The Lunatic Fringe (the LGBTQAI+-./.) Cult will do ANYTHING to stop the TRUTH from coming out...

Author: TWS1405_2


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TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
  • "“Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases,” found that children who suddenly adopted transgender identities in adolescence skewed heavily female and frequently had preexisting mental health issues."
  • "The paper found evidence that youth experiencing ROGD were involved in transgender social media groups and peer groups. It also found that youth with mental health problems were more likely to have socially and medically transitioned than those without."
  • "Transgender gun owners, some of whom have armed themselves out of fear of a “genocide” of transgender people, have flocked to the 5,600-member r/transguns subreddit forum, sharing photos of themselves with rifles and tactical gear and discussing plans to defend themselves from “transphobia,”"
  • "R/transguns users widely believe that transgender people are at a heightened risk of violent persecution and must be armed to defend themselves, according to the subreddit’s top posts. Their beliefs echo the rhetoric of trans activists, who frequently suggest transgender people are the victims of widespread violent persecution and are assaulted and killed because of their gender identity."
  • "Seven months after the academic journal PLOS ONE indicated plans to seek further expert assessment on a study focused on “rapid-onset gender dysphoria,” the journal has republished the research with a series of corrections and updates by the study’s author to address concerns raised in the journal’s reassessment."
  • "The notice of republication from PLOS ONE states: “After publication of this article... questions were raised that prompted the journal to conduct a post-publication reassessment... involving senior members of the journal’s editorial team, two Academic Editors, a statistics reviewer, and an external expert reviewer."
  • "A transgender psychologist who has helped hundreds of teens transition has warned that it has “gone too far” — and fears many are making life-changing decisions because it’s “trendy” and pushed on social media."
  • "Anderson is so concerned, in fact, she said she is considering ending her own pioneering work helping teens transition.
    “I have these private thoughts: ‘This has gone too far. It’s going to get worse. I don’t want any part of it,’ ” she said."
  • "A major scientific journal has retracted a study on the social contagion of transgenderism in young adults and adolescents after transgender activists demanded the outlet retract the article and fire the editor responsible."
  • "On May 5, a group of five transgender activist groups, including the “Center for Applied Transgender Studies,” and many individuals published an open letter demanding the retraction of the study “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases” and calling for the firing of the journal’s editor, Dr. Kenneth Zucker."
  • "A prestigious U.S. medical journal retracted a study that claimed that “gender reassignment” procedures brought mental health benefits. This happened after its authors admitted that the study found “no advantage to surgery” and that those who have had “gender reassignment” surgery “were more likely to be treated for anxiety disorders.”"
  • "Springer Nature is doubling down on its decision to retract a controversial paper about trans-identifying teens and their parents. Despite nearly 2,000 researchers and academics signing a letter in support of the article, Springer nonetheless decided to retract the paper without disciplining its editor."
  • "As punishment, activists flung every insult and accusation — no matter how baseless or horrifying — at Bailey that they thought might squash his book and its insights."
  • "Although Walsh never arrives at a satisfactory answer on what a woman is, he does shed light on transgenderism, which is effectively a modern-day cult. Its adherents preach a false gospel of salvation to vulnerable people who lack the reasoning or emotional capacity to resist. As part of their conversion, these converts are drawn away from their communities and brainwashed to hate their former selves—making them even more vulnerable to manipulation. By the end, they are so thoroughly deluded that they distrust everything and everyone and ultimately give up their lives to the cult."
  • "This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group."
  • "Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.” The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.""
  • "Knowles pretends to claim transgenderism and transgender people are two different things, and he was careful to use the “ism.” He said, “There can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism. It is all or nothing.”"
Michael Knowles is not wrong:

"The problem with transgenderism is that it isn't true. The problem with transgenderism is that it puts forward a delusional vision of human nature that denies the reality and importance of sexual difference and complementarity. The problem with transgenderism is that its acceptance at any level necessarily entails the complete destruction of women's bathrooms, women's sports, all of the specific rights and spaces that women currently enjoy. 

There can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism. It is all or nothing. If transgenderism is true, if men really can become women, then it's true for everybody of all ages. If transgenderism is false as it is, if men really can't become women as they cannot, then it's false for everybody too. And if it's false, then we should not indulge it. Especially since that indulgence requires taking away the rights and customs of so many people.

If it is false, then for the good of society and especially for the good of the poor people who have fallen prey to this confusion, transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely. The whole preposterous ideology at every level."
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
All that enormous smaug-like wealth off political capital and institutional trust... wasted on mutilation and targeting children... what an absolute shame.

What I could have done with such power.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
People have a right to do whatever they want with their bodies. If that bothers you, you are part of the problem.

Humans are not slaves. Therefore, person is not owned by another person. No one can tell that person what to do with own body.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Oh no, you blocked me 🥺

I sad now.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
People have a right to do whatever they want with their bodies. If that bothers you, you are part of the problem.

Humans are not slaves. Therefore, person is not owned by another person. No one can tell that person what to do with own body.

Oh no, you blocked me 🥺

I sad now.

Adults and ONLY adults have the right to their own bodies. 
Adults do NOT have any "right" to force their debauchery onto non-adults. 

NO, you and those that support this ideological cult are the problem. 

The rest of your commentary is pure bunk!

I blocked you because I am tired of your constant nonsensical threads, posts, and commentary like above in relationship to the subject matter at hand. 
There are times you make excellent points, but they are far, few, and between. 
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
All that enormous smaug-like wealth off political capital and institutional trust... wasted on mutilation and targeting children... what an absolute shame.

Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar

Adults and ONLY adults have the right to their own bodies.
Children have the right to own their own bodies. Child's body does not belong to anyone other than the child.

To say any different, would be to literally support slavery.

Adults do NOT have any "right" to force their debauchery onto non-adults.
So you have no right to force a child to be a boy if a child wants to be a girl.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
All that enormous smaug-like wealth off political capital and institutional trust... wasted on mutilation and targeting children... what an absolute shame.
I am saying that if they went this far before being stopped, they had the power to do just about anything twenty years ago.

Legalizing bestiality for instance would hardly produce this level of backlash.

Now cutting spending, that was impossible. People get Epsteined for agendas like that.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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Adults do NOT have any "right" to force their debauchery onto non-adults.
So you have no right to force a child to be a boy if a child wants to be a girl.
Refusing to indulge in a childs dangerous fantasy is not forcing anything on them besides what reality would eventually.

It's better to stop them before they try to parachute out the window with a sheet.

Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Refusing to indulge in a childs dangerous fantasy is not forcing anything on them besides what reality would eventually.
Denying a child the use of own body is forcing your will on the child. Forcing your will on the child is making that child a slave. Slavery is harmful. Therefore, denying a child the use of own body is harmful.

Unless you are ready to give up all your rights for the sake of safety, I suggest you dont deny rights of others for the sake of safety.

After all, if someone is willingly doing something that you find dangerous, then you have no right to stop them. They arent hurting others. However, you denying others the right to own body is what is harming others.

Even if you believe that someone will be forced anyway by some "reality", forcing them does not negate the force. However, it puts the blame for the force on you.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
Denying a child the use of own body is forcing your will on the child.
The child doesn’t know any better. 

And your stupid ass commentary like this is precisely why I blocked you. 

Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar

The child doesn’t know any better.
You dont know that. You just assume. But even if that was true, it still wouldnt allow you to own child's body and make decisions regarding it.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Refusing to indulge in a childs dangerous fantasy is not forcing anything on them besides what reality would eventually.
Denying a child the use of own body is forcing your will on the child. Forcing your will on the child is making that child a slave. Slavery is harmful. Therefore, denying a child the use of own body is harmful.
I'm not going to pretend there isn't a legitimate conflict of interest here. Parents want to extend their period of control much longer than the instincts of the child steer them towards obedience.

The age of maturity has consistently migrated up throughout history as civilization becomes more complex and people had more time to have families of their own.

However there is certainly a period where a child's whim must be overridden by the better judgement of their elders. To call that slavery is disingenuous. Yes it involves ignoring consent while controlling the body but this problem is intrinsic to our species.

It is not entirely tied to age, in fact there may come a day when it can be more precisely identified and I would loosely define that point in a person's development as the moment of critical thought. A state of enlightenment where the individual moves beyond merely trusting authority figures.

Some people never get there, these grown "children" do much harm to society, but because the temptation to control is too dangerous it is better that they be treated like adults lest adults be treated like children.

In any case, children will jump out a window with a sheet as a parachute and even though there is no guarantee they'll ever grow out of that lack of rationality at least for that time their liberty is not yet justified.

I have a theory of objective ethics, and I suspect that there is a lower age where almost no child could truly understand it. That is the absolute minimum for the age of maturity.

This is also an extreme example of "using their body", we're not talking about climbing a tree or masturbating. This is the permanent mutilation that destroys many primal functions of the human body. Nothing could be a better example of the kind of thing children should be prevented from doing. I see it as highly analogous to my arguments against pederasty but even more well founded because the scars are physical.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
In any case, children will jump out a window with a sheet as a parachute and even though there is no guarantee they'll ever grow out of that lack of rationality at least for that time their liberty is not yet justified.
I wouldnt exactly compare boy changing to girl and wearing a dress and make up to be equal to jumping out a window.

This is also an extreme example of "using their body", we're not talking about climbing a tree or masturbating. This is the permanent mutilation that destroys many primal functions of the human body.
Now that is where you have a right to deny them of surgery.

Let me put it this way. Child's body is owned by that child. However, no one is forced to provide a child with surgery. Surgery requires the consent of both child and adult who does the surgery. Therefore, child cannot force an adult to perform surgery on a child.

However, if child is a boy and changes to a girl, and has money and buys a dress, I dont see why would anyone ban that child from wearing a dress. I dont see why would anyone address that child any differently than what that child wants to be addressed.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
I have a theory of objective ethics, and I suspect that there is a lower age where almost no child could truly understand it. That is the absolute minimum for the age of maturity.
Sorry, but you dont get to decide when someone owns his own body and when not. Also, there is no point at which you own a person. Even if person doesnt know anything, it still stands that you dont own that person. Therefore, there is no point at which you can make decisions regarding someone else's body.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
I wouldnt exactly compare boy changing to girl and wearing a dress and make up to be equal to jumping out a window.
Well there is no such thing as a boy changing to a girl. There is mutilation to various degrees and there is non-mutilation. The worst mutilation can be much worse over the full lifetime than a broken bone that heals well.

Wearing a dress I'll grant is easily forgotten as an embarrassing phase provided it was truly an original will of the child which is not at all certain given how they're wired to absorb information.

For example there is a world of difference between a child masturbating, and a child masturbating as a homework assignment or tik tok challenge.

Let me put it this way. Child's body is owned by that child. However, no one is forced to provide a child with surgery. Surgery requires the consent of both child and adult who does the surgery. Therefore, child cannot force an adult to perform surgery on a child.
That argument applies to adults, I wouldn't trust the ethics of any doctor who assisted in mutilation.

For children it goes farther. If you find them cutting themselves because they identify as scarface you have a right (this is my feeling I can't prove it) to stop them.

I have a theory of objective ethics, and I suspect that there is a lower age where almost no child could truly understand it. That is the absolute minimum for the age of maturity.
Sorry, but you dont get to decide when someone owns his own body and when not.
Without objective ethics, I get to decide whatever I want provided I shoot the opposition first.

Also, there is no point at which you own a person. Even if person doesnt know anything, it still stands that you dont own that person. Therefore, there is no point at which you can make decisions regarding someone else's body.
They say "legal guardian" not "legal owner". The idea is the same as a regent acting as king until the child comes of age to take the throne. You can also have an estate in waiting, indispensable until the age of maturity.

Ownership isn't necessarily identical to control, however care must be taken to distinguish the two as stewardship could easily be used as an excuse to steal and oppress.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Ownership isn't necessarily identical to control
The entire point of being an owner of your body is that other people cannot control it, that is, that other people cannot decide what you do with your body. The moment other people get to decide what someone does with his own body, is when the ownership is violated. 

Some children dont reach adulthood, so denying them the ownership of their body means making them slaves for their entire life.
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
oh, shit.  Who triggered wet Archie Bunker this time?

Remember when Conservatives didn't care about the private shit?  I miss Conservatives in America- they are all dead now.  I suppose some of this is public- the bathrooms and sports, etc and I think the local jurisdictions are perfectly capable of handing the public parts.  Remember when Conservatives believed in local government?  What American don't want and can't have is politicians telling doctors and parents how to raise their kids.  What Americans don't want and can't have is  Governors telling people they can't have drag shows.  I know Barry Goldwater would agree.  I know WIlliam F. Buckley would agree with me.  God, how I hated those bastards but the Right is so far Right now our positions are virtually blended..   I think Ronald Reagan might even agree.  Reagan was like Trump- mostly Hollywood and therewas always a lot of fags in Hollywood.   Reagan and Trump might not like fags but they know they're a deep part of the culture.  Trump knows you can't fix queer.  Trump knows you can't tell us queers what to do:  we'll just do it secret and out the incredibly over-represented Republican cultists at election time.  If Republicans like DeSantis think they beat Trump by running right of him on fags and Disney, then four more years are Biden's for the taking.

TWS, you keep saying that your bigotry has not been substantiated  on this site but you are the only one who believes that and you are a fool.  Just as you assumed the other day that a French teenager was a criminal and an immigrant and a drug addict based exclusively on your misperception of skin color, your hasty generalizations about all LGBTQIA+ is a perfect example of how you lump every OTHER you're too dumb to relate to into some kind of frightening enemy.   Not all LGBTQIA+ think the same about Trans people.  Hell, look at Jerry Falwell.

Let's agree that heretoforward it is a sufficiently established fact that TWS1405 is a bigot and a racist. The only thing that change that fact is TWS.

Furthermore, let's agree that no source of information that knowingly lied to the American people about the results of the 2020 election is worthy of any credibilty in Journalism.  These sources must be struck utterly and permenently from the ranks of trustworthy reportage.  One benefit of the Jan 6th  Fool's Coup is that loyal Americans need never pretend the Daily Caller or are trustworthy sources of fact ever, ever again. When Trump and the Truth finally parted ways forever, these media, these "journalists" allowed mere politiicans to command them and hid what they knew to be true from their  subscribers and the voters and the American public generally, but they knew their subscribership would punish them harshly if those sources told those particular subscribers that essential and totally necessary truth.  These people traded American Democracy for American Dollars .  What a bunch of losers.  What a bunch of non-Americans  Never quote these traitors in any place where Americans depend on the truth again.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Not all LGBTQIA+ think the same about Trans people
"the LGBTQAI+-./.) Cult" is a political movement, it does not necessarily mean every sexual deviant even if TWS thinks it does and you know this.

Let's agree that heretoforward it is a sufficiently established fact that TWS1405 is a bigot and a racist.
I neither agree nor deny.

Furthermore, let's agree that no source of information that knowingly lied to the American people about the results of the 2020 election is worthy of any credibilty in Journalism.  These sources must be struck utterly and permenently from the ranks of trustworthy reportage.  One benefit of the Jan 6th  Fool's Coup is that loyal Americans need never pretend the Daily Caller, the New York Post
New York Post article lying about the results of the 2020 'election' please. (Since your looking for agreement)
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
New York Post article lying about the results of the 2020 'election' please. (Since your looking for agreement)
  • You're right.  I assumed NY POST followed Murdoch's instructions but they called the election for Biden on Nov 8th.  Traitor is too big an accusation to not check my facts first.   That was a foolish mistake.
  • I edited the Post from my characterization but I acknowledge the unfair slander.

TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar

oh, shit.  Who triggered wet Archie Bunker this time?
oh look, the hypocrite just did a “fanchick” move here. Go figure. 

Also, you’re making a mountain out of an ant hill. I’ve lumped no one into nothing. Nowhere did I say “all” alphabet soup members believe in X Y and Z. That’s your assumption. 

And I never said the Moroccan kid was a drug dealer, blah blah blah. That’s another asinine assumption on your part. 

Stating the same facts that I cite other black people saying at the table of discussion no more makes me a racist than it does those blacks being white supremacists. 

You fucking intellectual cowards are just too goddamn immature and impotent to handle truthful discussions on race and sexuality. You’re basically prudes where both subject matters are concerned. 

You’re nothing but a wannabe intellectual, but you’re too emotionally immature to handle the responsibility. 

PS. What the fuck does the 2020 election rambling bullshit you posted about have to do with the price of tea in China (ie - the OP)!?! 🤦‍♂️🙄🤦‍♂️

PSS. Your vitriolic banal retort proves my point. Thanks. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Maybe it's in the water.

But for sure, penis vagina hang-ups have been around ever since the first penis vaginas walked the Earth

Look at the problems Adam and Eve had....LOL

Snakes and Apples. FFS

And so, we now have synthetic hormones and surgical opportunity.

Sexual fantasy a go go.

Still 8 billion and counting though.

And what does anything matter?

Who knows?
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar

Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar

I would recommend you to watch this video, the entire video please:

It is about a transgirl, 14, who was bullied a lot because of the same opinion that you are currently spreading around. People bullied her, simply because she wanted to look like a girl. She was very happy after transitioning and receiving hormones. Now she looks like a girl and she is happier.

Before transitioning, other kids ridiculed her, laughed at her, and rejected her. That is what most trans people have to go through in their early childhood. Thats what harms them. When society laughs at you, it hurts. When society rejects you, it hurts. Children need to be protected from bullying, that happens everywhere because adults make fun of adults and then children make fun of children.

Children are sensitive to bullying. Trans children are bullied the most. Bullying leaves scars that never heal, and this society promotes bullying.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Yay, another anti trans thread.

Why are you people so obsessed with them?
Bella3sp's avatar
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Bella3sp's avatar
Oh my "god", people want to do what they want with their bodies that isn't harming anyone? Wow! 

Men (trans woman or femboy) wear dresses, oh my "god", what a crime!

I do agree with you on some of this. I believe that transgender children shouldn't get life-changing trans surgrey.
One moment it's just a trend or something for them, the next it's permanent.

Some are serious, yes, but some aren't. Children have guardians for a reason; To help with decisions because they are to immature to make the right decisions sometimes. It's just to protect them. 

Just like going to the doctor for shots, you may not want to, but usually parent's do that to protect you. Not with malice thought.
While some parent's are transphobic, many don't allow transgender surgery not because of dislike in their child, but to protect them.

Society shouldn't take parent's away from the child they birthed or adopted under circumstances they are protecting them (in this case of protecting).

And while I believe transwoman should be called woman/men, as part of respect, that's up to the individual. 
I think it doesn't hurt to call someone by their preferred pronouns or gender but someones beliefs may differ.
Should we force people to believe what they (transgender people) believe? No. Choose to respect that person, or don't.

Which for biological woman, they shouldn't have to share a bathroom. 
Transgender people come down to a point sometimes where it seems their comfort is the top priority and anyone who disagrees is transphobic.

So, on certain points, I agree with you.
FLRW's avatar
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FLRW's avatar
Boy, the way Glenn Miller played!
Songs that made the Hit Parade.
Guys like us, we had it made.
Those were the days!

And you knew where you were then.
Girls were girls and men were men.
Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

Didn't need no welfare state.
Everybody pulled his weight.
Gee, our old LaSalle ran great.
Those were the days!

Best.Korea's avatar
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Just like going to the doctor for shots, you may not want to, but usually parent's do that to protect you. Not with malice thought.
What is done to an individual must be in the interest of that individual, by law of autonomy.

I dont think that we can say how parents denying children from being what they want to be is in the interest of those children.

I see many parents call their transgirl a boy. They refuse to address their child in a way child wants to be addressed. They refuse to allow their transgirl to wear a dress. They refuse to tell their children that they can choose to be any gender they want. They want to ban others from giving their children proper education. Such parents are violating child's autonomy.
Bella3sp's avatar
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Bella3sp's avatar
I never said that, but I get your point.

My focus was based on transgender surgery.

I think parent's should allow children to indulge in their interests, as well, as long as appropriate.
As I stated above though ^^, parent's should have a right on how they address them.

Their beliefs may differ from the childs, and that's fine. Like I said, I think people should for respect and comfort but it's up to them. We shouldn't force anothers hand to bend them into liking what "we" believe.

Parent's should however, allow children to wear whatever they want. As it is the childs body, and they can handle making decisions like such.
Sir.Lancelot's avatar
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Sir.Lancelot's avatar

Even if TWS's behavior is questionable.
Do the current attacks by oromagi warrant action by the Enforcement or are they still within the scope of being considered acceptable?