Total posts: 4,188
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I imagine there will be atheists using this to their advantage. Since the think theism is mental illness.
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I hate atheists more than them. At least Christians are honest in their bigotry.
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Most Buddhist are atheist and believe in a soul so you are just a hate filled bigot.
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Let's cut off hands and stone adulterers too. I mean we don't need laws or rights.
Just because one or two babies survived at 21 weeks does not mean all or any others could. Most at 24 can't and don't. Some that do don't make it past the first year. Even 28 weeks can be too early if the lungs are not yet ready and the baby can't suckle. Most states had or gave a 21 week mark with the medical exceptions. All this debate is putting Jesus into law.
Basically the Left believes the people are so stupid they vote based on facebook ads. Wonder what the Left does to get votes then, LOL
I also don't walk around a scared paranoid fearmonger.
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You don't get to define what a god is or isn't. Thanks though.
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They did not create the universe. My gods don't consider me lower than them either.There is something for us to learn from them and vise versa.
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It's a good punishment if it doesn't stop the offender from reoffending? What about women offenders.Good punishment though. Second offenders can lose an eye.
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Most states had some kind of fail safe built in. If the younger is over 16 and the older under five years older than the younger it's not statutory rape. Unless a caregiver, like a teacher. So a 16 year old can be with a 21 year old and there is not issue for the court if both are willing.I wasn't arguing it should be decriminalized. But should a 20-17 relationship carry the same penalty as a violent rape?
I don't go to church. I will never be shot in one.
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Actually my gods are clear no god created the universe. They may have a hand in their own but not ours.
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Rape is not a man/ woman thing. Rape is sexual contact without consent. Women or men can do that to females or males. Some of which is not violent. If you need a 10 year old to be female and the assailant male and violent you have an issue of your own.
Abortion and guns are not the same in any way and people need to quit comparing them cause they look like morons when they do.
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Don't you know yet, all theists are trolls. And here you are.
Some end in the mother's death again you are dumb to the topic at hand.
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Always an excuse why women are scum.
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Yes. All men should get vasectomies so they can't get women pregnant. Since they don't hold any other responsibility in this mess.
They don't know that at birth.
Never had it happen with a daughter. Guess the penis matters.
No it isn't. Many women who think they can handle it can't. Especially when their son looks like their rapists and they beg the state to take custody.
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Let's hope no one you know dies from the law. But would you care is the question.
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NO where is it stated proof is required to have a right to faith/ religion/ belief of any kind. Especially in the constitution.
You know how every pregnancy ends? Wow nice gift.
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Glad you find this all funny.
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So you don't like the one link you posted so I have to follow more? No thanks.
Especially when the consider it life on one instance and not another.
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I’m reading this, and I’m thinking, “What about the fourteenth amendment?” The fourteenth amendment says that the State may not “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” (emphasis mine). That is a constitutionally protected right to life, not to be forfeited without due process of law. It’s right there plain as day.
The woman carrying the child is not the state.
So five embryos in a test tubes are not alive but in a woman they are. LOL
So it's not life in a test tube but is in a female body? LOL Make your mind up when life begins.
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Prove gods you don't think exist. Like the atheists always do.
Right. Men pay 500 bucks and women die. You get what you want, dead whores and happy men.
So she is a whore and should go to prison while daddy makes more unwanted babies . We know what you think.
No it's because the six year old is an evil sin filled female.
Your refusal to understand the situation is why you shouldn't have a say in what a woman and her dr discuss.
They don't care about women. The drs and women are punished and the man still gets off scott free.
For a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant they are.
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Why would they want to if they are getting rid of it.
Yes I am pro death.
As long as the suck the life from the mother they are cancer.
Why don't you keep living cancer cells in your body cause I think pro lifers should keep their cancer and get back to me.
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Having an abortion is not equal to slavery. Murder if you want to argue it but not slavery. Forcing a person to carry a pregnancy is.
Until a fetus is born it's not a person. It does not have more rights than the mother. Once born it's a human being with rights equal to other humans. Partial birth abortions are not the standard or done regularly. These bills are reducing "good" times to have abortion to nothing. Please keep on track and not use emotion or lies to further your agenda.
I think you mean a one month old embryo. Babies are born humans.