I havent added anything to the games section yet, so here it goes.
There are many types of games, such as clan wars games, shooter games, open world games, battle royale, role playing games, strategy games, card games...
Clan wars games are basically free to play, but they are always pay to win. You wont get anywhere in the game unless you pay money. Building gets slower and slower to the point where you cannot build anymore unless you pay money. They usually have fully automatic combat.
Shooter games are usually not pay to win. They are usually free to play. Shooter games encounter many other problems, however, such as massive amounts of cheaters and certain controllers being much better than the others. For example, keyboard and mouse beats smartphone's touch screen controls. Single-player shooter games often give player a story along with high graphic and variety of weapons.
Open world games are the games that have large map and large playing area. Players can move around freely and go anywhere they want, go to different cities, villages, areas. Open world games are usually more desired than non-open world games.
Battle royale games are often shooter games with an open world where you walk around the map gathering weapons and resources, driving cars, robots or other types of transport and fighting other players. They have massive amounts of cheaters, so they usually have bots added to ensure that players can still have fun shooting bots. The cheaters still win in the end, but after shooting some bots you still get progress in your rank. Battle royale became very popular because it offers players so much freedom in the online gaming.
Role-playing games are usually the types of games that have a story where you are a warrior, a mage, an archer, a vampire or something similar, where you can interact with imaginary characters in the game and complete the quests. While there are plenty of role-playing games, most of them have boring quests that ruin the fun of playing. Of course, role playing games today are adding high graphic along with exciting combat to lure players to play them.
Strategy games are usually battles of the minds, where you have to remember plenty of things to be able to win. Memory and calculation are the most important skills in these games. For example, every strategy game where you build objects has the best build order which player should know to increase the chances of winning.
Card games are games where you play using cards usually being drawn from deck. Now, most of card games are pay to win, since the best cards are usually not free. Card games are very popular for those who like the combination of deck building, luck in drawing and skill with using the cards.
My personal favorite are role-playing games, open world games and battle royale games. I do like the combination of open world, shooter and role playing.