First off, as a BotW fan and a former Fortnite hater, I am obviously playing devil's advocate here, as I believe that this will give me a good challenge arguing a stand I do not hold.
I will use GI as Genshin Impact, and FT as Fortnite in this argument. BotW is Breath of the Wild, a game that inspired GI and comparisons will be made throughout the debate.
Unsupported points of Pro:
- GI is more fun than BotW
- GI has enjoyable characters
- The fact GI has hours of gameplay makes it good
- The future updates of GI will make it more fun
- FT is frustrating and bad
Argument: Ratings of the Internet
Playing Hours
According to the same site, FT has over 70 hours of gameplay at just the basic route[1]. Which one is better, huh? It is either that my opponent accept FT is the better one or he will drop this unsupported "More hours = better" thing because there is no offered correlation. Mostly the atter.
According to Metacritic, there is close to zero differences to GI and FT, with the former being 84[2a] and the latter 85[2b]. FT is still slightly better at the eyes of the metacritic. FT also has the top rating of the two, with some dude(or girl, or even nonbinary person) commenting that it deserves a 96%, while GI has only 93%.
These are game-playing professionals. The professionals show rather that GI is not better than FT.
I generally disregard comments made by the average players, especially on FT, because apparently they leave a 0% and say random BS like "Don't say it is bad in school, you will get bullied", etc.
Another video-game organization! This time, FT is 9.6/10[3a] and GI is 9/10[3b]. Based on the logic of "higher number is better", we can see which one is better for them.
FT is rated as an 8[4a] while GI is rated as a 7[4b].
Argument: Better customizations
While GI wants you to buy stuff unnecessary to the game, Fortnite also makes you buy stuff unrelated to the completion to the game(In fact, it may even be "worse" to the survival of the player as it is more flashy in a hide-and-seek game). The differences are that FT has Much more choice to offer for the player. This here is just maybe everything Fortnite has to offer to the players[5]. Can GI match even 1/5 of that?
Sure, people can say that the decals and the dances are silly, but the popularity of those items would scream otherwise.
The characters are essentially and relatively more "able-bodied" than they are in GI. In GI, you would need to switch characters to use a bow! This is compared to in FT where everyone can do the same things, built wood planks and destroy them because they can. The fact I need to switch characters just to do something is absurd, and it is better to make everyone to do the same thing, or better, just make a jack-of-all trades like Link in BotW!
Eventually, you would only use a part of the entire roster in Genshin Impact, leaving a whole bunch of characters clogged in your possession and useless for their own sakes.
Argument: So that is why Fortnite is more "fun"?
According to a source[6], Genshin Impact literally becomes boring after the main quests become completed. Collecting resin becomes unfun after some time and it is the thing blocking you from HAVING REWARDS. To exaggerate, this is LITERALLY EA. Some chests require 60 resins just to open and you can only hold 120 resins per day. Essentially, what comes is money, and you would probably spend money at one point of time because you want to OPEN A SINGLE CHEST. Guys, this is the complete opposite motive to FT's money-making system, as FT wants you to look cool and things that cost money to buy would grant you stuff, boosting your ego. In GI, dollars and cents aren't even directly contributional to something you can make yourself look cool, instead it is just some requirement to OPEN CHESTS, which would make you just want to get it over with.
Fortnite is more addicting and those who interrupt their life to play it, it is their fault, not the game's. A game is better when no matter how you play it it remains interesting, compared to when it quickly becomes boring after 43 hours.
Also, Genshin impact is only available on PC, so good luck when your gaming rig consists of a PS5, Xbox and a Switch. The gaming platforms are narrowed, and so is the community, obviously.
In the end, I would rather play a game more unpredictable so that every game could keep the fun-ness it has, than a game that isn't even fully complete and requires your wealth just to open a chest.
- The general consensus of video game experts(Metacritic, IGN, Gamespot) concludes that Fortnite is slightly better than Genshin Impact
- The roster of Fortnite is more interesting, consisting of more interesting stuff and more cultural references with the same abilities, while the roster of Genshin Impact isn't even "able-bodied" to the standard of the average game as you would need to switch to another character to use a bow!
- The resin system makes Genshin Impact uninteresting after 43 hours because you need resin to open a chest with no reasonable means relating to the plot.
- The fact Fortnite is unpredictable keeps the game fun, and it doesn't become boring because it doesn't have anything like the resin system that is just annoying to deal with. Fortnite purchases make the players think they look cool, instead of just a nuisance.
- Genshin Impact is available only on PC, while Fortnite is available on PC, Xbox, Playstation, and Switch.
For shared BoP I suggest also writing out the competing resolutions... This would also preemptively counter the boring K that better is subjective.