Instigator / Con

Sin Tax/Junk Food Tax Group Debate


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 2 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Pro

3 person team not including captain. 1st round for listing of teammates only. Create argument via PM and forum.
Definition of Junk Food:
Anything with high calories, and little nutritional value.
In other words
-Sugary Beverages
Fast food will not be included in this debate.

can this start up again??

Like group debates



God this dragged on, I hate two weeks


Yeah, let's waive a round.


I view this debate as an alpha test for group debates, so feel that the benefits and downsides have shown well. With that done, I am not particularly attached to the outcome of this debate.

Alec, do you know when you'll have computer access again? Pretty sure everyone on my team is willing to waive a round to give you more time. Our team nearly had to forfeit R3 over similar issues. We could also post what you've written for you.


If you don't post this debate can't go on and therefore we win.


What should I post? Should this debate end in a tie?


It seems Alec's parents are being rude and not letting him help. Ramshutu gave up after round 1 and Virtuoso was never involved.... :/

16 hrs. left if you forfeit, well that's just a waste


bump 1 day left for u guys




4 days left.


Tag your comrades so they know how long is left.

Bump. 4 days left.




You should probably post it.



I cleaned up the document (I had replied to the ethos comment days ago, without further response I removed it from the argument area). We're under 7k characters (I see no need to fluff things to fill character limits, for starters, it's disrespectful to any judges).
With Club going out of town it will have to be posted very early, I would suggest no later than Thursday morning.




Yeah, Alec. You have contributed a lot to this site and have been a good conservative voice. But enjoy camp and whenever you get the energy back, we will be right here :)


If the site is hurting you, there's no reason to stay.

Don't get me wrong, finish out debates already initiated... I would suggest perhaps using this site to test ideas before committing them to important papers, like a lower level of peer review.




They are never trumpets who think that DART will make school harder and make it hard to get into college.


Why does your parents want to be off DART


I am trying to get the energy to debate, but it is hard. I am going to camp for a week, so I won't be able to respond for a week. Also, my parents want me off of DART and I think this has subconsciously affected my debating abilities. I don't know why. I don't want to be dead weight.




Given that opening round - which would have better had it been forfeited ; I do not have the time or energy to make up for the lack of contribution of others.


We swapped Dr.Franklin for blamonkey


In the google doc I've written replies to the first six of their contentions, plus outlined a simple counter plan. I am not attached to the wording, any of it can be changed or replaced. Unless anyone has any questions for me, I'll check back in a week and tidy up the formatting (such as right now using # for link numbers, in case more get filled in behind).


I more day! :)






Thanks for that.

bumpty bump bump bump


I would like opening statements only.


Are rebuttals allowed in the first round?

bump sir


The Economic Policy Institute estimates that over 16% of employees in the food-service industry live below the poverty line (3). In contrast, the poverty rate for employees not in the restaurant industry is 6% (3). By imposing a price increase, those that do respond to the tax will purchase cheap food, not the premade meals made at Duffy’s, McDonald’s etc. Company profits will decline and wages would stagnate. Lay-offs would increase in droves.

I missed a small part there to get rid of some of the words for the word limit.



Yes we are, I know it seems long, but group debates are very tedious as more work is added every day, until you have a long sufficient argument. Also, BUMP.




Do you debate anything besides junk food tax

Club are you even writing any of it? How about you Dr. Franklin?

I think side-Con will win but this is going to be very close. I realise that Ramshutu is on the side of popular opinion, he is going to smear campaign very effectively in the Round(s) he writes and Alec is very good at this too.

Oromagi and Ragnar build cases well but Ragnar builds offensively with defence being the 'guide' while Oromagi builds defensively with creative offence being his 'guide'.

The sides are flipped, this confused me... Why would... Interesting. I wonder if Ramshutu and bmdrocks work well together and if Oromagi and Ragnar work well together. Synergy in thinking styles will be important.


Are your teammates all making their arguments? Also, bump!