Instigator / Pro

Removing Hateful Statues/False Images Isn't Enough. Every Race Should Separate and & Live Amongst Themselves On Their Indigenous Land


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 17 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

I've found the solution to society's problems. A great way to decrease most of today's nonsense is for every race of people to simply separate from each other & reside in their original homeland. Though some indigenous lands are highly debatable i.e. Turtle Island, every race should live amongst themselves. There should be No crossing borders & No interacting with each other. This means No mingling, No trading etc.

By implementing this doctrine, sabotaging via another race won't be possible & failure/success falls squarely on each nation unto itself. In other words, Asians in Asia, Whites in Europe, Blacks in Africa, etc etc. The so-called American continent is an x-factor because of its falsified history of who were here initially but I digress...

If you feel like this solution isn't the best idea, then you're more than welcome to take this debate
Disclaimer: Even though white people are the most racist people on the planet..."I Am Not White."


That was there already, and failed because everyone wanted to trade things.


Thank you for the vote. And yeah, that first sentence when compared with the debate content (no suggestion of it offering any improvement for anyone on any metric), it really did sow the seeds of destruction.


Thank you for the vote. It was hands down the most Boss vote I have seen, in that it made multiple references to Like A Boss, to which all other votes fall short.

I don't think I'll pull Like A Boss every time someone has a Should Proposal, but when they refuse to raise it above purely magical thinking, I might make it by go to superior counter proposal.


Yeah, I haven’t done much research as to if they are the descendants. It really seems unrelated, as Israel is connected to the Jewish religion more so than the genetic ancestors in this case. I felt in the debate that it proved the point that returning to areas without the express permission of the current residents doesn’t really lead to happy relations, and Pro didn’t offer much info on how to appease those people.

I was surprised he didn’t mention that Ghana is openly calling for the return of black Americans to their country. That would have at least added a little feasibility to the matter.


Thank you for the extremely detailed vote. It was more than this debate deserved.

Regarding my tactic of how to argue Israel: It's something I left standing on one leg, largely because I eventually learned not to go down every rabbit hole on debates. That said, I do believe it's self-evident modern Israel is descended from ancient Israel.


The full picture is that America was a wilderness prior to slavery & the early European settlers Failed i.e Roanoke, i.e Jamestown etc.,


You can go through as many individual buildings as you want to, but it doesn't represent the full picture.


That's quite funny since one of the largest plantations was located in (NY), despite the fact that Wall Street (NY) was a slave auction. but I'm sure you knew that.
Wasn't the free-labor factories located in the (north)? Some of those Ivy league schools in the (north) were built by slaves.
I can go on and on.................


"You guys need to lighten up and have a little fun."

Says the guy who just unironically argued for a lite version of ethnic cleansing


Hardly the truth. While slave labor did eventually become the main economic factor of the South, initially this was not so and the North operated mainly independent of slavery in most respects. At no point in time did poor or middle-class whites hold slaves at a large scale. It was mainly the rich, especially those who owned plantations. And if you argue that the rich built America, I think you missed the whole "American dream" thing.


So, having a personality is considered a troll debate? As long as I'm bringing facts to the table, then a little humor/sarcasm isn't hurting anyone.
You guys need to lighten up and have a little fun.


You said that whites built America, explored etc., so why not prove it.


>Reported Vote: zedvictor4 // Mod action: Removed
>Points Awarded: 0:6; 6 points to Con.
>Reason for Decision: See Comments Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action:
In essence, this vote was just too vague... This can be avoided in future by just commenting on the core contention (and the main counterpoint or the lack thereof), listing a single source you found important (if voting sources), saying what conduct violation distracted you (if voting conduct)... You need not write a thesis but some minimal level of detail is required to verify knowledge of what you're grading.

Many of mairj23's debates are just troll debates, but this one does not seem to quite fall below that standard:

A troll debate is any
* Competition-style debate (e.g. rap battle, talent show, poetry competition)
* Debate primarily designed to be humorous or facetious or containing primarily humorous or facetious content
* Debate on a truism (e.g. "a bachelor is someone who is unmarried")

11 hours ago
Criterion Pro Tie Con Points
Better arguments ✗ ✗ ✔ 3 points
Better sources ✗ ✗ ✔ 2 points
Better spelling and grammar ✗ ✔ ✗ 1 point
Better conduct ✗ ✗ ✔ 1 point
A black v white thing in a phoney debate. Thank goodness for common sense.


What specifically?


Lol...Is that a trick question?


If you feel as if you have the knowledge to debate this particular topic, then why not simply create the debate & invite me???

I promise to take it easy on you.


What is a "white person"? In making this distinction you are the only racist.


Interesting debate (Mairj's always are). Very one-sided though (per usual) lol


Lol, making fun of European settlers?

Africans still don't have knowledge of agriculture lmfao. That stupid pos Mugabe BEGGED for White farmers to return because they were starving.

European-run Rhodesia: Breadbasket of Africa

African-run Zimbabwe: starves and has valueless currency



Hey Einstein, free labor created the wealth which built the economy which payed for everything else.

You held yourselves back because the pilgrims/colonizers were actually European criminals, fools & rejects who had no knowledge of agriculture etc.

Mic drop............


Hardly free. Think of all of the food costs, healthcare costs, equipment costs, housing costs, and having to transport all of the slaves over. That costs tons of money. All it accomplished was holding our economy back and causing our bloodiest war.


You're right, it's made from free labor. There would be no infrastructure, political system & foreign relations without a foundation.

Am I Correct?


The country isn’t made of cotton. Most lasting infrastructure, the entire political system, all foreign relations, exploring and settling the wilderness, and conquering areas don’t by almost exclusively: Europeans.

Slavery held the country back


I've never made threats against anyone & haven't broken any rules.

I only speak facts.


If Europeans built America then why did the slaves do all the work?

I'll wait........................................


This is a comment notifying the respective parties that the debate deletion request is denied.

Here is the debate deletion policy found in Subsection B1: Content Deletion of the Moderation Extended Policies and Interpretations document:

"Debates may not be deleted, barring certain exceptions.
Exceptions to PA.A2.SB.SbB1.PI are limited to:
- Cases in which both debaters consent to a debate’s deletion
- Cases in which the debate, either in its text or title, contains personal attacks against another user
- Cases in which the debate constitutes spam or advertising
- Cases in which the debate, either in its text or title, contains doxxing, PM-exposing, or seriously threatening content
- Cases in which the debate was created by an account impersonating DART staff
- Cases in which the debate was created by a multi-account of a user banned at the time of the debate’s creation"

As this debate did not fall under any of these categories, the debate shall remain.


I've passed your request along to the moderation team. As I partook in this debate, my objectivity may be compromised.


If you get the time, a quick vote on this debate would be appreciated.

This debate is abhorrent and should be taken down. When BMDRocks supports your position in a debate with such zest it means that you are pleasing the isolationist right-wing bigots.


I didn't know that Mairj was a George Wallace supporter lol. Didn't strike me as the type.


"Indigenous land" doesn't quite encompass it. Europeans built America, so they shouldn't leave it to "Natives" who have contributed <1% to its success.

Other than that, I would agree that mutliculturalism is a failure. However, why wouldn't segregation/balkanization of America suffice? Just cutting off pieces and letting each group have a slice would seem sufficient.


Thanks for the fun debate.


Nahhh, I think that I chose a 2-day response time.


There’s a power outage in my neighborhood tonight, so my reply will not be as swift as I planned. Are there any refutation techniques you would like me to showcase for you?