I. The Bible is correct about Space
The Bible has got space and the universe correct time and time again,even going against current scientific theories at the time. There is massive credit that needs to be given to the Bible. They are lots of examples. Let’s take Isaiah 40:22 for example which states-”It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:.”Ths description is fitting, the Earth is a circle viewed from the heavens and space. Today we know that the Earth is Round, Satellite images from NASA has confirmed this fact as well as the Biblical quoteFurthermore, Ancient Scientists and well rounded educated people after the 6th Century B.C(599-500) thought the Earth was round with Pythagoras, who was followed by Aristotle, Euclid, and Aristarchus, among others in observing that the earth was a sphere.However, the Book of Isaiah was written in the 8th Century BC making it the first historical account which talked about a round Earth.[
The Bible also says that the Earth floats in space on nothing. Consider Job 26:7 which states:”He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.”We now know today that yes, the Earth does hang on nothing. It is freely orbiting around the sun. To prove that the Bible has been correct, the ancient Greeks in the Bronze age when the Book of Job was written.[
LINK] believed that the ancient God Titan Atlas held the Earth on his back.[
LINK] The Bible has been correct before modern science could confirm it. Ancient people of God was correct while other ancient people without the Christian God were wrong.
The Universe is Expanding and The Bible got it right. Let’s take Isaiah 40:22 again-”it is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:”
This verse also proves that the universe is expanding, basically saying that God has expanded the universe, and spread them out further. We now know today that yes, the universe is
expanding. This fact was proven by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1929.[
LINK} The New York Times reports:
“In an expanding universe, the further something is away from you, the faster it is receding. Hubble’s constant tells by how much.But measuring it requires divining the distances of lights in the sky — stars and even whole galaxies that we can never visit or recreate in the lab. The strategy since Hubble’s day has been to find so-called standard candles, stars or whole galaxies whose distances can be calculated by how bright they look from Earth.”[
The Book of Isaiah was written in the 8th Century B.C, doing some math that means that the people inspired by the Christian God and the Bible knew about the expanding universe 2,629 years before it was officially discovered, this calculation was done by online-calculator[
Genesis 22:17 states-”I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies.” Genesis 32:12 states the same thing. God has multiplied the offspring of the world based on his creation,the stars. Ancient astronomers such as Claudius Ptolemy thought that there was 1,022 stars.Obviously we know that this is not true. Estimates now are around ten to the 21st power.Another scientific fact confirming the Bible.[
How great is the Bible that God and his people knew about Astronomical facts. God’s greatness is amazing when you get down to it.
III.The Ontological Argument
The third argument for God, a philosophical argument, is the Ontological Argument first written up by Saint Anselm in the 11th Century. It follows like this:
1. It is possible that a maximally great being exists.
2. If it is possible that a maximally great being exists, then a maximally great exists in some possible world.
3. If a maximally great exists in some possible world, then it exists in every possible world.
4. If a maximally great being exists in every possible world, then it exists in the actual world.
5. If a maximally great exists in the actual world, then a maximally great being exists.
6. Therefore, a maximally great being exists.
This argument is very simple and true. If an MGB(Maximally Great Being) could exist, then an MGB would have to exist because it is maximally great. The MGB here is God. Let’s go through this argument with each premise.
First, it is certainly possible that an MGB could exist. An MGB would have to be all-knowing, all-powerful and morally perfect. However, only a maximally great being could exist instead of a maximally great pizza for example because it is an object and objects have no intrinsic value to rank it whether it is great or not. With a being who has a soul and a state of mind, we can conclude that it is maximally great. It is the greatest being ever. Next, if it is possible that an MGB exists then it has to be in a possible world. A possible world meaning any other world that includes different things that are logically coherent. A unicorn or a leprechaun exists in a possible world because it could exist. However, a Married Bachelor or a circle does not have pi as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
We know an MGB could exist and is logically coherent, then it has to exist in every possible world. To illustrate this, let’s say we have 100 possible worlds. It is better to be in 56 of those 100 possible worlds than 14. It is better to be in more possible worlds than not. So, a maximally great being would have to maximally great in the fact that it exists in every possible world. Now, if God existed in every possible world, it would logically follow that God, an MGB, would exist in the actual world. Finally, if God existed in the actual world, it would exist now. God exists.
God is then defined as a necessary being then. In Philosophy, there are 3 different types of beings:
1.Contingent being: A being that could exist, but may not necessarily exist (such as a unicorn)
2. Impossible being: A being that is impossible, such as an invisible pink unicorn or a married bachelor.
3. Necessary being: A being who exists necessarily and whose non-existence is impossible (such as numbers, logic, etc).
God is a Necessary being because, in order to be maximally great, it has to be necessary. It is not an MGB if it is impossible to be formed or a Contingent being that could exist. Follow logically, and if an MGB could exist, which is most certainly can, then it has to exist.
This argument only applies to God. If you were to say that a maximally great pen could exist then it has to exist, couldn’t you say that anything in your imagination could exist? No, there are no definitions that could define a maximally great pen or cheeseburger, but there are real parameters for an MGB. However, even a pen could not be maximally great in the first place even if it was defined. You could always find a better pen and if you try to Think of the best possible pen, you can always think of one which is better. Until, eventually, you arrive at an all-powerful, all-knowing, all good, sentient pen which can change its form if desired and only appear to those it seems fit, etc, etc, etc. in other words, you get God, choosing to take the form of a pen. Yet, if the pen was all-powerful and all-knowing and all good, and capable of taking any form, the question remains why it should stay a pen. God exists because of this classic 942-year-old argument.{
yep, three spaces
Wait, you can actually type no words in and the website still registers it as an argument?
I cant help you decided to troll someone who wanted to have a discussion, get off your high horse and do something useful with your time.
I can't delete debates once they're finished. Sorry.
Would you mind deleting this debate?
yes delete it
Heck ill ask virtuo to delete it if you want. This was pointless anyways
I can report it if you want. Points dont matter to me. I was hoping for a discussion
then that is a bad vote
I think he was quoting me when i said it was outside the bible.
The topic about space (which is mentioned in scriptures) did not apparently qualify to pro as he dismissed it and said "
Melcharaz avatar
Well and good, but these are effectively outside the bible, i asked that the person im discussing with would explain views and beliefs in or regarding the 66 books of the bible"
i can only surmise that he asserted the proof of space as "outside" the bible. And then con spammed an i agree.
This is outside the Bible?
"The Bible also says that the Earth floats in space on nothing. Consider Job 26:7 which states:”He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.”We now know today that yes, the Earth does hang on nothing. It is freely orbiting around the sun. To prove that the Bible has been correct, the ancient Greeks in the Bronze age when the Book of Job was written."
I find it funny that the judge is nonjudgmental, which he wasn't online since he joined.