Dogs are better pets than cats.
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 1 vote and with 5 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 2
- Time for argument
- Two days
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- Two weeks
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
No information
Round 1
Here are a few points that show dogs are better than cats for human nature:
1)Dogs don't need litter boxes. They can be house trained and most can stick to a schedule. They can use the yard or do their business during walks around the neighbourhood. You only have to pick up the poop, not the urine the way you have to do with litter boxes. And as for the poop, you can simply use poop bags on walks and a poop scooper in the yard. Cleaning up poop may not be fun, but many think it's the lesser of two necessary evils.
2)There's only so much play you can do with your cat. Many cats love to play with string toys and they'll bat their little cat ball toys around, but it's almost like they're humouring you. They can play on their own, not just with people.
Dogs absolutely love to play, and it's often interactive play that they want, especially with you. You can play fetch with a ball or a disc. You can enjoy an exciting game of tug of war . You can play chase in the yard. If your dog gets along well with other dogs, you can even set up a doggie "playdate" with another pup. Just make sure both dogs are healthy and will get along.
Dogs absolutely love to play, and it's often interactive play that they want, especially with you. You can play fetch with a ball or a disc. You can enjoy an exciting game of tug of war . You can play chase in the yard. If your dog gets along well with other dogs, you can even set up a doggie "playdate" with another pup. Just make sure both dogs are healthy and will get along.
3)When it comes to introducing new people, pets, or items to your home or moving to a new house, cats generally need more time to adapt. They don't automatically trust that all is well. They want proof first. Most dogs take their cues from their owners. If you're cool and calm when that new baby comes in your door, chances are that your dog will be, too. Of course, some might not be quite as accepting of strangers.
4)Try to control a cat and you might hear the tiny sound of kitty laughter. Most cats will go where they want to go, jump where they want to jump, scratch where they want to scratch, and mark whatever they think needs marking. Then there are those hairballs, which are most easily found when you're barefoot in the middle of the night. Yes, dogs can cause a whole lot of destruction, but you can usually crate train a dog and keep him and your home safe and secure while you're away. Most crate-trained dogs consider their crates to be their own special places. Try putting a cat in a crate or behind a closed door and you'll have one unhappy kitty. Corrective training and a stern voice can have a lot of power over a dog.
5)Okay, cats can technically be trained, but even cat lovers admit that it's not usually as easy as training a dog. Even food-motivated cats will soon tire of training sessions and walk away. Or, they'll just smack the food out of your hand and eat it anyway. In general, cats train us humans better than we could ever train them.
On the other hand, most dogs actually enjoy training. It seems to give them a sense of purpose. It's a job, and most dogs love to work. Plus, many dogs are highly motivated by food and attention. They'll gladly sit, stay, shake, lie down, and roll over in exchange for a delicious reward. Dogs seem to display a sense of pride when they've done a good job.
On the other hand, most dogs actually enjoy training. It seems to give them a sense of purpose. It's a job, and most dogs love to work. Plus, many dogs are highly motivated by food and attention. They'll gladly sit, stay, shake, lie down, and roll over in exchange for a delicious reward. Dogs seem to display a sense of pride when they've done a good job.
6)It's not in a cat's nature to defend you or your home. Cats are more likely to run and hide when faced with trouble. On the other hand, most dogs will instinctively protect their owners and their territory. They'll bark or growl to alert you to the presence of strangers, and many will even scare off intruders. Dogs can sense our fear and they'll respond if they think we feel threatened. A large dog with a loud bark may seem like the better watchdog, but small dogs are sometimes even more alert when it comes to detecting outside noises. The little ones may not be able to physically fight off intruders, but they'll certainly alert you about the danger. And many would-be intruders will avoid contact with any dog for fear of being bitten, no matter what the pup's size. No offense, kitties, but protection is not your specialty.
Resolved: Dogs are better pets than cats.
x. Defaults to con
- Pro bears the full burden for the preponderance of evidence here. I can prove that both pets are equally as good or that cats are better, regardless my goal is to negate the resolution. In addition, pro commits him/herself to argue that dogs are better than cats in all aspects with the absence of any outstanding specifications.
- I argue that cats are economically and societally more beneficial pets in terms of the harms caused by dogs etc.
c.1 Cost
- Cats are generally cheaper to own and take care of than dogs, despite living significantly longer than dogs on average.
- Cats are cleaner than dogs in almost every aspect. They leave less of a mess, they can groom themselves, etc. Unlike cats, dogs are known for chewing up things and destroying furniture.
c.2 Attachment
- It is a myth that cats don't show the same level of emotion and attachment as dogs to humans. Research from the Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences completely dispels this myth finding that cats show just as much and in cases more emotional attachment in bonding with humans than dogs, and comparable with human infants.
c.3 Harm
- Dogs cause significantly more injuries than cats. In fact, Dogs are the pets that kill the most humans, killing 25,000 people a year.
- Cats are also more environmentally friendly, they emit less than half of the carbon dioxide that dogs emit into the atmosphere.
c.4 Other
- Cats are much quieter than dogs and are the perfect pet to have if you want an affectionate companion that doesn't make incessant noise like barking.
- Biomedical sciences say otherwise. Litter training is almost instinctive for cats whereas Dogs need time in attention in order to stop messing up your house.
- This is a rebuttal from #2 to the rest. No source is provided that cats play less than dogs, or anything else for that matter so it all appears to be conjecture or speculative assumption.
It's not in a cat's nature to defend you or your home.
- Cats have called 911 to save a man's life, this is, of course, a pure act of protection. Regardless, cats can be just as protective as dogs. You have not shown evidence of Dogs being more protective than cats or that "cats are more likely to run and hide when faced with trouble," but even if it was true, I would argue that the minor benefit is negated by the risk of them turning against you and killing you as they do to thousands of people each year as shown.
Round 2
If there is one thing I know, it is that dogs are better than cats. There are many compelling reasons why you should get a dog and not get a cat to be a pet. Trust me, you will be happier if you have a dog. Dogs are man's best friend because they feel like humans feel and they will act like a best friend. They are also trusting and loyal. They like being petted and touched. They will stick with you and they will be there for you. And dogs will actually love you ‒ not like cats. Cats always want to do their own thing and don't want to have anything to do with humans. Dogs are much more fun to play with than cats. Something that dogs can do that cats can't is play with you. They like to go outside and play. You can play Frisbee with them. You can throw tennis balls with them. You can go for a jog with them. You can actually train a dog. You can teach tricks like "Sit", "Stay", "Down", "Roll Over", and "Fetch". Dogs can also learn to shake and to walk by your side. You can train a dog to be a service animal who can help disabled people. They can do things like open doors. They can guide blind people. You don't see cats helping people. Some dogs are therapy dogs. They can calm people, help people in need, and be emotional support. They can also just be a good friend as well. Dogs can be rescue dogs. There have been multiple stories in the news about dogs saving people. They can protect your home better than a cat. Say there's an intruder. Dogs can be trained to bite them. They can also have an aggressive bark which will scare the intruder away. They can be heroes. Dogs can bark to get your attention to notify you there is something wrong. They will wake you up when the house is on fire. Dogs help you get exercise. Dogs can run with you. They require you to walk them and that helps you to stay in shape. Another benefit of walking with dogs is it helps you make friends. A lot of people love dogs so whenever you walk them in a public area, people will sometimes talk to you. Cats jump on things that dogs don't ‒ like counters and computers. Also, cats are known for pushing glasses and other valuable things off counters and scratching everything. They scratch couches, pillows, mattresses ‒ anything. Dogs never do that. Dogs comfort you. They know when you're sad. Dogs will stick by your side. Dogs are happy even when you are grumpy. They listen when you talk, or at least they seem to. They will put you in a better mood. Dogs have a larger variety of body types that are all adorable! They come in more shapes and sizes. They have long or short snouts. They can either have straight or curly hair. They can be big or small. They can have perked-up or droopy ears. They can have different tails. Cats only have one main body form ‒ no matter what type of cat they are. So, with a dog, you can get whatever size and shape you want. You can even get one that doesn't cause allergies. Dogs also have different personalities. Dogs can be happy and frisky. You can get a dog that either looks like you or matches your personality. When you get a cat, you have to buy a litter box as well. If you don't clean it right away, litter boxes can start to smell. Litter boxes can also take up room. With dogs, you can take them out for a walk and let them poop on someone else's property. :)
"Cats have called 911 to save a man's life, this is, of course, a pure act of protection. Regardless, cats can be just as protective as dogs. You have not shown evidence of Dogs being more protective than cats or that "cats are more likely to run and hide when faced with trouble," but even if it was true, I would argue that the minor benefit is negated by the risk of them turning against you and killing you as they do to thousands of people each year as shown" - sure they may have but its not like all cats can do that. And Dogs are proven to trained much more easier than cats.
But at the end of all this discussion it all depends to the human being of what type of pet they want to own, if not financially stable get cat, if you are a very active person get dogs. And it all leads on to what you just want to get, it could also be related to pat experiences...
If wanted to be unique get and alligator or duck or snake or lizards etc.
But in the end some people just prefer children and think that is very much enough responsibility they can handle...
So in the end just do what your gut tells you to do.
And of course thankyou so so much to Novice_II for being my opponent and being part of this debate.😊
Thank you 😊
- The majority of my counterpoints have been dropped, and thus, in this predicament alone, it appears the debate is a forgone conclusion for the contender. Add the fact that pro mostly repeats the majority of things she says in round one and provides no evidence for us to ascertain the validity of her claims. We can effectively dismiss the collection of them as unsubstantiated expressions of opinion, which of course, is not sufficient to uphold the resolution, especially when carrying the entire burden of evidence
c.1 Cost
- Dropped
c.2 Attachment
- Dropped
c.3 Harm
- Dropped
c.4 Other
- Dropped
- I separate my rebuttals into the main areas of pro's case.
And dogs will actually love you ‒ not like cats.
- False, I already showed in c.2 that cats have just as much attachment as dogs, and in many cases, more. Research dispels the myth that they lack such thereof. They even have levels of attachment comparable to human infants.
Cats jump on things that dogs don't ‒ like counters and computers
- Extend c.1. Dogs are known to chew up and destroy furniture, so whether or not cats jump on things as often as suggested (this is not sourced) does not compare to the damage dogs do to a home, whom as I have shown are significantly dirtier and more violent.
You don't see cats helping people
- False. Cats tend to improve both mental and physical health. I already showed that cats can be just as protective as dogs and no counter evidence was presented otherwise.
But at the end of all this discussion it all depends to the human being of what type of pet they want to own, if not financially stable get cat, if you are a very active person get dogs.
- After making an entire case, pro here admits herself that the determinant of the better pet ultimately depends on human beings' experiences, situations, and presuppositional values, so pro's admission here falsifies the resolution that dogs are better pets than cats. This, voters ought to take as a concession of the debate.
And it all leads on to what you just want to get, it could also be related to pa[s]t experiences...
- See above.
- All my arguments remain drooped and this fact alone should push the resolution toward con. I argue that dogs will ultimately do more harm to people and in most respects are worse than cats.
We have a big all white cat that protects a small kitten that we just found. A neighbor's dog was trying to harasss the kitten and we heard our big cat say, "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for dogs like you. If you let my friend go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."
still 'data"
I think you mean very individual specific cases.
I already provided some data that demonstrates cats can and would prevent harm to human beings, let alone other animals.
I don't care about your personal anecdotal experiences; it is the bigger picture that is under debate here.
I too could do the exact same. It proves nothing, we need statistical data for this. A dog is more likely to defend you from a physical threat than a cat, i don't care what you say. You would need data to change my personal experience.
Cats are as compassionate and understanding as dogs. The above three links are only a few examples of cats doing heroic things for human beings.
Cats definitely are less likely to help a human than a dog. There's a reason we hunted with dogs and not cats. No one has a "guard cat". Dogs are also smarter. Get him zing!
Dogs are definitely better than cats.