You dont choose the place where you are born.
However, the place where you are born greatly affects your life and your decisions.
First, being born in loving and caring family greatly increases your chances of becoming a good person later in life.
Second, being born in an abusive family where you are hurt and neglected greatly increases your chances of becoming a bad person later in life.
From this, only one conclusion can be made.
There is a person who, if born in loving and caring family, would become a good person.
That same person, if born in an abusive family, would become a bad person.
The place of birth dictates if that person will be good or bad.
The place of birth dictates the choices that person makes.
Now, some might say "the person changes his choice in different situations, but its still the person's choice".
I would say thats not correct. Rather, its the situations that change that person's choice.
The person in loving and caring family learned a lot about being good and how being good pays off. Such person learned a lot about love and how love works.
However, that same person, when being born in abusive family, wouldnt learn any of that.
We make choices by the knowledge we have available. Now we see that the same person being born in two different families would have different knowledge available to him depending on which family he was born in.
Person in abusive family wouldnt know about how loving relationships are formed. That person would only know about how abusive relationships are formed. So naturally, that person would only be able to form abusive relationships.
The problem is not about knowledge alone, but also about values.
Person makes decisions based on that person's values.
Place of birth can change person's values.
Since the value of love doesnt exist in abusive family, the first value that person would learn would not be love. Values learned in abusive family usually consist of cheating, lying and harming.
With corrupted knowledge and corrupted values, can a person be blamed for being bad?
So therefore, such person would be good or bad depending on his place of birth.
Can that still be called free will?
Is such person good or bad?
How do you even meassure what makes a person choose to be bad, if not his place of birth and his life experiences?