Bestiality should not be illegal in all cases
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
After 1 vote and with 5 points ahead, the winner is...
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- 3
- Time for argument
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- 5,000
- Voting period
- One week
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- Open
Bestiality - Sexual intercourse between a human and a non-human animal
R1. Pro's case; Con's Case
R2. Pro Rebuttal; Con Rebuttal
R3. Pro Rebuttal & Summary ; Con Rebuttal & Summary
First of all: Gross.
Gross. The better part of pro's case was that laws exist to protect animals from harm, which makes trying to punish humans for things not shown to harm animals pointless (a good case could have been made for con by just citing some of these laws). Con did better on the entertainment side.
1. consent
Great apes are smart enough to communicate, and dogs initiate sex. Some back and forth, a livescience article proving animals enjoy orgasms (con tried to end the debate by denying the existence of that evidence…)…
“animals operate out of instinct and urges and do not have the capability to keep those urges in check.” Was a particularly weak point for con, as it removes mental anguish to animals from consideration.
2. purpose
This was the more palatable of pro’s arguments, as it showed no point to duplicate animal protection laws. John Stuart Mill’s harm principle was a very smart inclusion (particularly its role in legalizing deviant sex that could not lead to children), as it ends up pre-refuting con’s objections.
3. Jokes
Some credit to con for making me laugh (Poe’s Law says he might have been trying to insult San Francisco, or genuinely joking… I try not to assume offense where none might be intended). The context to which talk of someone’s slutty leg also made me chuckle. “Bagehimian Rhapsody” nice!
4. Non-selfless acts
This fell flat to me, probably because I don’t believe every sperm is sacred. All men who jack off should go to prison, same with women… This needed a massive amount of support which was not there.
5. Unnatural
“Bestiality is not natural to humans” wholly agreed, but this debate is about if we should have specific laws about it (as predicted, pro caught this). Bad food is a poor comparison given that the harm is known, but con insists within the comparison that it should be legal…
See above review of key points. Pro won by every legal standard raised. Con did well in the entertainment area, but probably lost his potential audience with the puritan thou must not masturbate talk.
If numbering sources, I suggest including either a list at the end of the round or the end of the debate.
I was going to leave this tied (due to not wanting to look at them), before con attempted to challenge (via an argument by assertion) the validity of them.
So pro had a bunch, con had none. The book about sexuality in animals was well leveraged, showing 450 animal species actively partaking in sex for non-preproduce purposes (God’s will?).
Where is BrotgarDTard
The trick is to have a pure mind and not think about the actual act 👼
On it... And in case my RFD does not contain this enough: GROSS!
Would appreciate a vote on this one. I'm afraid the timer is quickly approaching zero and it'd be a shame if this ended up being a draw
Animals are kept in small cages until they are slaughtered, calves are deprived of their mothers as early as possible, we kill male chicks by throwing them in a blender. If their right to move, or even their right to live are not recognised, then surely the lesser right of not having sexual intercourse being legally protected while the others aren't makes little sense.
Further than that, if animals suffered during or because of the intercourse, then it would be illegal anyway. A law against bestiality would be penalising a victimless crime against beings that are not recognised as parts of the moral landscape in contemporary society.
It should be illegal in every case. It is inhumane to fuck an animal that is not the same species. Genetic fallacies occur, and you can kill animals. People who do this have no respect for animals. We are an invasive species and us forcing our sexual desire onto animals is cruel and contributing to the death of ecosystems
There should be laws because animals do not have the same mental capacity of humans and cannot say yes or no to consent. It is a human rights violation and is a violation of nature. An animal should be treated like an animal, not a human. Genetic mutation occur due to the changes of DNA, and we could cause species to die.
Whether we should be having intercourse with animals is distinct from the question of whether there should be laws in place that prohibit *all* bestiality. I would not have intercourse with animals, but as animal harm is already prohibited and there is no way of enforcing such a law, a bestiality law is unnecessary and futile.
Animals are incapable of expressing emotion or consent. They are not as advanced in the brain as humans are. We should not use innocent animals as a part of our sexual desires
My dad once said that liberals would say that we can fuck animals
Leave it up to the states.