AI searches data bank of information, ergo, a good search by AI will discover my Quantum Space-time Torus/Tori info, AI does not do logical, common sense critical thinking in comprehensive methodology associated with synergetic biologic life that results in complex human and humans interfacing with each other and their environment, to discover cosmic priniciples, and physical laws andwith the ability to apply where and when as needed.
1......'Always start with the whole and no parts can then be excluded'.....Bucky Fuller,
2......My Cosmic Trinary/TrinitySet/Outline { think table of contents of Universe } covers thatwith none who have invalidated it with any logical common sense critical thinking, 01-eternally existent, Meta-space concepts,.... 02-eternallyexistent, macro-infinite and truly non-occupied space that,embraces/surrounds the following;
3......Eternally existent and finite occupied space Universe and the first trinary sub-set of the above #2, is as follows:
......3a { Spirit-2 primary }......fermionic matter and bosonic forces ---yes there is a new third catagory that is hybrid of these two----- ergo physical reality aka energy aka observed { quantised } time, has numerically sequential nodal event associations in a sine-wavepattern as 0...3p.....6.....9....12......15.....18 { see 36combinations of quark { 18 } and anti-quark { 18 } that total as 36,
....................see6 kinds of electron...electron-muon....electron---tau....see as set of 3 and anti-3, total of 6
....................see6 kinds of neutrino...muon neutrno-----tau neutrino....see as set of 3 and anti-3, total of 6
........3b { Spirit-3 primary }....ultra-micro ---ergo non-quantised norquantified--- mass-attractive/contractive, positive ( ) geodesic ( ) curvature ( ) field ( ) of Gravity ( ),
..............invaginates[ v } from outer peak of positive curvature inwards v-inside-the-tube and creates the top peak of sine-wave pattern ofthe above #3, physical reality as nucleated body of our observed {quantised } existence, ergo, associated with #3 a above as triangulated integrity
......numerica llocations of Gravity in the overall spirally sequential linear pattern set are, as follows,
.....1.....5p v 7p......11p v13p........17p v 19p..................23pv25......................29p v31p....................................35 v37p..................................................41p v 43p
.....3c { Spirit-4 primary } ..ultra-micro --ergo non-quantised norquantified--- mass-repulsive/expansive, negative )( geodesic )( curvature )( field )(of Dark Energy ---see also Dark Inflation-----
.......invaginates{ ^ } from inner peak of negative curvature inwards ^-toinside-the-tube and creates the bottom peak of sine-wave pattern of the above #3, physical reality as the nucleated body of observed existence
...numerica llocations of Dark Energy, in the overall spirally sequential linear pattern set, are as follows,
......2p^ 4.....8 ^ 10.........14 ^ 16...............20 ^22........................26 ^28.......................................32 ^34.................................................38 ^ 40... etc
Ok?Are otherw with my so far? If so then continue as follows:
O3ab...the minimal, 3D, Quantum Space-time Torus has 18 nodal events,----that has 153 lines-of-relationship----,
............and within that set of 18 nodal events, is a lesser set of 14 nodalevents ---that has 91 lines-of-relationship---, that define the minimal particle integrity of Universe, the graviton-darkEon. Gravity and Dark Energy are two sides of the same coin.
........thegraviton-darkEon will never be isolated out from the 18 nodal event toruw. The14 nodal event graviton-darkEon is composed as follows;
outer>>>>> 1................5p v 7p..............11p v 13phas five nodal events
inside >>>0........3P............6..........9.............12... nucleated bod yreality has five nodal events
inner >>>>>>2.....^....4..............8..^.10................has four nodal events
The graviton-darkEon in Euclidean format identified as the triangulated at two ends, 3D, triangulated di-pyramid { 3 isend, 3 is girth, 3 is end } defines a tube with no nucleated events. Nucleated version of the di-pyramid developed in all of the above that in 2D format, is inside-outed ergo tainted asymmetrical counter part the more symmetrical { purity }non-tainted and non-inside-out version. However, for morecomprehensive understanding of led to all of the above is seen at bottom of page.
All other particles of Universe fermionic matter and bosonic forces, andthey are resultant of two, three four or more overlapping and interfering Quantum Space-time Tori. OK? Got that?
Symmetrical, 2D numerically linear exploration for any patterning of prime numbers, that, led to a 2D hexagon composed of six radii, ---not shown in this page--- with zero { 0 } being at the 2Dnuclear center, with 1, 2p 3p, 4, 5p, 6 in first shell around 0, thena leap to next shell beginning with 7p, 8, 9, 10, 11p, 12, the leapto next shell etc.
This above is pretty good summary of what ive come to believe, and some ofhow i got to those beliefs.
2D Euclidean ex a triangle structural integrity 3-ness
2D pattern of systemic four-ness integrity --see also the four lines, also Arthur Youngs {Bell Helicopter } four lines that began with 1----, that beginsnumerical 0.
3D volumetric systemic integrity and structural integrity as presented by Bucky Fuller with his Vector-Equilibrium { equanimity as God of chords 24 >< 24 radii ergo12 sphericals around nuclear 1 spherical.
2D lattice of symmetrical purity shown above
2D lattice of asymmetrical ergo tainted version of purity turned inside-out and rolled into 3D as,
3Dspirally numerical sequence, with di-polar invaginations, as the Quantum Space-time Tori that overlap and interfere, to create all quantum particles of our eternally existent --- and in dynamic transformation---, finite, occupied space Universe. Ok? Understand?