Instigator / Con

Debate With Friend: Video Games improve useful skills.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 4 votes and with 19 points ahead, the winner is...

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Voting period
One month
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Contender / Pro

Games: Online/Offline Activities that cause fun and happiness.
We're focusing on Online games, such as Fortnite, Minecraft, Overwatch, etc.
Little Private Debate for Fun.

Round 1
Hello PRO, and welcome to DebateArt!!!

My position in this debate is to prove that video games do NOT improve useful skills. 


PRO: Has to prove with sufficient evidence that Video Games improve skills that could be useful later on in life. 
CON: Has to prove with sufficient evidence that Video Games don't improve skills that could be useful later on in life. 

BoP (Burden Of Proof) is shared between both people. 


Video Games: A game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display. (Credit: Oxford Languages)

Skills: The ability to do something well; expertise. (Credit: Oxford Languages

1st Argument: Mental

For my 1st Argument, I will be drawing facts from this website:  10 Negative Effects of Video Games | Healthy Gamer

Video Games can cause serious amounts of damage to both your mental and physical qualities, when in unhealthy amounts. They can cause things like addiction, reduced motivation and social disconnection. One relatable problem is toxic communities. 

From my personal experience of games, toxicity is a very widespread problem. All about, there's people being toxic and sending death threats and what not. That can do more bad than good. 

Another dangerous thing is dopamine addiction:

The reward circuitry in your brain is one of the reasons video games are fun. Your brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which regulates the feeling of pleasure from video games. When dopamine activity happens in the nucleus accumbens, the pleasure center of your brains, you feel joy. 
When you play video games, your brain releases a constant dopamine supply, with occasional random bursts. Over time, your brain gets used to this steady supply of dopamine, and the nucleus accumbens requires even more dopamine release for gaming to feel fun. That prevents you from enjoying anything that is not as stimulating as a video game.
Not being able to experience fun from anything other than gaming is dangerous, and it will lead to even more gaming addiction. Eventually, it will spiral into a video game collapse, which prevents video games from being fun, since your brain so used to so much dopamine. Not being able to experience fun can lead to either potential suicide or depression. 

Argument 2: Eyes

Screen time is a dangerous thing, when used in excess amounts. It affects your eyes, as shown via this link: 
Still, too much time with digital devices can cause problems. Digital eyestrain often leads to dry eyes and puts an extra burden on the muscles that help the eye focus. Also, the eyes do not blink as frequently when looking at digital devices, which causes faster disruption and evaporation of the film of tears that protects the surface of the eye. That can cause minor eye irritations such as burning and stinging.
As a glasses wearer, I can say that this is true. My eyes do sting when exposed to too much screen time, but I'm in the process of healing. Still, be careful, screen time is dangerous.


Too much time with video games will cause a massive negative impact on your health. 

I wish you luck CON!!
ahh yes see games don't hurt you or anything playing Minecraft is just is to find a way to survive like how to survive and the same for other games.

ok bye ty 
regards pro

Round 2
Hello, PRO


My position in this debate is to prove that video games do NOT improve useful skills. 


PRO: Has to prove with sufficient evidence that Video Games improve skills that could be useful later on in life. 
CON: Has to prove with sufficient evidence that Video Games don't improve skills that could be useful later on in life. 

BoP (Burden Of Proof) is shared between both people. 


Video Games: A game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display. (Credit: Oxford Languages)

Skills: The ability to do something well; expertise. (Credit: Oxford Languages

Useful: Able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways. (Credit: Oxford Languages) 


PRO has posted an argument with no regard to the framework. As you can see from the framework, PRO's responsibility was to disprove my argument and set up his own. 


PRO has provided no evidence or proof that Video Games enhance useful skills, and has only made one argument unrelated to PRO's necessary thesis. Therefore, my argument holds.

Video Games don't hurt you. 

As I have written, with proof, in my last argument: 
Another dangerous thing is dopamine addiction:

The reward circuitry in your brain is one of the reasons video games are fun. Your brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which regulates the feeling of pleasure from video games. When dopamine activity happens in the nucleus accumbens, the pleasure center of your brains, you feel joy. 
When you play video games, your brain releases a constant dopamine supply, with occasional random bursts. Over time, your brain gets used to this steady supply of dopamine, and the nucleus accumbens requires even more dopamine release for gaming to feel fun. That prevents you from enjoying anything that is not as stimulating as a video game.
PRO has not disproven the argument, or even acknowledged it. So, again, my argument holds. \


PRO argues the fact that games, such as Minecraft, don't contain violence and teach you how to survive. 


Even though Minecraft teaches you how to survive, these skills are not exactly under the definition of "useful" above. We're past the point where we need to learn to survive, we are already well-established in that. So, I rebut PRO's one argument. 


PRO has dropped these arguments:
  • Dopamine Addiction
  • Eye Damage
  • Toxicity
  • Social Isolation
PRO's one argument was rebutted:

  • Games teach you how to survive.  
So, the resolution that video games are bad for you upholds. 

hello yeah you had a very very good point but I ma  1 up you, there down below all research ;

Some studies have indeed shown certain video games can improve hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and the mind's ability to process information. But too much video game playing may cause problems. It's hard to get enough active play and exercise if you're always inside playing video games

Here are six surprising benefits of playing video games.
  • Reading. Studies show that kids who play video games may get a small boost to their reading skills. ...
  • Visual-spatial skills. ...
  • Problem-solving. ...
  • Social connections. ...
  • Imaginative play and creativity. ...
  • Video gaming careers.

Why Video Games Can Be Good for Your Brain and Body

Video games can improve reaction time, attention, and short-term memory in older adults, research shows

In layman's terms, playing video games directly affects and impacts regions of the brain responsible for memory, spatial orientation, information organizations, and fine motor skills. The study also reinforces the claim that, like exercise, playing games for 2-3 hours or less a day, can improve your life.

A study conducted by Gnambs et al. found that while playing video games can result in a tiny hit to school performance, they don't affect a child's intelligence. According to some preliminary research, strategy games can increase older adults' brain functions, and perhaps even protect against dementia and Alzheimer's.

A study conducted by Gnambs et al. found that while playing video games can result in a tiny hit to school performance, they don't affect a child's intelligence. According to some preliminary research, strategy games can increase older adults' brain functions, and perhaps even protect against dementia and Alzheimer's.

We believe Minecraft can help your brain. One of the Glasgow University study researchers also believes this and made the following statement to the Daily Mail newspaper: “Playing commercial video games can positively affect communication ability, adaptability, and resourcefulness.

Is Minecraft violent? ... The level of violence in Minecraft is optional and easily changed in the settings, with the level of difficulty dictating how many monsters generate into the world, if at all. If you do not want any monsters or enemies appearing in your game, simply set the difficulty to 'Peaceful'.

Minecraft is one of the best video games for learning. ... Often referred to as a “sandbox” game, Minecraft is an open video game, where players can roam freely as they wish, or complete objectives in the game. It's a digital interactive playground. This is what makes it both great for learning, and captivating.

The main things parents should be concerned about are the quality of the multiplayer servers and how well moderated they are. The parent should spend a few hours playing on the server and studying the server's website before allowing a child younger than 12 to play on it.

As far as non-violent, educational games go, Minecraft is arguably one of the best. It can teach kids the fundamentals of programming skills, teamwork, problem-solving, project management, and offers a fantastic environment to foster creativity and “out of the box” thinking.

Minecraft offers that as it combines a fun game they love, with a gentle introduction to coding functionality. ... Because of the relative simplicity of Minecraft as a game, learning how to modify it is a good stepping stone to learning to manipulate and create code for other games and programs.

The Minecraft Script Engine uses the JavaScript language that kids can learn a mod.

Neuroscientists should think twice before getting patients to play video games as a way to boost their brainpower, a new study conducted at Université de Montréal suggests. Because in many cases, gaming can do more harm than good.

thank you -pro
Round 3
Thank You PRO, 

At first I admired the speed of PRO's ability to improve, but I realized it was a little TOO fast. 

I called PRO out on plagiarizing a web page for his argument, and PRO admitted to it!! This will definitely affect votes, but nevertheless, I will rebut this argument. 

Reminder of Framework: 

PRO: Has to prove with sufficient evidence that Video Games improve skills that could be useful later on in life. 
CON: Has to prove with sufficient evidence that Video Games don't improve skills that could be useful later on in life. 

BoP (Burden Of Proof) is shared between both people. 


Video Games: A game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display. (Credit: Oxford Languages)

Skills: The ability to do something well; expertise. (Credit: Oxford Languages

Useful:  Able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways. (Credit: Oxford Languages) 


  • Reading. Studies show that kids who play video games may get a small boost to their reading skills. ...
  • Visual-spatial skills. 
  • Problem-solving. 
  • Social connections. 
  • Imaginative play and creativity. 
  • Video gaming careers.
READING, Visual-Spatial Skills and Problem Solving. 
While playing video games may improve these skills, it's definitely not certain. These skills can easily be improved through practice and time, which is much more effective than playing video games. 

Social Connections: 

While Video Games can form friendships in good cases, most people are actually often damaged through video games via their social connections.

Video Gaming Careers: 

This might work for a few lucky people, however most people will often be crushed by defeat, hopelessness, and poverty. 

I'm going to drop the rest of the arguments, due to an (I'm assuming) accidental concede by PRO,  through this quote: 
Neuroscientists should think twice before getting patients to play video games as a way to boost their brainpower, a new study conducted at Université de Montréal suggests. Because in many cases, gaming can do more harm than good.
This statement leads to an concede, as PRO is admitting gaming can do more harm than good. So, I will be dropping arguments, and waiting for PRO's response to this. 

ok I made a mistake and right yes but no so we have to make peace here because it is ok to play it does help but for too long it is not good so I call peace here but with a fact

Some studies have indeed shown certain video games can improve hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and the mind's ability to process information. But too much video game playing may cause problems. ... And kids who play violent video games might act more aggressively. 

there ok so its been good with this were done and pls vote for anyone and pls vote for me if you play games and you support it but like only less than 3 hours so yeah and vote for @deadfire if you hate games and people who play it but I and deadfire are good friends and we play together 

thanks, regards pro