Instigator / Pro

Are White People Natural-Born Racists, or Are They Taught To Be Racist?


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After 2 votes and with 11 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

Let's get straight to the point. Are white people natural-born racists or are they taught to be racist? After years of documented evidence, the facts prove that white people worldwide are natural-born racists. From school to work to sports to entertainment, systemic racism is prevalent and is practiced on a daily basis. There doesn't seem to be much proof to what made this people so morally corrupt. Whites as a race is the most criminal-minded ethnic group on the planet and there history proves it. Of course, everyone likes power are would love to have some type of power, but these people have committed the most heinous crimes to get power. Out of all the "races" on the planet, whites tend to have this weird obsession with Black people. Where does this extreme hate come from?

Whites use their system of racism to gain/maintain power via media, business, law enforcement etc., but will never admit it. They have created false history which is taught in schools and have changed the images of the people in the Bible for indoctrination and propaganda purposes. Whites have built the majority of their "empires" from unearned benefits whether it's in America or Europe, and the facts prove it. I fully believe that these folk can't live peacefully. Total separation is the solution if it's possible now days.

My stance is that whites are genetically racist, which is 100% proven, but good luck trying to prove me wrong.

Round 1
Thanks for accepting

OK so, I'm "Pro" in this debate because I can prove that white people are natural-born racists. The description can basically be used as my first argument, but I'll delve a little deeper for clarification. 

Whites are genetically racist because their history is pretty much documented even though it's really not taught. This is why there are so many whites who are complaining about critical race theory now days. Whites say that critical race theory is teaching hate. It's not teaching hate, but it is exposing a fraction of the racist crimes that have been purposely hidden...The majority of their crimes in general have been racist from colonization to genocide. These atrocities were committed by separate groups of white people across the globe who all share the same state of mind.

Moving along...I stated in the description that whites have changed the faces of the people in the Bible and have inserted themselves as the people of the Bible, which is utter ridiculous. Anyone who has studied the Bible knows that whites descend from Esau, and it's blatantly stated in the Bible that Esau has a perpetual hatred towards his brother...I'm not a Christian, Muslim etc., but we can clearly see the hatred that whites have towards Blacks since day one. This can be used to solidify my argument in terms of "whites being natural-born racists." 

Freebies & unearned benefits are white people's M.O. In addition to worldwide genocide of certain ethnic groups, whites have culturally appropriated other "races" traditions via systemic racism to receive freebies. Keyword: Systemic...If you go to any Indian Pow Wow, then all you're gonna see are white people with feathers in their hair. Yes, we all know why they're pretending...Just look at the Jewish people, which may be the most ridiculous form of cultural appropriation in history. 

From white Americans stealing land/resources to white Europeans taking land/resources: Again, The same people; The same state of mind.

Yes, we all know that slavery built America and most of Europe, but America & Europe refuses to pay the slave descendants any reparations. On the other hand, the so-called Jewish people receive billions in reparations annually. In other words, this is basically white people who are looking out for other white people. 

All of my points are backed by rock-solid facts that can't be debunked by the bravest of scholar. 

The BoP is upon mairj23 to prove whites are both genetically and naturally racist.

Genetics--the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.
natural--(of a person) born with a particular skill, quality, or ability.

My opponent states that “Whites are genetically racist because their history is pretty much documented even though it's really not taught’’
 This makes 0 sense. As I stated before genetics is the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics. My opponent must prove that white people inherited racism which is impossible. He says because history is pretty much documented when he says this I will assume he means when whites enslaved blacks. Again this doesn't prove they inherited racism furthermore not every single white person thought slavery was good as did not every white person think segregation was good. Before Whites enslaved blacks Black people were using slaves as well there slaves were black (not justifying the slave trade at all) By that logic Black people are also Genetically racist.

‘’‘This is why there are so many whites who are complaining about critical race theory nowadays'’ Again this doesn't prove anything just because there are white people complaining about critical race theory does not mean they were born a racist furthermore there are black people who complain about; are they genetically racist? “Whites say that critical race theory is teaching hate” because some white people think critical race theory is hate doesn't make them or any other white people racist. 

“It's not teaching hate, but it is exposing a fraction of the racist crimes that have been purposely hidden...The majority of their crimes in general have been racist from colonization to genocide. These atrocities were committed by separate groups of white people across the globe who all share the same state of mind.”

While I agree it's not teaching hate Other racist bigots committing hate crime against blacks isn't ANY evidence every white person is born racist. In fact the racist bigots aren't born racist either (will touch on that later).

My opponent then starts talking about how white people changed the bible.
    “Moving along...I stated in the description that whites have changed the faces of the people in the Bible and have inserted themselves as the people of the Bible, which is utter ridiculous. Anyone who has studied the Bible knows that whites descend from Esau, and it's blatantly stated in the Bible that Esau has a perpetual hatred towards his brother...I'm not a Christian, Muslim etc., but we can clearly see the hatred that whites have towards Blacks since day one. This can be used to solidify my argument in terms of "whites being natural-born racists." 

This is completely irrelevant. Again white people changing a religious doesn't make them naturally racist

“Freebies & unearned benefits are white people's M.O. In addition to worldwide genocide of certain ethnic groups, whites have culturally appropriated other "races" traditions via systemic racism to receive freebies. Keyword: Systemic...If you go to any Indian Pow Wow, then all you're gonna see are white people with feathers in their hair. Yes, we all know why they're pretending...Just look at the Jewish people, which may be the most ridiculous form of cultural appropriation in history.”

My opponent then uses systemic racism and cultural appropriation  as an argument for white people being genetically racist. I think systemic racism is real. Im white. I think systemic racism should be stopped. Am I genetically and naturally racist because of a system I'm against that I did not cause nor did most white people alive today cause; furthermore if a SYSTEM is what made you racist then you are not GENETICALLY racist. 

“From white Americans stealing land/resources to white Europeans taking land/resources: Again, The same people; The same state of mind.” My opponent is referring to colonialism. What a man or woman did hundreds of years ago is not the fault of a man or woman that is alive today.

2.People are not born racist
My opponent has provided 0 evidence they are born racist other than white people being racist.
A study showed that white babys started developing a preference for their mothers ethnicity around 3 months old (not birth) ---
Furthermore if a white baby is surrounded by only white people and one day they see  black person they may think of that black person as different and or may develop an unconscious bias however if a white baby regularly sees both black and white people in both tv shows and the real world they won't see them as different.

Round 2
First things first, my opponent must not be aware that I'm speaking in general terms because I haven't met every single white person. Con uses himself and random others to try & prove that whites aren't naturally born racists, but he fails to realize that racism is a social construct that was invented by whites. He might say that a racial-social construct doesn't equate to being a natural-born trait & he would be correct.

On the other hand,  racism wasn't a factor before people started to intermingle because everyone were living amongst themselves...The "idea" of racism came into fruition once various races began to interact from day one in some form or fashion. Sir, that's not a taught behavior.

So, where did the idea (social construct) come from? Most importantly, why did whites get the idea in the first place? Hmmm. Remember, you can't like or love someone and then genocide or enslave them. The fact is that it was whites natural hatred towards other races that ignited the fire.

I stated that, "Whites are genetically racist because their history is pretty much documented even though it's really not taught," but Con says "This makes 0 sense." Con doesn't seem to realize that the terms genetic and natural-born go hand to hand. For Example: If most of my family members are natural-born athletics then we have something that's "genetically" in common. There are families who are natural-born blondes because they share similar "genetics." Genetics play a major role in how we talk, (think) and walk. You may walk like your father or look like your mother, which is a natural-born trait. Sir, you can't just post a definition and not fully understand what the definition means in totality...Yes, white people's history proves that they're genetically racist because you've all done the same things on a global scale. Am I correct?... And're crimes against humanity isn't taught in school. 

Con is so busy trying to prove me wrong to where he's actually proving me to be right. Con says "because some white people think critical race theory is hate doesn't make them or any other white people racist." My reply: So, it's ok to teach white achievements but it's not ok to teach white crimes. So, it's ok to teach about C. Columbus & celebrate a fake holiday (Thanksgiving) that never existed, but It's not ok to teach that Columbus was a murderer, rapist, etc?...If that isn't racism then what is?"

Con says "This is completely irrelevant. Again white people changing a religious doesn't make them naturally racist. Pro is referring to colonialism. What a man or woman did hundreds of years ago is not the fault of a man or woman that is alive today."...My opponent doesn't understand how indoctrination works and how it's used. Sir, the Bible was actually a main component that was used during colonialism? Ever heard of the Slave Bible & how it was used?

The global racism of whites from day one of interacting with other races have a genetic link & I've easily proved it...I'm fully aware that you didn't speak on a few topics that was presented just so you know.

My opponent has ignored the BoP and has not proved people are born racist
Notice he ignores my study that showed they started developing a preference around 3 months.

When a child is born they know nothing about race or skin color or religion.

You did not start hating white people when you born you started hating them when you learned about things white people did in the PAST not when u were born.

Hitler is another great example; when he was born he didn't hate jews he didn't even know what that was. But because of his surroundings and who he met and what he read he developed a hate for them this is factually true he wrote a whole book about it.

during segregation White people were taught that black people were animals and inhumane; this is factually correct any denying this would be denying history.

2. rebuttals
"On the other hand,  racism wasn't a factor before people started to intermingle because everyone were living amongst themselves...The "idea" of racism came into fruition once various races began to interact from day one in some form or fashion. Sir, that's not a taught behavior." My opponent has
0 evidence of this and clearly does not know anything about history at all!
Slavery did not begin with europe it began 9,000 years ago in mesopotamia. Countries had been doing slavery for thousands of years. And again my opponent ignored the fact that black people were enslaving each other before europe. (though what happened is still totally unjustified). Does this make black people genetically racist? Your own logic eats itself.

"So, where did the idea (social construct) come from? Most importantly, why did whites get the idea in the first place? Hmmm. Remember, you can't like or love someone and then genocide or enslave them. The fact is that it was whites natural hatred towards other races that ignited the fire." Again my oppoent has no evidence of this.

I stated that, "Whites are genetically racist because their history is pretty much documented even though it's really not taught," but Con says "This makes 0 sense." Con doesn't seem to realize that the terms genetic and natural-born go hand to hand. For Example: If most of my family members are natural-born athletics then we have something that's "genetically" in common. There are families who are natural-born blondes because they share similar "genetics." Genetics play a major role in how we talk, (think) and walk. You may walk like your father or look like your mother, which is a natural-born trait. Sir, you can't just post a definition and not fully understand what the definition means in totality...Yes, white people's history proves that they're genetically racist because you've all done the same things on a global scale. Am I correct?... And're crimes against humanity isn't taught in school. " My opponent clearly doesnt realize history and genetics are completely different; because this happened in history by this racial group or ethnic group doesn't mean everyone from that racial or ethnic group is racist. Thats like saying because the germans did the holocaust germans are naturally ant-semitic. My opponent clearly has a toddlers understanding of genetics. while you can inherent personality traits you CANNOT inherent beliefs. Racism is the belief that different races possess different characteristics.

My opponent also says in the description  "Whites use their system of racism to gain/maintain power via media, business, law enforcement etc., but will never admit it. They have created false history which is taught in schools and have changed the images of the people in the Bible for indoctrination and propaganda purposes. Whites have built the majority of their "empires" from unearned benefits whether it's in America or Europe, and the facts prove it. I fully believe that these folk can't live peacefully. Total separation is the solution if it's possible now days." This is not an argument at all. Because there is a system that helps white people more doesn't make white people GENETICALLY racist at all.

He then starts rambling about columbus and white people changing the bible. He then proves me right when talking about columbus " So, it's ok to teach about C. Columbus & celebrate a fake holiday (Thanksgiving) that never existed, but It's not ok to teach that Columbus was a murderer, rapist, etc?...If that isn't racism then what is?" This proves exactly what i'm saying people being taught that columbus was a great person and discovered america first has NOTHING to do with genetics but with what you are taught! same thing goes with the bible! My opponent has basically conceded.

Round 3
My opponent keeps saying that I have ignored BoP and have ignored the study, which is false. Con's link goes to a "404 URL Not Found" page.  I gave solid proof that whites are born with hatred for other races. I've given documented examples to backup my claims. Once again, "When races started traveling around the globe and interacting with other races, genocide by the white race was inflicted."  I also stated that "you can like/love someone, and then genocide/enslave them." Did I not say that? It's not rocket science to figure out that it was "hate" which dealt these people's fate. 

The definition of hate is "intense or passionate dislike."... I'll ask a few simple questions below.
1. What happened to the Aborigines in Australia?
2. What happened to the Natives in America?
3. What did King Leopold do in Africa?

Since whites weren't taught about these people or never even knew these people even existed until interacting with them, was it love or hate that caused their demise?

Now, how is white racism a taught behavior since whites never new these other races even existed until invading their land & interacting with them? Wouldn't that be considered natural-born hate to kill people for no reason that you've recently encountered? Con keeps mentioning slavery, but I've rarely mentioned it, so that part of his argument is invalid. By the way, African slavery was different from Chattel slavery.

My opponent says that the definition of genetics is "the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics. natural--(of a person) born with a particular skill, quality, or ability."...My reply: There are two words in this definition that proves my point perfectly and it's "heredity & natural". Con's very own definition is decapitating him...If you inherit a trait from your parents, then the trait will fall under the term natural-born because you're born with it. People can inherit eye color, athleticism as well as behavior.

May I ask, Is hate not a behavior?...................................... I'll wait

Con uses Hitler & the Jews as an example and says "he didn't hate jews he didn't even know what that was. But because of his surroundings and who he met and what he read he developed a hate for them this." My reply" Thank you for proving my point yet again because Hitler and Jewish people are (((white.))) Natural-born hatred doesn't apply here because this is basically white-on-white crime. As I've stated many times before, Jewish isn't a race, it's a religion. There's a reason the "ish" suffix was added, but I digress.

Con says "during segregation White people were taught that black people were animals and inhumane; this is factually correct any denying this would be denying history." My reply: I'm not denying what was taught. I'm simply proving what you're born with. On the other hand, documented history tells us that whites were savages who were war mad & practiced beastiality, but you don't see Black people going around hating whites after (learning) this information do you?

In closing, the remaining areas of Con's argument speaks about slavery, systemic racism, the omission of white crimes from history books, the taking of land etc. On the other, there's one common denominator that has participated and is participating in these situations till this very day and it is the (inherited racism) of white people, which is a natural-born trait.

First of all please note PRO has ignored most of my points and continued ignoring the study that showed they grew a preference for their mothers skin color at 3 months old. not birth.

Again hasn't proved the BoP and is only using history as evidence for GENETICS

the other link my opponent works fine. anyone can try it

Now rebuttals

"Now, how is white racism a taught behavior since whites never new these other races even existed until invading their land & interacting with them? Wouldn't that be considered natural-born hate to kill people for no reason that you've recently encountered? Con keeps mentioning slavery, but I've rarely mentioned it, so that part of his argument is invalid. By the way, African slavery was different from Chattel slavery."

First of all SOME people who thought had never seen a native or a black person thought because they were different they were monsters just like the natives thought they were ghosts because of their white skin. If someone has seen others who are the same as him his whole life and then sees people who are diffrent hes gonna think they are unordinary. NOTHING TO DO WITH GENETICS
My opponent has stuck to history as an argument so basically what hes saying is ; White man did this all white man bad because of errrr.... GENETICS! My opponent has provided 0 proof that columbus or whoever else enslaved people because of genetics and untill he does his argument is invalid.

" There are two words in this definition that proves my point perfectly and it's "heredity & natural". Con's very own definition is decapitating him...If you inherit a trait from your parents, then the trait will fall under the term natural-born because you're born with it. People can inherit eye color, athleticism as well as behavior."

Again racism is a belief you cant inheret belief thats impossible you can only learn a belief this debate is not about whether you inherit behaviors but about whether you inherit racism.

Also read this it explains that inheriting behavior is complicated and not just because of genetics but also environment.

"Con uses Hitler & the Jews as an example and says "he didn't hate jews he didn't even know what that was. But because of his surroundings and who he met and what he read he developed a hate for them this." My reply" Thank you for proving my point yet again because Hitler and Jewish people are (((white.))) Natural-born hatred doesn't apply here because this is basically white-on-white crime. As I've stated many times before, Jewish isn't a race, it's a religion. There's a reason the "ish" suffix was added, but I digress." You said jewish isnt a race.....   regardless if it isnt the point still remains and the same thing can be applied for race; notice how he ignores my example of him.

"Con says "during segregation White people were taught that black people were animals and inhumane; this is factually correct any denying this would be denying history." My reply: I'm not denying what was taught. I'm simply proving what you're born with. On the other hand, documented history tells us that whites were savages who were war mad & practiced beastiality, but you don't see Black people going around hating whites after (learning) this information do you?"

You haven't proved there born with racism once you have only stuck to history as evidence. You also seem to think every white person thought other races were monsters that's dumb and not a fact. Black people don't go around hating white people after learning this information because they understand its history and happened in the past.

Round 4
In conclusion,

My arguments are factual and can't be disputed. I've shutdown every argument that my opponent has made, so there's no need for a final argument. On the other hand, I did mention in comment section that there's a method to the madness. First and foremost, I participated in these debates for a reason. 

Over the course of a year, I've been creating real-world topics to debate with people of other races, which is why the actual topics were so straight-forward/blunt. As stated in a previous debate months ago, I'm a professional writer that work for various publications. I've actually been collecting data and doing research on the psychological mind of white people and how they/you think. The information from these debates will be used for an up-and-coming project that will air on one of the Discovery network channels in the future. 

I've used the information from these debates and have combined them into somewhat of a thesis. Even though I have access to everyone's real name, legal purposes will only allow me to use screenshots of the avatars from the debates and comment section.  Some guy in the comments mentioned that I tend to go missing every few months, and he's right. Yes, it takes time putting together a project.

I want to say thanks to everyone for their time, and I will give an update to if and when the program will air if you're interested. 

This is my swan song in a sense, and I truly enjoyed "flamming" you guys with the truth...As the old saying goes, "The truth hurts."

I wont  make any more rebuttals since i don't need to my opponent didn't make any arguments and apparently hes doing some experiment i have rebutted all his previous arguments vote con.