Is peach or zelda hottest >:DDDDDD?
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After 5 votes and with 30 points ahead, the winner is...
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- Time for argument
- One week
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- 10,000
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- Open
I will be arguing that Peach is the hottest. No trolling.
Like with anything else, it depends on species and location. All you have to do for example would describe the one time where zelda was surrounded by fire vs maybe a time peach was put in a volcano. Now if you created about who was hot MORE OFTEN. That would be an intresting discussion. Also zelda was an animal one time. Meaning body temperature was possibly higher than a humans. But i digress
I would have agreed with con because:
1. Zelda is the only series out of the two to have burn damage, and some places are too hot. If Eldin Death mountain is hot enough to give Link damage, then think that since Zelda is about as strong as Link, she would have burned as well.
2. Peach never goes hot places, only temperate ones, comparable to, let's say, Necluda. The only hot places are the dungeons of Bowser, where Mario never takes damage if he doesn't step on lava.
3. Zelda had always been living in Hyrule Castle, which is temperate for the last 10,000 years, and then Ganon came along, and when Zelda fights Ganon, there is a purple liquid that burns(I am stating BotW, and that means it exists). Zelda could not be careful enough to NEVER step on the purple liquid that burns, and when she steps on it, she will most likely NOT die because BotW Zelda is as strong as a 30-heart Link and BotW Link at Plateau is a dumbed-down version of his former self. Since stepping on the purple liquid burns but not kills, Zelda would endure more heat in the castle.
4. Well, you can say for some kind of time, Peach is trapped in "burning" castles. However, 10,000 hours of just being there still don't kill Peach out of the heat, and we will consider game physics.
5. Mario and Peach are a species, and Link and Zelda are another. Mario can swim in Luncheon kingdom without taking damage unless he IS in the boiling water, and Link takes damage once he ENTERS Eldin, meaning that Link endures less heat than Mario and that relatively, Zelda can endure less heat than Peach. While that would mean that Peach could have been enduring Zelda-levels of exhaustion this whole time, something doesn't make sense.
6. Suppose Peach and Zelda are enduring the same level of heat, then, Zelda is constantly fighting around the castle while Peach is sitting there. Since the heat is the same, and who sweats is hot, Zelda is hotter than Peach based on their newest games(Stop calling U Deluxe, it is the same as U and Odyssey is more comparable, to let's say, BotW).
I don't know what to say, but let me just state Link and Mario both as above-average human-type mortals, as well as Zelda and Peach.
I can prove that Zelda is hotter.
First, Mushroom Kingdom. Mushroom Kingdom will be taken from an N64 perspective.
Now, only the places with bowser have lava, which is hot. Mario does not take heat damage unless he goes into the lava, which means that the Bowser lava areas are less hot consider Mario does not take heat damage walking on the bridge across the lava. Peach would NEVER go to such a place as that the lava is gone after Peach is revived.
Second, Hyrule. Zelda is the ruler of Hyrule after the king retired. The hottest region in Hyrule is Eldin, more specifically Death Mountain, where 24/7 it is hot. This is a place where Link has to wear heat-resistant clothing/elixirs in order to survive in there. Zelda is a hard-working woman and she may go there. Based on that, since Zelda is exposed to, on average, more high-temperature, thus Zelda is hotter.
>Reported Vote: NotClub // Mod action: Removed
>Points Awarded: 3 points to pro for arguments, 1 point to con for conduct
>Reason for Decision: Concession
>Reason for Mod Action: Users are not allowed to vote on their own debate. Their voting privileges has been suspended.
anyone who jerks off to childrens cartoons needs therapy
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Please take the win, I will request to be banned today.
The original was "Is Peach or Zelda Hotest? >:DDDDDDD"
Your title is, instead: "Is peach or zelda hottest >:DDDDDD?"
I accepted this debate, I will be arguing that Zelda is more hot, body temperature rise.
The temperature? Was that a joke
I am arguing that the temperature of Peach is higher than zelda's
Technically as this is written under Boolean logic if either is agreed to be hotter than the other pro wins. I doubt he is using that tactic, but it's worth noting on an obvious comedic debate.
why is this rated