174 Ways To Be Happy

Author: Best.Korea


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Notice that I dont take credit for this program. The people who invented these ways take credit. I just take credit for 2(drinking lots of water at once) since its completely my invention, and I take credit for putting all these ways together, but I did have help from AI in finding all these ways.

I believe if person practices all these ways or most of them, person will be happy.

These ways dont require spending lots of money. In fact, these ways are free.

If you dont understand certain way, you can ask me or you can ask AI since AI is very informed about these ways.

So the program is as it follows:

1. One meal per day
2. Drinking 700 mililiters of water at once
3. Problem solving, set obstacles for yourself and solve them. Set and solve short tasks.
Tasks can be anything, from learning something new to completing an easy game level. Set small easy but still challenging goals with obstacles and then solve them.
4. Practice gratitude, write down what are you thankful for
5. Breathing exercises, holding breath and proper breathing
6. Exercises
7. Find activities you enjoy
8. Get enough sleep
9. Spend time in nature
10. Meditation - Focus on breath, senses, words, body, environment...
11. Presence in moment, focus on present, on whats there. Avoid thinking about whats not there.
12. Remove sources of stress, or reminders of bad things.
13. Practice memory or memorization. Memorize parts of text from book.
14. Prayer
15. Brainstorming ideas - write down as many solutions as possible for some topic, also as many answers and as many problems that may rise, and as many related things.
16. Writing happy stories, songs and poems
17. Practice to stop thinking any thoughts for few minutes and to lose focus completely.
18. Write down and celebrate achievements
19. Solve different problems every day
20. Avoid losing
21. Avoid long tasks
22. Remember good happy days and recreate them
23. Avoid thinking of negative things. Forget the negative past and future.
24. Solve most interesting problems
25. Take breaks from everything
26. Risk taking
27. Victories
28. Create a schedule and give each activity similar amount of time
29. Bragging and positive supportive self-talk
30. Problem solving in imagination
31. Laughing and jokes
32. Limit exposure to negative news, stories, conversations or thoughts
33. Surround yourself with positive and supporting people
34. Help others in need and share
35. Debate and reason on many topics, but avoid topics you find disturbing
36. Think of many different positive thoughts
37. Have plenty of short small tasks throughout the day
38. Have a sense of closure in each task
39. Positive music and sounds
40. Art, images and charming beautiful scenes
41. Changes in daily activities
42. Eating raw vegetables, fruit, nuts.
43. Get lots of sunlight, light therapy
44. Say prayer over food and water and be thankful for it
45. Be clean
46. Dont live in mess, organize your things
47. Aroma therapy
48. Tasks with pauses between tasks
49. Delaying pleasure and pleasurable activities
50. Denying yourself of almost all pleasure for one day in a week
51. Dont rush to remove difficulties, such as thirst, boredom, hunger or lack of sleep
52. Equal time for all different activities
53. Develop habbits
54. Healing sounds, binaural and isochronic
55. Self-massage and acupressure
56. Bath for a long time in warm water
57. Holding ice cube in hand
58. Resist scratching your skin
59. Cold baths
60. Ideals
61. Love
62. Unity with others, avoid conflicts
63. Apology for mistakes
64. Domination over obstacles
65. Effort with results in tasks
66. Balanced diet, variety in food
67. Variety in music
68. Deep breathing with pauses, exhale longer than inhale
69. Journal your positive thoughts and feelings
70. Watch or read something that makes you happy
71. Hugs
72. Forgiveness
73. Challenge negative thoughts and reframe them as positive or replace them with positive thoughts
74. Try many new things and learn new things and skills
75. Practice kindness
76. Dedicate to positive cause and volunteer
77. Share positive feelings
78. Stretching exercises
79. Write down all things you are grateful for
80. Visualization exercises
81. Tea
82. Write down and celebrate personal growth
83. Learn to say no and set boundaries
84. Take on new challenges to stimulate your mind and overcome obstacles you set for yourself
85. Write down positive goals and create plan to achieve them
86. Surround yourself with positive and uplifting photos and quotes.
87. Watch sunset and sunrise
88. Spend time disconnected from the world.
89. Learn yoga or tai chi
90. Prioritize your needs and goals
91. Imagine yourself as someone else
92. Write about things you like in great detail and engage all senses.
93. Expand knowledge
94. Take action every day to complete goal or get closer to goal
95. Remove obstacles of your happiness
96. Practice mental rehearsal of plan and goal
97. Have goal cards, check goal or success map of tasks
98. Imagine your happy place. Engage all senses and imagine you are in the most calming happiest place on Earth. Focus on imagining it.
99. Deal with visualization triggers
100. Imagine success
101. Imagine your positive future self and work towards it
102. Spend time with animals
103. Practice progressive muscle relaxation
104. Practice mantra - focus on one word, image, sound, object near you
105. Assert yourself
106. Learning and showing interest
107. Spend time near water
108. Engage in social activities
109. Empty your mind meditation
110. Engage in outdoor activities
111. Attend religious services
112. Practice mindfulness while doing everyday activities. Focus on present moment, not past or future or anything that is not there right now. Dont let your mind wander. Avoid judging present activities.
113. Avoid imagining negative things
114. Do religious rituals
115. Rub cold water on face and neck
116. Have admiration for someone or something positive
117. Think of victories and dominations over obstacles
118. Let go of unrealistic and difficult goals
119. Let go of defeats
120. Persistence in mood improving activities
121. Reframe every situation as positive
122. Dont imagine what you cant have
123. Focus on and solve problems about what interests you
124. Break tasks into smaller tasks
125. Avoid things that distract you to negative thoughts
126. Let go of perfectionism and accept imperfections
127. Dont hate
128. Use a weighted blanket
129. Avoid caffeine, sugar and alcohol
130. Take a nap
131. Practice being supportive and helpful
132. Support and cheer for winners
133. Debate on an easy to win side of topics
134. Be that what you want to see in the world
135. Do many different kinds of activities and tasks throughout the day
136. Wish others well
137. Rejoicing for other's happiness
138. Praising others
139. Spiritual activities
140. When meditating, focus on one thing or multiple things currently around you or on your body, senses, breathing and movements
141. Imagine heaven or happy calm things
142. Listen to storm
143. Dont think about what isnt there
144. Counting
145. Let the negative go away. Dont hold on to it.
146. Stare at flame, fire or candle.
147. Meditation stillness
148. Practice forgetting bad things by distractions and by avoiding triggers
149. Go through period of thirst
150.Positions in meditation
151. Enjoy positive activities to the fullest by overdoing them after denying yourself of them for some time
152. Write down many positive goals and make plan to achieve them
153. Changes in daily activities
154. Remove negative conversations, news, stories and thoughts from your life
155. Close your eyes and focus on dark, dont think thoughts, focus on breath, other senses, heartbeat
156. Combine warm and cold water technique, and shower first with cold, then with warm water, then cold again and warm again
157. Imagine something bad that isnt real, and be happy that it isnt real
158. List all good things you have
159. Develop a sense of purpose or meaning
160. Challenge yourself intellectually with tasks
161. Connect with those who share similar interests and values
162. Learn to say no to negative commitments
163. Practice empathy, but not about negative feelings
164. Practice acceptance of yourself and others, dont judge or criticize
165. Seek out positive role models
166. Self-love and self-compassion
167. Practice curiosity and open-mindedness
168. When in group with other people, set easy challenges one for another
169. When people are grateful, they are charitable. So be charitable.
170. Stay away from situation or person that causes you stress.
171. Focus on the things you can control. Let go of things you cant control.
172. Connect with something greater than yourself
173. When meditating, focus on the object near you
174. Ask yourself questions with positive answers

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        The Way Of The Higher Truths!
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175. Avoid stressful lists of things to do.
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B.K is the rebirth of Vatsyayana !
zedvictor4's avatar
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Did sex get much of a mention in BK's list.

Just hugs, self massage and cold baths.
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Well, remember that billionaire J. Howard Marshall found his soul mate in a strip club at age 89 !
Best.Korea's avatar
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Uh, well, having sex is cool and everything I guess, but I thought that one needs no mention here.

Also, by self-massage, I didnt mean masturbation. Really gotta point out that.

90 days later

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I think people need to see this again.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
I have to say, following just some from that list improves mood greatly.