The funny thing is that both you and him are intentionally distracted towards each other by the puppet master.
I am not necessarily speaking of corruption and it seems mentioning corruption gets westerners on edge. I am speaking of powerful men who distract you with their right hand while they move their left.
For example that submersible story that lasted 4 days when the navy sensed the implosion the Minute it happened.
The left did a media dump of a bunch of juicy stories that would have dominated the news cycle, but had Biden just announced what he definitely heard in his security briefing about titan, those Biden audio tapes and stories would have been front page news instead.
This is not all on blue team. Red team does similar things, but powerful men distract you all so you fight each other.
Let me give example.
People have chance to equal power between themselves and corporations in the Citizens united case.
You get distracted with philosophical arguments "government over reach" etc. Meanwhile citizens u ited fails and corporations are considered people.
Now all politicians need big corporate money or they cannot win. After this, united America who leaned socially liberal go full bore because corporations push woke culture and force Democrat politicians to play ball or lose funding.
The same happened when in the late 1950s corporate media is unbiased. The people are more pragmatic, not so ideological. It becomes easy to pick candidate based on pragmatists. Suddenly Richard Nixon gets Americans distracted by free market talk and pushes to overturn the fairness doctrine. Suddenly the left simultanattacks media for being unbiased and propagandizes reporters to thi k it is their job to tell Americans what to think. So fairness doctrine overturned, young 19 year old reporters start pushing social agenda and these distractions and internal fighting between blue team and red team both accomplish same result. Corporations controlling media narrative instead of keeping g it neutral and letting Americans think for selves.
Now the red team cries that media is biased when they are half the reason for it.
People need to u ite not get distracted by arguments that capitalist pigs use to divide them.
Another distraction is currently happening. Trumps documents show that the U ited States wants an excuse to attack Iran, but media distracted ts by getting g red team defensive of trump and blue team outraged at Trump. what is more important is the discussion of America's intent with Iran.
But no, Intead of pushing back at the elite for not including American citizens in discussion on foreign policy towards Iran. Blue team and red team focus on Trump.
Guys stop being taken for ride and acting like dogs in a dog fight while owners laugh and collect money no matter who wins