Instigator / Pro

God created Morality


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Gods moral system effect's us biologically.

Giving to the poor can help with an assortment of different diseases like Hiv/aids and other chronic diseases and can even add years to one's life. This is because Gods moral system effects us biologically.

This disproves Evolution because Morals are not something taught to us by our parents.

This is like if i murdered children and my eyes turned red or yellow to show that i am evil.


Again, it’s completely irrelevant.

It’s a computer game character, we know people draw computer game characters; we know computer game characters are drawn, because it’s a computer game character.

It’s not an organism, that lives, breeds, reproduced, etc: the cause of the colour of one doesn’t allow you to infer the colour of the other because they are completely different.

You can completely ignore that issue if you want; but thats the error in your logic.


Why did they color this creature yellow


Yes but forget that.Why did Nintendo color it yellow. IT does not matter. We can determine what they did just by observing it.The fact we know they colored it is irrelevant.No one at Nintendo told us why they colored it.But we know why they colored it for a reason. how is this possible


We know that Nintendo designs video game characters.

Rabbits are not artificially designed computer game characters - so you cannot attribute the causation is colour in one with the other.

Here is a hint. Why did Nintendo color this Mario spike thing yellow.


". Since that logic applied to rabbits proves God's existence and that same logic applied to cardinals disproves God's existence, accept that the logic must be faulty.
2. Argue that for some unexplainable reason that this logic only applies to rabbits and other animals that turn white in winter that support your conclusion but not to animals that don't turn white in winter and don't support your conclusion. (i.e. cherrypicking or special pleading)"

No all your proving is god did not make an intelligent choice with the cardinal.


Why did nintendo color this creature yellow

Your a fresh mind


Problem solve.We have not seen them design the creature or heard anything.

What do we conclude the reason for coloring the spiky thing yellow


"Rabbits are brown during the summer white during the winter.The white during the winter connected them.So now it is safe for me to say God created the rabbit white to match the white snow."
Cardinals are red in the summer and red during the winter. The white during the winter did not connect them. So now it is safe for me to say God did not create the cardinal because it doesn't match the white snow.

If you apply that logic to rabbits, it must also apply to other things. This leaves you with three options:
1. Since that logic applied to rabbits proves God's existence and that same logic applied to cardinals disproves God's existence, accept that the logic must be faulty.
2. Argue that for some unexplainable reason that this logic only applies to rabbits and other animals that turn white in winter that support your conclusion but not to animals that don't turn white in winter and don't support your conclusion. (i.e. cherrypicking or special pleading)
3. Accept that the logic does apply to both and does lead to a contradiction, but continue to believe that it is valid logic, thereby proving, once again, that denial is more than just a river in Egypt.

crossed, I believe in God as well. But that does not mean that every single argument presented to support Christianity is valid. The argument that you are using is no more than a bad analogy that leads to contradictory conclusions if applied consistently. Let it go.


It is not a major leap to presume that the colour of a character we know was created by humans was chosen deliberately.

However, as a rabbit is not a fictional cartoon character that was drawn by humans, and whose history and origins are known and document as a process of artistic design by humans; nor is a rabbit a demonstrable or has been directly observed to be a piece of art work, or the product of a specific intentional design, and appears to exist, life, mate, reproduce and change colour in the absence of any specific human or any form of intelligent interaction ; and given that their pigment is affected by their genetic make up which is a copied variants of previous generations that has been imperfectly copied, and whose generations were subject to colour based selective pressure - there is no logical basis to conclude that the reason human designers made a known computer game character have a particular colour is the same reason that rabbits are a particular colour.


The color of the spike yellow Mario thing was not random. It will have relevance. Can you guess why they colored it yellow


The answer to the question is completely irrelevant.

The particular colourization of a fictional computer generated character is completely unrelated to the origin of skin pigments in a living, breeding family of creatures that perpetuate their genetic material (and subsequent generations pigmentation) through sexual reproduction and inexact genetic duplication ; and whose life, habits, habitat and death are perpetuated in the absence of any direct involvement and intervention of an intelligent agent.

These things are so ridiculously different ; there is absolutely no possibly basis upon which to conclude the cause of one is the same as the cause of the other.

Why did Nintendo color these creature's black and white in paper mario 2


It will just answer the question


The same logic can’t be applied at all - the logic is terrible - this is the same error you keep making.

You can’t state the cause of one thing is the same as the cause of another thing because they share a superficial similarity despite being fundamentally different.

What Nintendo did or didn’t do has no relevance at all to the colour of rabbits on any way; unless you can specifically (and separately) show that the colour of rabbits was definitely chosen in a similar way.


no but the same logic could be applied.

Why did Nintendo colored this creature yellow


Do Nintendo make live rabbits?


You cannot infer the cause of one thing is the same as the cause of a completely different thing, based on some superficial similarity.


You respond to fast but question stands.Why did Nintendo color this creature yellow.


Why did Nintendo color this thing yellow.

Yes there is.

Lets say i am making a mario game.

Lets say there is a desert world a snow world and a lava world

all of the Mario enemies in the desert world are yellow

all of the enemies in the snow world are white

All of the enemy in the lava world are red


And given that rabbits are not a human school, and snow is not a school uniforms, their properties and nature are fundamentally different; and neither have anything to do with the human decision making process; the reason your clothes match your mascots cannot be inferred to be the same reason as why rabbits match the snow

If my school Mascot is a red spartan and on school spirit week they want us to where red. Clearly they want us to where red so we match the spartan mascot.


Yeah; they’re both connected. What you’re doing is simply illogical question begging. There is nothing implicit in the properties of rabbits colour or snow that necessitate only a divine creator is responsible for it. That’s the problem.

You’re arguing that rabbits and snow, and fridge and microwave colours share some properties thus they must share the same underlying cause. This is just poor logic and is laughably false. It’s just bizarre cherry picking and bad critical thinking.

Only if rabbits and snow, and fridges and microwave share ALL properties, could you argue that the cause of colour in one is the same as the cause of colour in the other.


We all our connected one way. you can B###### me on technicality.My red eye's and red plate are related the both are made out of Molecules.

If i got a red cup and a red plate. I most likely picked the red cup to match the red plate.Why does this work and not the other.It make's sense

If i have a yellow tooth and end up having a yellow car. It is illogically for me to believe the tooth influenced my choice for a yellow car.They are both made from the same source.It has to make sense.

The brown of my poop matches the brown of the eyes I am looking at it with; they are both organically related to me; so are both connected.So now it is safe for me to say God created my poop brown to match my eyes.

Your just making arbitrary and nonsensical connections that make no logical sense.

This works

"If I see a red microwave and red fridge - the colours we’re intelligently chosen."

But this does not work

"If my poop is brown and it matches my eyes; as a result of the above - the colours must be intelligently chosen."

the fridge and microwave are connected because they are appliances. But you poop and eyes are not. IT would make sense for someone to get there appliances the same color. While it does not make sense for someone to create eye color based on poop


This is more than just they have preferences.IT i just pure common sense to get items that match

My dog has a blue collar and a blue doghouse. The collar was colored blue to match the doghouse.
IT works because they are connected

Rabits are brown during the summer white during the winter.The white during the winter connected them.So now it is safe for me to say God created the rabbit white to match the white snow


This is exactly your logic.

If I see a red microwave and red fridge - the colours we’re intelligently chosen.

If a rabbit has a white coat in the shown; as a result of the above - the colours must be intelligently chosen.

If my poop is brown and it matches my eyes; as a result of the above - the colours must be intelligently chosen.

It’s the same logic - neither are relevant or connected


Again with the false anology's

"My poop matches my eye colour sometimes.
According to your logic - the colour of my poop is intelligently selected by God."

I have a red cup and i got a red plate. Clearly i got the red cup to match the red plate. IT works because they are connected

A false analogy would be. I have red eyes i got a red plate to match them. It does not work because they are not connected


It makes no sense whatever - none at all. I understand completely the logic you’re using. It’s just terrible logic for the reasons I just explained.


“ God apparently like matching colors to..”

Sure. If God existed and chose colours of animals.

Feel free to try and prove that.


Because they’re humans, with an eye for aestethics, and they are choosing home appliances. I explained this in the previous post you are replying to

Human taste in home appliances colour and the elements of the scenario by which we know the decision requires intent are completely unrelated to anything in life.

There is literally no connection other than they both have colour match.

My poop matches my eye colour sometimes.

According to your logic - the colour of my poop is intelligently selected by God.


"because humans like matching colours"

God apparently like matching colors to. Yellow animal in yelllow desert. White animal in white snow. Green animal in green Forrest. Etc

red cup with red plate. Blue cup with blue plate. Green cup with green plate. It is exactly the same logic.What is so hard to understand


It makes sense. You just don't understand it.

"Those are the properties that allow us to infer that matching colours are likely a choice"
The same thing can be applied to evolution animals

If i have a green toaster and a red microwave it would look funny.But if i have a red toaster and a red microwave. Suddenly the two go together.
Same with evolution animals. If i have a yellow animal in the snow it would not go together.But if i put a white animals in the white snow it goes together


That is what you did.

Have you ever had to watch house hunter. The appliances are always the same color and match each other. When they pick out appliances. Why is that


Saying the same thing over and over again doesn’t make it any more logical.

A microwave and a fridge are manufactured home utilities designed and created by humans. These devices are mostly placed in the homes of humans, who’s personal tastes and aesthetics often lead to the choice of matching colour coordination. They are often produced in different colours, affording the consumer who buys them for a given location to deliberately chose the specific colour.

Those are the properties that allow us to infer that matching colours are likely a choice: because humans like matching colours, these appliances come in different colours, and a human is often forced to chose which colours

None of those properties are true of any aspect of life; this is why you’re claim is simply nonsensical and illogical clap trap that makes no sense. There is no relationship of any kind between the cause of colours of home appliances - and the colours of living organisms in the wild.


Yes you can
If i have a red colored microwave and a red colored fridge.It is just pure common sense to conclude that i got the red colored microwave to match the red colored fridge.
If you use a false analogy on me. there are red rocks thus i got a red fridge to match red rocks. It does not work because they are not connected.
Rabbits are white during the winter. Thus it is common sense to conclude the rabbit was colored white to match the white snow.
Science is real good at telling us how stuff work.It is terrible at telling us how something came to be.Telling me how DNA works does not disprove god made it. It only supports that god made it because it is so advance.


Alright. Give me a second



How about we have a debate over the existence of the Illuminati rather than just firing comments back and forth? It looks like everyone here already knows that the AR-15 isn't an assault rifle and that no one will accept that debate, so I should have the time for debating the Illuminati.


Again - you’re making a major logical error here.

Just because human chose things to match colour - doesn’t mean everything that matches is made to match by intelligence.

The argument is so illogical and so irrational, I don’t fully understand why you could possibly think it’s compelling.



They have not been debunked. Only lies. you are saying he is false even though you no nothing of what he believes.By definition you are saying he is unreliable because you do not agree with him.

Give me a second to pull some stuff up.So you get familiarized

I believe in the chemtrail conspiracy theory the fema camp conspiracy theory haarp concpiracy theory 5g conspiracy theory. Agenda 21 conspiracy theory. predictive programming etc


"Your saying he is false because you do not like his opinion. Well you might fine his conspiracy theory stuff a little more factual then you think"
No, I am saying he is wrong because such conspiracy theories have been debunked in every possible way and do not have an ounce of evidence to support them.


What millions dead? That link takes me to a definition of a Greek word, not to a story of millions dying.

So you believe in the Illuminati? How do you know they exist, and why are you still alive? If you know about them, why haven't they killed you yet, or at least prevented you from posting about it?

Your saying he is false because you do not like his opinion. Well you might fine his conspiracy theory stuff a little more factual then you think


Give me a second. I am very familiar with the Illuminati evils. You assume i disagree with conspiracy theory's.

Firstly big pharma
You think the millions dead were just an accident think again

Give me a second to pull this stuff up


"Based on my findings across the year 2016 I have reached a full consciousness to declare that Christmas was not supposed to be a Christian festival if the world was to be fair unto itself and unto Jesus Christ Himself.

While not judging anyone who celebrates Christmas; my conviction is that celebrating the holiday is to some considerable level, subconsciously taking part in Satanism and the advancement of the Reptilian Agenda (also known as the Babylonian Agenda) which seeks to turn the World into one state, with one leader, one currency, one health system and one everything."

This guy you linked to is an absolute nut and a conspiracy theorist. He has no evidence for his claims of a New World Order or a "Reptilian Agenda," whatever that is. Stay far away from such people. They claim to be telling the truth about God, Satan, and the world, but their claims have no basis in reality or Scripture.