She works for Brietbart now. Lol
She also seems to wish we wasn’t gay. Even her wife says so. What a hero you are Emma. Had you been born black you would have said the Masters were right. If she was Jewish, she would have helped the Germans at the death camps. She should get together with Lindsey Graham.
“Yes, but also, no. I don’t have any flag other than the American flag; and my proclivity isn’t something I earned, it’s not a point of pride, it wasn’t a wish, it just is what it is, why would I want a parade about that?”
Pride month celebrates the people who made it possible for Emma to openly be gay and still have a power job. The result of struggle and sacrifice by those before her and is a reflection of America’s rapid strides and exceptional achievement on this issue. If we had relied on Emma to take on the bigotry, gay people would still be hiding in closets.