Instigator / Pro

Add the "I" to LGBT/LGBTQ


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After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Disclaimer : Regardless of the setup for voting win or lose, The aim of this interaction, Is for those that view it, Learn and or take away anything that will amount to any constructive value ultimately. So that counts as anything that'll cause one to reconsider an idea, Understand a subject better, Help build a greater wealth of knowledge getting closer to truth. When either of us has accomplished that with any individual here, That's who the victor of the debate becomes.

Incestuous (celibate) couples can also have their place too in the LGBTQ movement/events/organization, etc.

As we can see, sexuality doesn't have to be shamed , ridiculed, demonized due to a particular attraction one has.

We can also witness NON-HARMFUL but helpful effects an incestuous couple, celibate that is, keep that detail in mind, can manifest and or contribute in all areas of life. Why not?

These types of incestous folks that wish to adopt children or spread awareness to the youth as well as to the incestous phobic members of our society do so with much pride likened unto the LGBTQ communities.

Much love, respect, joy and kindness, just to name a few, are traits for us all to bridge to, build on and connect through each and every one of us.

Let's start today without judgment and hate but have acceptance and support.

In one nation , under God, with indivisibility, liberty and justice for all members.

Comment to add your positive words of enlightenment. Send questions if you feel differently or that there should be a message against this cry for justice.

Round 1
Incestuous (celibate) couples can also have their place too in the LGBTQ movement/events/organization, etc.
As we can see, sexuality doesn't have to be shamed , ridiculed, demonized due to a particular attraction one has.
We can also witness NON-HARMFUL but helpful effects an incestuous couple, celibate that is, keep that detail in mind, can manifest and or contribute in all areas of life. Why not?
These types of incestous folks that wish to adopt children or spread awareness to the youth as well as to the incestous phobic members of our society do so with much pride likened unto the LGBTQ communities.
Much love, respect, joy and kindness, just to name a few, are traits for us all to bridge to, build on and connect through each and every one of us.
Let's start today without judgment and hate but have acceptance and support.
In one nation , under God, with indivisibility, liberty and justice for all members.

LGBT concerns gender and not brother/sister which can be straight/heterosexual. So it doesn’t fit. Also, there is already a different I which is intersex. Either mall wants incest to replace intersex which means excluding a group, or he wants LGBTQIAI, which is absurdly long. What next, add bestiality? Loving robots? The slippery slope means I could justify completely messing up the abbreviation. And nobody wants to figure out LGBTQIAIBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSRUVWXYZ.
Round 2
Why not just be accepting of all of the above?
I'm sure the LGBT movement would have no problem in accepting others for what they are and supportive of their rights just as those already in the group.

Because being straight is perfectly normal, which incest can include. As a blog explains the fullest version:
Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,
  • Two Q’s to cover both bases (queer and questioning);
  • I for Intersex, people with two sets of genitalia or various chromosomal differences;
  • P for Pansexual, people who refuse to be pinned down on the Kinsey scale;
  • 2S for Two-Spirit, a tradition in many First Nations that considers sexual minorities to have both male and female spirits;
  • A for Asexual, people who do not identify with any orientation; and
  • A for Allies, recognizing that the community thrives best with loving supporters, although they are not really part of the community itself.
That manages to be pretty inclusive, but it’s also pretty unwieldy.

So denying the overall sexual orientation idea is a little crazy, and sets a revolutionary standard. It is not that they don't accept incest, it's that it's hard to pull off as an actual "orientation", because same-gender includes half the world, while not everyone has a living mother, father, relative, etc. Plus, relative is not related to gender, so it stops making sense. I propose that all unusual taboo relations be a different acronym, maybe pending from IBI [incest, Bestial, inanimate...]
Round 3
So no problem accepting it then. From what I'm getting, we're just a little choosey about letters. Which is nothing concerning. I suggested the letter "I" but people can come up with whatever makes them feel good and comfortable.
No no no, it’s just too confusing to introduce taboo relation into something that has to do with gender and sex. It wouldn’t be LGBT any more. For example, though the United Nations consists of nearly all nations, calling it USUSSRCHNZGLAU... (all countries acronyms combined) would give people a massive headache and be really illogical. And if we ever colonize the moon, calling it “United Nations and the moon” would seem silly at the very least. 
Round 4
Well when there's confusion, what do we have to do?
We have to educate. I suspect an excuse being made to not accept this thing. 

If this thing is already accepted, it must be for a reason. There must be some understanding.

I'm sure homosexuality, transgenderism was very confusing starting off and much of it still is to many people.

The L.G.B.T. categories were definitely what you call taboo or forbidden and much still is depending on who's household you're in.

I understand we still feel the need to draw lines. As long as incestous people (celibate folks) can identify with the LGBT group in terms of the same principles such as love, equality, inner pride, determination, humanity, etc., these folks can fit into group.

pro doesn't understand that LGBT is a certain type of taboo, sexual and gender based. To throw in all types of romance in there would be very confusing and too much to handle, as there are too many other taboo types of romance. Let's not throw the alphabet in LGBT. The Queer alone is enough to cover the entire spectrum and doesn't need to add incest into the mix, where it doesn't belong (and will be confused for intersex). Vote con.