RESOLUTION: My Friends Talking Trash About Me in the Restroom; I Should (Nonchalantly) Walk Out of the Stall
My opponent has insisted on presenting a singular narrative regarding the hypothetical presented in the resolution, furthermore, note that my opponent is quite vague regarding the resolution itself. My opponent essentially argues - point-blank - that not facing your bullies is "cowardice", that if you don't try to present some narrative of "okay-ness" that you wouldn't report the behavior to teachers. I am here to systematically dismantle that position.
The nterpretation is quite obvious, an individual (Me) is in a stall in the restroom, presumably to use it, and overhears his friends talking about him trashily - and that his response OUGHT (should) be to leave the stall nonchalantly
- The extent of the resolution is to leave the stall, any further action asserted by pro that ought to be done by the individual is inherently untopical as it falls outside of the resolution (topicality is an a-priori issue)
- The adjective "nonchalantly" is of vital importance to the debate, if the adjective is found to be inadequate for what the individual ought to do, then my opponent has failed to uphold their burden of proof.
- Inner Guide
My opponent and i would most likely agree on the following proposition: One ought to avoid pain which does not result in greater pleasure
- Humans ought to avoid pain that is not resultant in greater pleasure
- Confronting said "friends" from the resolution would result in pain without any greater pleasure
- Therefore, Humans ought not confront said friends from the referenced resolution
The first premise is demonstrated quite conclusively, and the conclusion is a logical necessity given the two prior arguments truth. To demonstrate such a claim it would be relevant to be clear - by "confront" I mean bring awareness to the bullies that you are there. It is quite clear that IF you present yourself to the "bullies" in question, THEN one of two things will happen. The bullies will drop the bullying, or they will continue on moreso. The second is much more likely given their manipulative qualities- they are quantified in the resolution as "friends", clearly, they aren't going to be discouraged by your presence. Therefore, in order to avoid MORE BULLYING and thereby more pain, one ought to avoid detection.
Recalling C1 syllogism as well as the argument itself, I present another perspective from which the individual ought not leave the stall.
Regarding confronting stress, addiction, trauma, anything - it is well documented that not rushing an individual is key in helping someone recover or cope. The same applies to bullying, forcing someone to confront bullies - especially bullies that you previously thought were friends - can be extremely distressing depending on that individual's prior condition, there is no harm in waiting for help.
REBUTTALS will be presented in round 2
Not a clue. He was apparently last online 7 hours ago.
Any idea what happened? Edge usually isn’t the type to forfeit two rounds in a row.
probably watching with horror
"taking a full 30 seconds to wash my hands"
What are your friends doing in the bathroom?
I understand. I'll keep that in mind.
That is revenge then, which I didn't say was important. Payback and retribution are revenge, it's just semantics.
I said that when your bully dominates you by breaking the rules, you need to use the rules to defend yourself. It's not a coward move.
Well, as much as I'd like to appreciate extremely useful advice (especially since your advice is without strings), I am very comfortable where I am. My experiences with bullies occurred in highschool, not college. Had I known that this website existed during my highschool years, I would have wholeheartedly accepted your advice. I forgot to mention that my bully is currently washing cars for a living while I study abroad at a reasonably prominent college/university. Sure, the damage to my high school life was severe; I was incapable of social interaction for a time but nothing defeats the feeling of being superior over your bully in terms of life achievements. That's not to say I'm not interested in revenge. Philosophically, i believe in retributive justice and I am personally looking for payback.
Never ever let anyone treat you like a bitch for too long, too severely. You have ways out almost always, get them caught, be smart.
Being a snitch is an underrated overly mocked tactic.
Bait your bullies into bullying you in front of witnesses who will be honest or authority figures and they're fucked when and if they go too far (such as the toilet incident).
Keep a diary/record of all the incidents, don't run to the teacher or campus leader or whatever immediately. Bide your time, wait for them to go too far and they won't touch you again unless they want to risk expulsion.
This doesn't work in super, extreme rough schools but in those places, you indeed can't avoid being bullied and instead need to strategise so your bullies find others easier to pick on.
Well, the debate went slightly technical there. On a non-philosophical note, I do agree that confrontation is somewhat better. Personally, I went "pacifist" with my bullies and I remember sensitive details about being locked in the toilet stall. It was not a good way to experience life. In all circumstances, I think you should always confront and fight your bullies.
"p1 Humans ought to avoid pain that is not resultant in greater pleasure
p2 Confronting said "friends" from the resolution would result in pain without any greater pleasure
p3 Therefore, Humans ought not confront said friends from the referenced resolution"
On an unrelated note...
p1 Humans ought to maximise pleasure (well being)
p2. Certain actions do not maximise pleasure (well being)
c1. Therefore, humans ought not to do certain things.
Objective morality, incase you didn't get the memo. Thoughts?
"You talking shit behind my back? That really pisses me off." Exclaims Undefeatable while exiting the cubicle.
"You caught us red handed but we caught you with your pants down." Say the fake friends while fist bumping.
Oh friend, no - oh friend the mistake - I will be using sources, lol
There are certain facts that ought to be established, lol