Instigator / Pro

Pineapple Pizza should be allowed


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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Better conduct

After 6 votes and with 39 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

I, Intelligence_06, will declare opposition towards a user on, within the subject. That, however, does not necessarily mean that I hold those beliefs, as playing devil’s advocate is a legal strategy in debates.

Definitions necessary in this debate will be provided in the description section to prevent exploitations. Forfeitures and Ad Hominem lose conduct points and FF loses arguments AND conducts points.

Pineapple: the large edible multiple fruit of the pineapple that consists of the sweet succulent fleshy inflorescence
Pizza: a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and baked
Allowed: to consent to expressly or formally or to make possible

BoP is shared: PRO is Pineapple pizza should be allowed, and CON is Pineapple pizza should NOT be allowed.

That is all the rules. No trolling, please.

Round 1
(This was written BEFORE I even made this debate. Again, no rebuttals yet.)

I, Intelligence_06, will declare opposition towards a user on, within the subject. That, however, does not necessarily mean that I hold those beliefs, as playing devil’s advocate is a legal strategy in debates. 

I have heard that oppositional opinions arise within the issue of a fruit, identified as Pineapple, going as a topping within a dish originated from Italy, called Pizza. I, however, unlike said oppositional opinions, support the decision of pineapples going on pizzas. Several reasons can justify my stance upon said conflict. 

The definitions are provided within the description section, and this prevents trolls from defining “Pineapple” or “Pizza” as some type of narcotic drug or poison, if possible. The definition is already settled and my opponent will most likely lose especially on conduct points if he has brought unorthodox definitions to the table. 

What are we waiting for? Let’s get down to real business. 

PRO=Intelligence_06=Pineapple On Pizza Should Be Allowed

  1. From how it is made, there is nothing wrong with putting pineapple on Pizza. 

I would like to start to state factors of what makes a specimen of food “Good”. Every grown person has their likes and dislikes about the food industry, and in the following, they would be attracted to the food they like and repelled to the food that they dislike. I personally dislike fruit, so I do not, ever, put pineapple on my pizza in my days, however, that does not mean it is incorrect. 

What kinds of food are simply wrong to eat? Here is a list below listing several dominant reasons why a kind of food should not be allowed:
  • If this kind of food has a tendency to be poisonous or significantly detrimental to human health;
  • If this kind of food is made from endangered species that should be protected;
  • If the process of making this kind of food is unacceptable(e.g. Unethically killing animals for food). 
These are solid reasons why a dish or a kind of food should NOT be allowed, and one example is the Monkey Brain made from china that is currently illegal[1]. The reason for that is because this dish contains a tendency of catching diseases, and it contains unethical methods of acquiring ingredients from the monkey. 

Unless CON can prove that Pineapple-topped Pizza satisfies any of these 3 criteria, or bring up new criteria that would, supposedly, make Pineapple-topped Pizza horrendous and thus should not be allowed, PRO wins the day. 

Though, it should be noted, that if this kind of food tastes bad but imposes no threat towards human well-being nor the environment, it should still be allowed. 

Pineapple is listed as one of the healthiest toppings as it contains multiple kinds of vitamins and nutritions that are obviously healthy to the human body. Pineapples also contain less calories than normal, meat-bases toppings[2]. Either way, even if Pineapple Pizzas are only as ethical as one of the junkiest types of Pizzas, they still serve no toxicity nor is it detrimental to the human health consider they will have basically no poisonous effects in the parts where it is meant to eaten[3], and I would clap your hands if you truly want to eat pineapple leaves that bad. 

Thus, criteria 1 is debunked within this case. 

Pineapples aren't some kind of rare plants in which only the elites in the authoritarian-right circle get to have. Pineapples are widespread within the entire world and are produced industrially[4]. There is no reason to protect them as wildlife as they pollinate fairly easily through hummingbirds[5]. Pineapples aren’t endangered, and will most likely never be because it is economically produced[6].

Thus, criteria 2 is also debunked with ease. 

The production of pineapple pizza is nothing unethical and unacceptable[7]: You just make pizza base like every other time where you get pepperoni pizza, that is always legal and never illegal; and then you have the pineapple which has always been around and has always been produced with legality: It is simply nothing unacceptable in the making of pizza. 

Thus, criteria 3 is also debunked with ease. 

Check the reason why some dishes made for consumption are not allowed[8], simply: They all fit within the three defined criteria, made by me. This is on top of that where in other regions other than the US, dishes that satisfy at least one criteria mentioned above are still legal, for example, Foie Gras(In France[9]) and Haggis(In Scotland[10]). Pineapple Pizza satisfies none of the three criteria above, and should be deemed ok to eat and should be allowed in conclusion. 

  • Food that are not allowed typically follow these three criteria:
    •  If this kind of food has a tendency to be poisonous or significantly detrimental to human health;
    • If this kind of food is made from endangered species that should be protected;
    • If the process of making this kind of food is unacceptable(e.g. Unethically killing animals for food). 
  • Pineapple Pizzas satisfy none of the three criteria. 
  • This, Pineapple pizzas should be allowed.

I end Round One with this statement, Sources below. 


I rest my case. It is CON’s turn and I shall wait for his/her/their response.

Round 2
It seems like My opponent has wasted his opportunity to defend against my argument. As a result, I would extend all my arguments made last round.

As a result, my conclusions stay the same:
  • Food that are not allowed typically follow these three criteria:
    •  If this kind of food has a tendency to be poisonous or significantly detrimental to human health;
    • If this kind of food is made from endangered species that should be protected;
    • If the process of making this kind of food is unacceptable(e.g. Unethically killing animals for food). 
  • Pineapple Pizzas satisfy none of the three criteria. 
  • Thus, Pineapple pizzas should be allowed.

CON will have a greater chance to lose since he now has forfeited one round and hasn’t made anything yet.

Vote PRO!
