Christians are increasingly saying: "We shouldnt tell homosexuals that they will burn in hell! Its rude.".
If that wasnt bad enough, then comparing transgender shooter to Jesus Christ is where one thing became obvious.
Christians are changing.
They are literally re-interpreting the Bible and claiming that it means something it never meant before.
Therefore, all people for thousands of years interpreted Bible incorrectly? What?
These people today are false Christians.
Sorry but homosexuality is wrong. I have every right to say that homosexuality is wrong by the Bible.
Bible does tell us to love and tolerate, but it also tells us to say whats wrong and whats right.
Thats why I say: homosexuality is wrong.
I believe its obvious that homosexuals are not God's favorite people.
If any homosexual does pervert stuff and thinks he's gonna be rewarded for that by the God who specifically pointed out that he hates perverts and homosexuals, well, I dont know what to tell him.
Delusions are strong today.