Instigator / Pro

Resolved: The US should require a Universal Background Check for all Gun Sales and Transfers of Ownership


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
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After 4 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Definitions of the resolution and terms of debate:

Universal Background Check- Any system that would require a background check be performed, under threat of fine and/or imprisonment, upon purchase of, or transfer of ownership of, a gun.

For example, the NICS system for FFL sales, but expanded to include and any all sale or non-sale "transfers of ownership."

It is also pertinent to note that *require* in the resolution relates to the *under threat of fine and/or imprisonment* aspect of the definition of UBC.

Also that *The US* in the debate resolution implies adherance to the framework laid out by the founding documents and subsequent legislation/legal rulings of the United States. This isnt a debate on the validity of the framework itself, it is a debate on whether that framework and system would permit the implementation of a federally mandated universal background check for any and all transfers of ownership. As well as a debate upon the harms/benefits of any such implementation.

Gun Sales- The sale or exchange, and necessary "transfer of ownership" that entails, of a gun between one party and another.

Transfer of Ownership- The exchange of ownership between one party(individual, group, or business) and another party through sale or gift(voluntarily giving).

Non-voluntary transfers of ownership are not to be included as non voluntary transfer of ownership is theft. And the legal expectation of a person performing a background check in the midst of a theft is facially absurd. Also, that transfers of possession, such as lending, leasing, etc. As those transfers automatically imply that the possession of the object in question will be at some point, returned back to the *owners* possession.

This debate pertains to a UBC and not any other form of gun control, unless it be directly related to implementation of a UBC. Extensive policy planning should be viewed as grounds for disqualification. General advocacy plans are of course permissible, but should be kept relevant to the resolution.

Instigator = Negative
Contender = Affirmative

R1: Neg- Waive / Aff- First Construct
R2: Neg- Construct+Rebuttal / Aff- Rebuttal
R3: Neg- 2nd Rebut / Aff- Final rebuttal

LD has Cx rounds in between rebuttal, but Cx can be done in comments. And yeah, usually LD has a live audience and select judges, but so long as voters are voting according to LD standards, it should be fine fmpov šŸ¤”

You can't ever do LD properly without a live audience.... Just saying.

As stated Virtuoso gets first construct as affirmative. I will waive the first round accordingly to maintain LD debate format šŸ‘

Oh, sorry I figured my outlaying of rounds in the brief details would impart what position I was specifically. 2nd half of rounds is Aff. As the Instigator I have the first part, thus I'm Neg.

I also am not planning to run a K by way of going, "UBC is pointless if we just ban all guns". My argument does involve registries, but it's not advocating for one šŸ¤”


Thank you! Check out our other debate

I am eagerly awaiting this debate. Both participants appear to be skilled debaters.

I would take it but I'm not going to open myself up to the 'why control guns when we can ban them' angle as I support gun bans personally.


Ah didnā€™t know that. In reality I think the instigator should always be ā€œpro.ā€ Though perhaps he should have worded it in a negative form, but that too wouldnā€™t make too much sense. Anyway I think Iā€™ll take this debate


It is physically impossible on this site to choose whether you're green/red. instigator of the debate is always appearing what DDO has as 'pro'

If youā€™re against the resolution, then you should be con. Iā€™ll challenge you to this topic as pro


Iā€™m confused

This is intended to be an LD debate. I will be arguing the Negative.

Are you arguing that the US should or should not require background checks? If youā€™re arguing against, Iā€™ll take this debate.


If you're not for the topic, please state that you are against it in the description and also make a promise to not run a K of supporting gun ban instead of gun control. If you do this, I will accept.

Nope, ayeeee, ur back šŸ™ƒ


Are you for this topic now?