One meal per day and 10 ways to be happy

Author: Best.Korea


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Best.Korea's avatar
Okay, last time I posted list of 174 ways to be happy.

I guess that was too long list and not very organized. So this time I have a shorter list of 10 ways to be happy.

1. One meal per day
Having only one or two meals per day greatly improves the way you enjoy food. Food simply feels better. What also happens is that you feel better than when eating 3 or more times a day. You also become more focused.
Of course, for the first few days, it will be difficult to get used to this diet.
Apparently, you have to learn to be hungry.
One meal per day means eating for 1 hour and then not eating for the next 23 hours.
You should eat high calorie food during 1 hour to meet your calorie requirements. Of course, you should eat slow and take your time.

Many people tried one meal per day and reported feeling better.

Two meals per day means one meal at the start of a day and one meal at the end of the day. Its less extreme than one meal per day.

2. Drinking 700 mililiters of water at once
Okay, this one is my invention. I always knew that there is an ideal amount of water that you should drink at once, but it took me some time to discover the ideal amount. Now, most of the scientists recommend 500 mililiters at once. However, after I increased drinking to 700 mililiters of water at once, it felt much better. It doesnt seem like significant difference, but for some reason it is.
Now, I am certain that every human has different ideal of "how much water to drink at once". So, how to know? Test it out.
Do not drink over 1 liter of water at once. Thats just too much.
Now, whats also useful for being happy is going through a period of thirst. 
Spend about 4-5 hours not drinking any water, or 8 hours drinking very little water.
This later makes the water taste better.

3. Getting high on your own breath and breath exercises
Yes, you can get high on your own breath. This link describes how:

Basically, you breathe quickly for 30 seconds, then you inhale and hold breath for some time, then exhale and hold breath again on exhale. Then again inhale, hold breath, exhale, hold breath.

Now, other than that, there is also deep breathing and breathing with pauses. When you are focused on your breath and when you are breathing manually, you feel better. And the more you do it, the better you feel.

4. Solving lots of problems
Obstacles are necessary for happiness, since happiness is gained by overcoming obstacles. Therefore, you need to have an obstacle, overcome it, and then you become happy.
This can be anything, but make sure that you have lots of different short tasks during day. Try not to do repetitive tasks. Rather, try to have diversity of tasks.
Also, make sure you have 5 minute pause between each task.
Reading a book every day for 5 or 10 minutes seems simple enough, but it helps you improve mood.
Playing a task solving game, such as puzzles, for 10 minutes a day helps you and your brain.
Plenty of free games for smartphones, with puzzles and everything. So these days you can play anywhere.
Make sure you dont play too difficult games. Easy games are better for mood.
One of the reasons I quit online gaming is because you eventually lose a lot and feel bad.
Online gaming is too difficult unless you are like gaming master. But I even see gaming masters get depressed badly once they eventually lose.
People hate losing, and putting yourself in a situation where you will eventually lose is bad for your mood.
Everyone likes domination, and offline games are much easier to dominate.
You can also play games without technology, such as reading a sentence and then trying to think of 10 sentences with same amount of words, or lines that rhyme, or reading a word and listing other things that are under the category of that word. Try brainstorming ideas on many different topics.
Try to dedicate similar amount of time to each activity.
Be curious and try new activities. Remember happy days and recreate happy days.

5. Memorization and repetition of text and songs
It is very important to learn new things. You probably have a favorite book, so pick some short part of text from it and memorize it. Then repeat it daily without looking at book, and try to remember it to the letter.
Same works with songs, but songs are easier to remember.
It is also good to learn jokes, because jokes also improve mood.

6. Meditation and mindfulness
Sad person thinks about sad things. Happy person thinks only about happy things.
So, dont think about bad things. Dont think about that what you cant have.
Rather, think about good things that you have right now. Also, think about good things you will have soon, such as water after being thirsty or food after being hungry.
Mindfulness is all about thinking what you have right now, focusing on your breath, on what you see, on what you sense by touching, smelling, hearing or tasting.
The main source of sadness for many people is:
1. Thinking of bad things.
2. Thinking of good things they cannot have, that arent there.
If you simply change your thinking to thinking of all the good things you have right now, you will feel much better.
You can practice meditation by focusing on your breath and heart beat and body movements while at the same time focusing on an object you see and repeat the name of that object slowly with pauses between repetitions.
This works to focus brain to avoid thinking of bad things.
If your brain thinks about 4 or more things at the same time, such as breath, what you see, counting or repetition of word, and thinking of your body movements, the brain gets preoccupied with that and cannot focus on negative anymore.
Another way of meditation is imagining your happy place. Imagine a calming place or situation. Make sure it is imagination that you can have. If you keep imagining things you cant have, you will be sad.
You should replace all negative thoughts with positive ones. Wish others well. Praise others. Practice unity with others.
Try practicing stillness during meditation. Or try to stop thinking for a few minutes, an empty your mind meditation.
Think of your victories and achievements, and write down plenty of different positive thoughts.
Also, have proper body position during meditation.

7. Progressive muscle relaxation
This works similar to an exercise. You basically tense your muscles for 10 or 20 seconds, then let go and relax them. It can be done with both arms and both legs, however one arm at the time.
It is usually practiced for 20 minutes, but you can practice it in any amount.

8. Using cold and warm water
Cold baths are very popular in science community as cold bath makes you feel better and it saves money.
Now, rubbing cold water on face, neck, arms and legs also works.
Holding ice cube or snow in hand also works fine to feel the cold.
It was Karl Marx who said that the only cure for mental suffering is physical pain.
Cold water is healthy physical pain that doesnt harm you.
Whats interesting is that using cold water and then warm water works even better to improve mood.

9. Sunlight and aroma therapy
Sorry, but you are not a vampire. You need sunlight. Light therapy improves the mood, as well as aroma therapy.

10. Prayer
Okay, this is one of those powers atheists cant use fully, so for the sake of atheists, we will add another 10.

10. A bit of sleep and pleasure deprivation
You should never force yourself to sleep. Instead, you should wait while you are really sleepy and then go to bed. Even if you dont get enough sleep, the next night you will fall asleep sooner assuming you wake up at same time every day. Also, dont sleep during the day.
In a similar way, depriving yourself of pleasure makes the pleasure more enjoyable later.
ponikshiy's avatar
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I will not be depriving pleasure. I have excellent blow job skills from watching hours of porn and practicing on cucumber.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Grazing is best. Big meals overload the digestive tract.
zedvictor4's avatar
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Spit or swallow?
ponikshiy's avatar
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It is good protein no?

I take care of my body and it help me to keep my macros properly proportioned.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Well, I mostly find that small meals overload the digestive system. Thats why cows poop all the time.

I didnt find any example of anyone feeling overloaded on one meal per day.
zedvictor4's avatar
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Never analysed semen closely, but there's bound to protein in there somewhere.

Are you a 30/30/40 person then?
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A smooth transit through the gut is what is required.

You don't want to be shitting bricks, as they say.

Shitting bricks is bad for the lower part of the system.

Eating late in the evening is not such a good idea either.
ponikshiy's avatar
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No I feel like if something worked for Schwarzenegger it should work for me so 40 40 20
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Well, I still dont know who shits bricks on one meal per day.

All I know is that I shit less often and in lower quantity.

Now,  I havent tried eating just small meals all the time, but it sounds a bit impractical. Having your digestive system burn food all the time is also not very good.

I did try drinking water in lots of smaller quantities throughout the day, but it didnt seem to have any benefit that way.
zedvictor4's avatar
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You "burn" what you consume, so quantities are relative and therefore burn-time is also relative.

And of course, the balance of foodstuffs and fluids is important.

Brick shitting is mostly associated with poor diet and low fluid intake.

I work in the pharmacy industry, and it is all too apparent that a lot of people would rather rely upon laxatives, rather than address their poor dietary choices.