Instigator / Pro

In the US, Summer is More Enjoyable for People Compared to Winter


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After 1 vote and with 5 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Summer: the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August

Winter: the coldest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from December to February

Round 1
  • You can have fun at the beach, build sand castles, swim, surf, etc.
  • much less clothes, less hassle to get dressed. At worst only sunscreen is needed. If you don't wear enough the chilly wind might give you a cold/fever.
  • Good fruit to eat, strawberries and watermelon, easily available in summer. Cooling ice cream and fresh drinks are very nice.
  • Summer "blockbusters". Heard of those? Bigger, better and more movies overall. 
  • Sunlight gives you vitamin D and makes you happy (serotonin)
  • Girls wear less clothes and look better/more attractive for men, and vice versa. Eye candy is quite enjoyable. Romance is arguably easier especially if you look attractive. 
  • Out of 2,400+ voters in a poll more than 60% voted for summer

It is to be noted, if not already noted by the person viewing the present webpage, that I am in the People’s Republic of China typing, limited to American Internet access. My performance will be slightly dwarfed by not having the best of the best of sources firsthand. I am using Word 2013 to draft this argument prior to my turn, and will likely to keep using it for the next few months.
Burden of Proof
As that I hold the personal belief that I (as well as the average US citizen) prefer winter over summer, I will win this debate by proving that the United States of America’s citizen prefer winter over summer, while my opponent will be proving the inverse. I can also take advantage of my position without the defensive BoP, but I have enoughevidence for winter to not use that tactic.
Argument Planning
I will be presenting these reasons and argue for them.
  1. The festive and The traditions
  2. Internet feedback
Argument 1: The festive and the traditions
Like, Fourth of July is cool, but have you ever heard of Christmas?
[1] Christmas exists is common sense for the average US citizen, but instead, an article points out that we are happier on Christmas than on a normal day.
[2][3][4] People are so excited for Christmas that they put decorations up early, and studies show that they are actually happier doing so.
New Year
We have a new holiday that, of course, makes us happy. Note there should be a 7-day break between 12/25 to 1/1within the confinements of the USA, which, still makes us happy considering over 80% of US citizens would possibly dislike their occupations[5][6], and having a 7-day weekend would free them from their unwanted responsibilities granted by the nation itself. I would like my opponent to give the same about summer respectively. Fourth of July? Nah. Lots of Americans dislike America[7].
My opponent cannot bring up summer breaks as an argument either against this because only 22% of the nation can be expected to enjoy such a feat [8], whereas over 90% of the nation celebrates Christmas and such [9].
Argument 2: Internet Feedback

Internet search results
Within Bing, an America-based browser owned by Microsoft but can still be used in Mainland China[10], the results are as follows:
  • Search “Summer is better than winter” First 10 results:
    • 4 Positive(Summer is better than winter)
    • 5 Neutral(Is summer better than winter?)
    • 1 Negative(Winter is better than summer)
  • Search “Winter is better than summer” First 10 results:
    • 7 Positive(Winter is better than summer)
    • 3 Neutral(Is winter better than summer?)
    • 0 Negative(Summer is better than winter)
Within a browser that Americans actively use, it shows differences, as the second one is much more confident in positives than the first one. For the first one, the Positives/Non-positive rate is 2/3, whereas the latter’s P/NP rate is 7/3. One is less than 1 and another is over 2. It is biased alright.

One can conclude that Americans, as well as the people of the world, love winters more than that they love summers.


Round 2
Con says holidays make people happier, but there are 20 holidays in summer, far outweighing that amount of winter. Winter can also be tricky because Christmas expects gifts, and the Santa Claus myth has doubts in whether it is actually good for kids or not. We constantly have to unveil the truth to children who have grown up, making Christmas that much less enjoyable. And thinking of the gifts can be remarkably tricky. It's clear that based upon break-up statistics, with the vast majority being 2 weeks before Christmas or spring break, it's that much more people suffering and having trouble enjoying winter. It's only Christmas itself that is a miracle that holds up.

Also, Bing tracks your personal history and uses it for personalized browsing experience.  DuckduckGo which does not track personal history has, for Summer better than winter:  Positive 4, Neutral 6, Negative 0. Winter better than summer: 4 Positive, 5 Neutral and Negative 1 (oh no, Winter kills more people than Summer!).

Dropped arguments:

  • You can have fun at the beach, build sand castles, swim, surf, etc.
  • much less clothes, less hassle to get dressed. At worst only sunscreen is needed. If you don't wear enough the chilly wind might give you a cold/fever.
  • Good fruit to eat, strawberries and watermelon, easily available in summer. Cooling ice cream and fresh drinks are very nice.
  • Summer "blockbusters". Heard of those? Bigger, better and more movies overall. 
  • Sunlight gives you vitamin D and makes you happy (serotonin)
  • Girls wear less clothes and look better/more attractive for men, and vice versa. Eye candy is quite enjoyable. Romance is arguably easier especially if you look attractive. 
  • Out of 2,400+ voters in a poll more than 60% voted for summer


While my opponent does get about 1/50th of a point, he misses that out of all "holidays", 20 of them, that NO ONE simultaneously enjoys them unless they move from state to state in a caravan during the summer considering most of these holidays are restricted to one and/or several but not all of the states. There is one that is enjoyed by all 50 states, yes, only one: Independence day. You get 1-3 days off in the entire summer season and the rest is mundane work for the ultimate American figure.

This is on top of that many of them aren't even celebrated by the US. Remember the resolution states the US. What the hell is "National Ice Cream month"? Is it even a holiday? No. Who uses "National Nude Day" as a "holiday"? Pornography companies? Judging from what the nature of most of these, 19 out of 20 are not really holidays for most US citizens.

Here is a list of all federal holidays[1]. Out of all the US get one in the summer, 6 in the winter(8 if you count, borderline, Thanksgiving), and that is counting not the extras, in which some businesses give the employees a break between 12/25 and 1/1.

In conclusion here, Winters get more holidays than summers, and for that 80% of the people hate their mundane chores, more holiadys = more enjoyment.

Behavioral Statements
I would not like to refute any of those because those indeed stand and I have no place in arguing that they are true or not. They are true, and I am going to bring out other statements in supporting of the Winter season within this section here.
  • Daily Outdoors work. The US average temperature in Summer is about 22*C[2], which would mean it is hard to be comfortable while wearing modest clothing, considering you'd be comfortable naked outside[3](and wearing anything would make you hotter, thus less comforable), and perhaps that is why girls go to the beach semi-nude. In winter you could wear a fashionable coat and feel comfortable (Or two, shall I say?) You can wear the inner demon out on every outfit and perhaps that will make people less judgemental of your figure.
  • Sleeping. Sleeping in Winter can take you up several sheets of blanket and you feel cozy and comfortable. This is not Summer as in Summer the environment could be hot enough that you will be sweating the entire night instead of sleeping. Sleeping in a colder room would be better and healthier[4], and no, this is something you enjoy 1/3 of the day. Shown, Winters would be better for sleeping.
  • More holidays(look above).
Marriage Breakup
My opponent agrees on that people enjoy Christmas, so he brought up divorce statistics. However, based on that 1/2 of the adult population is more or less infidel[5], having the Christmas for the self isn't defined as a bad choice. This is on top of that only less than half of the people regretted divorce, so we can't really conclude that divorce is negative.

This is on top of that once December hits, divorce rates goes down. If anything, divorce rates are actually going down in winter, and are only rising late-winter. Nothing bad either way.

Browser refutations
OK, I will do it in Incognito mode.

Search "Is Summer better than winter"[6]
2 Positive, 8 Neutral, 0 Negative

Search "Is Winter better than summer"[7]
6 Positive, 4 Neutral, 0 Negative

I have proved that Winter provides benefits for most of everyone's lives.


Round 3
Christmas can get annoying because of mandatory gift giving, the constant streaming of Christmas songs frustrating you in stores. You can spend your money more wisely in 4th of July rather than Christmas.

Clothing defeats con's own argument because it takes more effort to wear many layers of clothing. Extend my own point about how both guys and girls look better in summer than winter, with skin exposed. 

As for marriage, breakups are usually hard to swallow and an emotional impact for most people. So con's argument doesn't make sense.

Extend my movie point. Extend sunlight (day is longer so you get to play more in the morning). Extend poll opinions. Extend fresh drinks and cold fruit. 
Keep them coming.

Dropped points
  • Sleeping qualities
  • Holidays
  • Browsers


Christmas can get annoying because of mandatory gift giving, the constant streaming of Christmas songs frustrating you in stores. You can spend your money more wisely in 4th of July rather than Christmas.
I will state this source again[1]. People are happier on Holidays, Winters have more. Look at sources 1-4 at round 1 for more info. My opponent is dropping upon concerns that are technically already resolved. If there are statistics that people are happier on holidays especially Christmas, then this concern is already resolved. Ironically, my opponent gave zero sources for that.

Speaking of "Spending money", Oh please, no sources. If my opponent gives any authentic sources for this statistic then he will have at least an edge of winning this one. I have statistics in which people indeed spend more than normal on Christmas and its vicinity[2], but it is also verified that spending wisely would bring you happiness[3].

More people spend money wisely than not on Christmas. Let's recap of what Christmas shopping is.
  • People are more inclined to shop responsibly than not
  • People are happier
  • People spend more money but are still happy
    • (If you are a business owner or an employee, you will probably get more)
Overall, it is a good thing. 

Clothing defeats con's own argument because it takes more effort to wear many layers of clothing. Extend my own point about how both guys and girls look better in summer than winter, with skin exposed. 
Would you wear a coat feeling cozy and warm yet no one will judge your figure, or would you be running naked outside and letting people call you a clown? I have presented evidence of that for most of the US, the most comfortable thing you could wear in summer is nothing. Knowing that most people, more or less, don't have an overall positive image of their body[4], wearing little to nothing would mean that they hate themselves more than others do! Why should you wear things that will make you hate yourself? Exactly. Cozy coats solve this issue by NOT exposing a lot of your body features directly.

This point is resolved, moving on. Pro gave zero sources for this. Why should I trust this? One in which sources on my behalf can easily demolish?

As for marriage, breakups are usually hard to swallow and an emotional impact for most people. So con's argument doesn't make sense.
As I have said and probably forgot to source, less than half of people regret their marriages[5]. This claim is backed by literal nothing. I have no reason to trust it.

Extend my movie point. Extend sunlight (day is longer so you get to play more in the morning). Extend poll opinions. Extend fresh drinks and cold fruit. 
Movies: Just because they make better movies in summer doesn't mean that summer is automatically correlated to better movies. 

Sunlight: Sunlight, on the other hand, brings UV which is harmful to you. Overexposure is bad. On the contrary, people are actually healthier and more intelligent working nights instead[6].

Poll Opinions: Direct opinions may not be ultimately their best. A self-labeling libertarian may be a neoconservative(such as Ben Shapiro). People may prefer alcohol drinking parties over workouts but the latter would be better off for them. What people like doesn't automatically mean that it is good for them. On the other hand, signs suggest that winters give more objective benefits to the people than summers. A direct poll on this is very vague.

Beverages, etc: So you can't find the same things in winter? I can easily replace fruit punches with hot coffees, and where is the source that says food and drinks are automatically better in the summer, and which source do you have that states people enjoy food more in the summer? Exactly, you have provided none.

I have responded to every one of my opposing points. I have given benefits to Winter. Vote Con.


Round 4
My opponent only implicitly presented his case but dropped all my points when coming off the spider's legs. There is nothing to counter as there is nothing new introduced. I will conclude.

  • Winter has more actual holidays
  • Winter is better for your body most of the time
  • Winter can make you happier by spending money
  • Winter is shown to end toxic relationships more than summer
  • Winter has longer nights

  • Vote Con.