Brazil is greater than Mexico, as of now.
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Brazil is Greater as of now, than Mexico. Great definition that you must agree on-"markedly superior in character or quality."
You must argue that Mexico is greater than Brazil.
1 point(s)
Pro offers 7 standards. Con eventually challenges the economy as slightly favoring Mexico, and that Brazil has a bad leader who is letting the rain-forest burn to bolster his economy... This leaves cultural impacts, military, size, personal freedoms, and average standard of living untouched. By weight, even had pro not defended against cons points, these do not bring them even close to being equal.
it also doesn't look like you accounted for cost of living while my source did
the source did
I didn't do the math.
i did your math is off
That's not true, didn't you check my source it accounts for taxes
after taxes mexicans actually have more disposable income
please post, 6 days remaining
Huh, please @ me if you want to put your arguments in the comments, and source them please, I just found this after posting. will address in R3 if I remember, please put this in the debate, I'd love to respond.
About 193,000 results (0.74 seconds)
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Mexico/GNI per capita
17,740 PPP dollars (2017)
17,740 PPP dollars
15,160 PPP dollars
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brazil is burning
bump for potential competitors
I brought up disability because people feel they can't hold a job anymore so they go on disability. They wouldn't otherwise go on it(it definitely isn't enough to live comfortably on in many cases. The number of job applicants per position is important, and it's more of it needs to be a happy medium(it can't be too low or too high). If there are too many applicants, then it's an employers economy where they can pay starvation wages and offer horrible conditions because out of the 100 applicants for one job position, it's likely one will still accept it out of desperation or something. Since there are so many applicants per job position, employers can be super picky, moreso than say 70 years ago. So, people with simple depression and displaying such symptoms at work can be let go or fired in favor of one of the dozens more mentally-healthy candidates. So, depressed people or anyone with a simple disability apply for disability income. While they do that, they are no longer counted as unemployed. Do you see where I'm getting at now?
Either way, it may be best to wait and see what I bring up in that debate. It'll be much clearer when I lay out my case there since this is just a comments section.
I didn't argue for GDP and unemployment because I know they are flawed. I have no clue what disability benefits have to do with anything. The only explanation for that would be liberals expanding SS broadly to get more people dependent on them for income. Also, I used cost of living because that isn't a flawed statistic.
Average number of applicants for jobs? Which way are you saying that would be good, more or less applications?
I would suggest not using average income because of outliers. I don't believe that "debt slave" is a defined term. Therefore, I don't think you can state that we have the most of something if it doesn't exist.
I've given reasons in the below debate I'm doing, and I'll be substantiating those claims once my opponent posts their opening:
In the mean time, you've both argued about the economy. I'm assuming you're referring to GDP and unemployment. Both are flawed statistics to go by. GDP can simply rise due to automation(it directly raised productivity, and thus GDP), so it has nothing to do with how well the average person is doing(i.e how much they make). As for Unemployment, there are a lot of areas which don't count towards official unemployment records. One in particular is disability. ~500K people were on Social Security Disability benefits in 1960. Today, over 10 million are - a 20 fold increase that also doesn't take into account the disability benefits on each state level(this is only federal), so even more people went on disablity through states too(which are mutuall exclusive with federal benefits as you can only collect one or the other). Meanwhile, population only increased by about double. Unless Americans are 10 times more likely to be disabled, something is going on here. Perhaps people feel more compelled to apply for Social Security Benefits(and go into other areas such as Students, prisoners, etc who aren't counted as officially unemployed) due to that they can't get a job.
A better metric to measure the economy, imo, is the average number of applicants per job position. Let's look at that instead of unemployment.
Furthermore, the average income of Americans is only so high because it has the most billionaires(aka OUTLIERS) per capita. Yet, it also has the most people per capita in the developed world who become debt slaves due to life-saving expenses like health care.
How is the nation that gives more foreign aid than any other nation garbage.
How is the 13th freest nation as of 2018 garbage.
America is garbage? Why is there GDP per person MUCH larger than Canada, Germany and Japan.
Fascism according to the world population review-Fascism is a type of government that is characterized by a one-party dictatorship. When a country is under the rule of a singular dictorship, it entails that there is a centralized government led by one person, and that leader is known as the dictator.
America has a 2 party system, and unlike countries like Canada, Americans can choose the representatives of each party via primaries.
Trump doesn't have rule America, there is a congress that stops the president from doing dictatorial/fascistic things, and a constitution that keeps the president from doing dictatorial/fascistic things.
The country with the strongest economy in the world is garbage right now? Just because we don't tax the hell out of businesses and producers for the economy to make everything from healthcare to college free, doesn't mean our country is garbage.
I find your allusion to fascism in America laughable. Could you perhaps provide evidence that isn't an opinion piece?
You mention Mexicans voluntarily leaving...Still, there are hundreds of thousands of them caught trying to hop the border[1]. Their country is corrupt as hell and is run by drug cartels. That is why they are leaving and coming to a place that actually has jobs. Sure, it is more expensive to live in a First World country, but you can make more money here.
[1] https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/05/politics/southern-border-migrants/index.html Increase in illegal immigration.
We are 15th in the world for best cost of living. Italy is 27th. Mexico is 68th. They are much lower because jobs over there pay much less and there are less jobs in general. https://www.worlddata.info/cost-of-living.php
However, for those that still hate America despite reality, they will not be missed.
Actually, more Mexicans are voluntarily leaving the US and consider Mexico better than the US right now, and have been since about 2008[1][2][3]. Given I've had to gone into debt just to merely live(as do some 1/3 of Americans), I agree with them. Pretty certain no one in any other developed country has to make the decision of whether to die or become a debt slave to the overpriced healthcare system in other countries.
[1] https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2015/11/19/more-mexicans-leaving-than-coming-to-the-u-s/
[2] https://www.delmarvapublicradio.net/post/more-mexicans-are-crossing-border-leave-us-here-s-one-family-s-story
[3] https://www.businessinsider.com/number-of-people-moving-from-us-to-mexico-2019-5
Furthermore, my Wife's family agrees. She's the daughter of Mexican immigrants(yes, she's a citizen), and I agree. My wife and I plan on going back to my ancestor's home country: Italy. The US is complete garbage right now. The irony of this is my ancestors moved in 1920 due to fears of rising Fascism in Italy, and now I'll be doing the reverse but for the same reason ~100 years later. Fortunately I was technically born with dual American and Italian citizenship due to Italian citizenship laws being quite liberal in that they grant citizenship to anyone who has Italian citizens as ancestors(I do of course). I just need to prove that is all, and they'll consider me as having been born with Italian citizenship, and with my wife being married to an Italian citizen, makes it easy for her to.
Thanks! I enjoy seeing your country debates
good to here. liked your debate topic BTW.
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy take you up on this, but I want to see if anyone accepts my current challenge
lol, true.
Yeah, American media hates him, which is to be expected. He is right-wing after all.
Heard good and bad things about him, haven't looked too deep into him though.
Well, Brazil has a nice new change in management. Bolsonaro is awesome!
I want to do one that’s Mars colony first vs Moon colony first
Well that could be because of geographical location. less people would be willing to journey up to America from Brazil because the panama canal is in your way. Brazil has problems, more than I thought actually, don't want to bring them up now in case someone that accepts the debate uses them. But yeah, neither nation is great really.
Obviously. Don't see millions of Brazilian immigrants trying to hop our border, now do you? ;)