The term "All lives matter" is better than the term "Black lives matter" when it comes to battling racism
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
After 2 votes and with 8 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 3
- Time for argument
- One week
- Max argument characters
- 6,900
- Voting period
- Two weeks
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
You should know what “all lives matter” is.
BOP is shared. As a result, “pro did not prove what he is supposed to prove” is not to be counted as an actual argument. Con must be able to provide that BLM is the better term.
Essentially the debate boiled down to this:
Pro: The literal definition of ALM is something which is more inclusive than BLM and is therefore better at battling racism
Con: Regardless of the literal definition the way it is most commonly used it racist, therefore the nonracist slogan works better at battling racism
Pro does not actually really attack the fact that ALM's reputation is more racist, simply dismissing the case as it is a misinterpretation of the term. However, in a debate such as this, "Which would be more effective at battling racism" one should weigh the impacts heavily.
It is simply not true that BLM carries a more racist reputation than ALM, and would therefore be better at battling racism, as Con's list of sources proves.
As I have previously mentioned - impacts are important here, and the fact that Con consistently provides sources to back up their impacts is very effective at earning the point. Combine this with the fact that pro stopped providing sources to reinforce their point after round 1, and the source point easily goes to con.
BS&G: Both debaters are adequate in this regard, tie.
Conduct: Both debaters are adequate in this regard, tie.
If this was I can I BB, Pro would definitely have won (with Chinese people unaware of what the terms truly mean). However Con displayed that ALM at its current situation stains the very nature of BLM which asserts that minorities are discriminated against and matter at the end. Pro showed that ALM is more inclusive, but did not connect the ideas together for full impact (i.e., what is formed from ALM? Because Bearman says BLM fights for the problems shown in society, while ALM is a generic coverage that doesn't point out where the problem is; you have to look for it). If it were me, I would have stressed how the unity of humanity as a whole is far more powerful than the unity of a minority, regardless of staining BLM.
Also pro, I don’t buy your context. If you could’ve proved the future being better (ex. my time travel debate context, where you could also prevent Indians Spanish and Chinese from being discriminated against) then I would’ve tossed you the vote. Sadly your argument falls apart because you didn’t notice that ALM supporters criticize BLM
They ultimately mean the same thing is essence. This is simply a terminology debate where it's a losing argument for PRO. I would say a good debate is saying whether All Cops Are Bastards is a flawed statement because it inherently is.
What about Chocolate Lives Matter?
There is
1) Dark Chocolate
2) Milk Chocolate
3) white chocolate
I trust you to vote not biased, but if you feel that you can't, then don't vote.
Well yes. I am living in China so there is no point.
If you are wishing there are marxist movements in your country, then I’m afraid you aren’t familiar with Marxism.
"BLM is a marxist movement"
Bruh I wish. If they get any real work done as a community I am fine with that too. They are not even marxists. Fine motive, terrible action.
Terrorists: destroy stuff to intimidate people to achieve political ends. Had more riot damage than there is annual damage from all tornados. The leader of the "Greater New York Black Lives Matter" said: “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation,”
Sounds like a threat of violence for political ends to me.
BLM is a semi-organized movement. There are leaders who organize large crowds, they have a website, etc.
Communists: Co-founder Patrisse Cullors described herself and fellow co-leader Alicia Garza as "trained marxists". In a now-deleted "about us" page that was up for months(or years, not sure how long before I saw it), they described their desire to disrupt(destroy) the nuclear family and replace it with communal parenting.
That is where I am getting: communist, terrorist movement. Perhaps I should have used the word "Marxist instead", my bad.
I am not saying all of the naive crackas marching with them know about these goals of the group or are Marxists themselves, but the overall leadership of the organization is.
"Because BLM are communist terrorist"
Like I am genuinely confused.... .I suppose if you over inflate how many riots happened.... and presumed BLM was an organized movement..... and presumed that they were communist (is working for working equality in a capitalist nation - hmmm... i wonder if they're communist)
Because BLM are communist terrorists....
I guess I’ll do my darndest
Why would you be biased, just vote fairly
I'll see what I can do, got a couple of debates to vote on before this one.
I feel like I would be too biased for a fair vote lmao
I just see "expert in critical race theory" and "PhD race issues" and my gut reaction is to completely disregard everything they say
Yeah sure
they might do some weird variation, like, a humanoid alien with equal intelligence tries to go into our society. Should we accept them as equals?
To be fair, the Chinese media probably wouldn't air this resolution.
I love how accurate that is, needless to say, I plan on trying to be as objective as possible while I vote. I'll go off of the arguments presented here, and which is more logically consistent and all.
I am just tagging the voters I generally always tag
i see intelligence is targeting conservative voters and bear is targeting liberal
such bias
I'll add it to the list
Ping RM again.
Vote plz.
[3] , , ,
this will def interest you
I'm usually comfortable within the 10 thousand limit.
Thankfully I didn't put the character count up to 30,000.
Thankfully I didn't put the character count up to 30,000.
Sorry for the blocks of text. This is the best debate I will have in a long time, so I'm tryna put a lot of effort in it.
All Lives Matter is not bad in nature, the misuses of it have signaled to the public that it is derogatory and hateful. Using All Lives Matter to battle racism won't be good at all compared to BLM.
This whole thing is about the current influence of both BLM and ALM and how each is beneficial to battling racism. Sadly, ALM has a terrible reputation and can't possibly be better than BLM.
I support ALM but the misuses make it worse for the public. I won't say ALM outside or I'll be beaten up and harassed by several people because it is so hated by the publci.
I see that you are a fan of “if a lie is repeated enough times, it becomes the truth”.
Ah yes, the classic "No Lives Matter"
How about we do rebuttals of each others cases in R2?
Since you put a 6900 character limit and I'm already over that, I don't possibly see myself refuting your points.
My favorite is, "most lives matter."
Got it done quicker than I thought.
"ALM is a truism, since yes, all lives don't matter."
That is a typo. I meant to type that All lives DO matter, not don't.
I don't think I can get time for this one until 2 days later.
Oromagi be like: Aw hell no, I ain't facing Whiteflame until debate 100
Umm.... win streaks and rankings really shouldn't matter, the only thing that matters are the idea presented the validity of reasoning used. The rest is useless bureaucracy. Yes, I am "far-left" I will vote regardless. Any capable voter should be able to put aside their biases and vote based on the arguments provided.
I dare him to try
this is the first time Bearman has faced a debater in the top 10. Break his win streak!
The character limit is 6900. I don't see me taking all week to fill it.
I set it for 1 week for a reason lol.
if ur far-right wing or far-left wing, or I'm solidly convinced that all lefts suck-wing or I'm solidly convinced that all rights suck-wing then don't vote.
Man its 9am where I live, so I'm already half done with the case. You can waive if you want to, I already have most of my case built.
I would happily draft an argument now, sadly it is 11pm in where I live and I couldn’t be damned to make one because I am sleepy.
Not the model debater by a long shot, that again is very debatable. I'm not gonna waste this opportunity either.
Well that is debatable(pun not intended), but seeing you are literally the "model debater" here with 12/12 rates, I would not waste such an opportunity.
I've been defeated before. I'm not the strongest debater.
I want to give you a taste of defeat...seeing you have won 12/12 of yours...