably helping her. I am helping her to realize that the other guy was possibly just mentally ill and such a relationship will be unhealthy more likely than not, and I am teaching her to delay the gratifications, in which probably after brief explanation the girl would realize it wasn't gratification all along.
If a man is in relationship with a little girl and does nothing against her will, you should really reconsider your hatred towards the man.
I get it. You think you can't arrest someone with no clear damage. However, that just means damage has not yet emerged. Pedophiles, in the definition article provided in R1, have a tendency to abuse kids, so the faster you get the kids away from them, the better. Not arresting a local gun-carrying terrorizer for the sake they haven't fired shots is absurd, the same absurdity of not pulling over a wrecky driver for the sake they didn't hit anything. If we only act as late as possible, we might be too late, and the child might be frightened and hurt.
Opposing people like you is the sign of ultimate struggle in which I fight to give power to little girls, something which many dont understand.
You are fighting for a group you haven't shown to exist while the masses suffer. You haven't responded to anything headon to anything I have said. All you did was ad hominem and repetition of the same point which I have shown to have little impact. Please do better, you can do better.
I end my argument here.
Yeah, this is one of my best debates ever.
5 days left. Votes anyone?
Bump, this needs votes.
what the hell
No. But if you forfeit, I dont care.
This has to be satire.
After this one is over, yes.
Can we also have this debate?
You should really stop your violent hate by doing something more useful instead.
Are you even trying? Well, makes sense for such little defense for such a topic because you aren't supposed to defend it.
Dont worry. This will be excellent.
At this point I believe you are either an alt of Type1 or an alt of Wylted. Even if you are not, the fact that you believe in this shows, and this isn't what we call exactly "good".