Just wondering what people think here, seems a conversation that's never had. oro touched on it here some little bit: https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/9357-stay-away-from-black-people-scott-adams?page=1&post_number=3
It seems to me that this site is going the way of Stormfront or 4chan or whatever dumb as shit site and is gathering a userbase of fairly unpalatable people intent on racism and transphobia and whatever other weird uninteresting shit. That is regrettable. DDO was a vibrant place, fairly devoid of this stuff, and so kept lots of interesting people. Isn't that something we're interested in here? There are certain users here that bring down the mood, or flavour or outlook as oro writes, of the website and that's bad for us for what this website could be. There was a point in time on DDO where there was new and interesting and not at all antagonistic users arriving every single day. And some of them have crossed over to here. But would any of us have stayed or got caught if the mood of DDO then was what DART is today?
I'm glad to see oro become a mod. But I want a wartime mod. I have no interest in playing house with a bunch of degenerates.