Lying legacy media is a nasty tumor of America

Author: Kaitlyn


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Kaitlyn's avatar
Liberals and Conservatives both have one thing in common: their legacy medias are lie machines.

In this OP, I'm specifically going to analyze how distorted the reporting of police "violence" against Black people is.

Legacy news reports of police violence against Blacks is about 11 times greater than it is for Whites if you use mean figures, and 21 times if you use median figures: FqkorgIWYAE5NJd (1756×1170) ( . When you couple this with the fact that there are about 3 Black deaths per 10k unarmed violent encounters with police, whilst there are 4 White deaths per 10k unarmed violent encounters, you can see the news reports vastly overrepresent police violence against Blacks. 

This overreporting probably explains the woefully inaccurate understanding many people have of police violence against Blacks. A 2019 survey asked people how many Black unarmed men were killed by police in 2019. Over half the responses from every, single political ideology said that at least "about 100" were killed, anywhere from 13-52% (depending on the political affiliation) said "about 1000", and there were even respondents who said "about 10,000" or "more than "10,000" (check the graph for yourself) FqkvBSgagAASCag (1084×1202) ( . Depending on the database you use, the correct response ranges from 13-27 -- well over half the respondents were completely wrong, and something like a third were magnitudes of levels wrong.

Just to put that 13-27 range into perspective, things like the weather typically cause more unarmed Black deaths (56) National Health Statistics Reports, Number 76 (07/30/2014) ( , also Accidental drowning (591) National Vital Statistics Reports Volume 68, Number 9 June 24, 2019 Deaths: Final Data for 2017 ( , so too Falling (1525) (same source), and also Diabetes (14,798) (same source). 

Stop listening to legacy media.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Media lies? What a surprise there.

Who would have thought that choosing which facts to say and which facts to hide can lead viewers to wrong conclusions!
TWS1405_2's avatar
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Depending on the database you use, the correct response ranges from 13-27 -- well over half the respondents were completely wrong, and something like a third were magnitudes of levels wrong.
The majority of those were legally justified. 

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
Weird that you call the media "lying" but you failed to report a single untruth told by media.

  • Goldberg himself explains the over-reporting of unarmed blacks:  foreign interest.  Most foreign countries don't find police shooting of white people interesting enough to print but any shooting of unarmed black people makes America look racist and every country likes to read about how racist America is.
  • The only inaccuracy in this OP is you moving the Skeptic poll from Sept 2020 to 2019 (immediately after George Floyd to before George Floyd).  If you wanted a distorted picture of white oppression of black Americans, choosing the week Trump told the Proud Boys to "stand by" on prime time tv is an excellent choice.
    • I don't think Americans exagerrated sense of police threat to black people can be blamed on foreign interest.

Except for the inaccuracy you brought, I don't see any lies documented here.

Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
Media lies? What a surprise there.

Who would have thought that choosing which facts to say and which facts to hide can lead viewers to wrong conclusions!
A lot of far left libtards don't think so. Just look at Oromagi's post lower down.
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
Depending on the database you use, the correct response ranges from 13-27 -- well over half the respondents were completely wrong, and something like a third were magnitudes of levels wrong.
The majority of those were legally justified. 
That's true. I didn't go into it because I didn't want the OP to be too long (and it's a different point to make).

Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
Weird that you call the media "lying" but you failed to report a single untruth told by media.
It's called lying by omission.

  • Goldberg himself explains the over-reporting of unarmed blacks:  foreign interest.  Most foreign countries don't find police shooting of white people interesting enough to print but any shooting of unarmed black people makes America look racist and every country likes to read about how racist America is.
Whoa, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that the American media exists solely for foreign people to read. It's not like you'd want to it keep the American people informed of what is going on in their country! It's much better to distort police on Black violence to the point wherein Black people think they need to riot against police brutality!

The only inaccuracy in this OP is you moving the Skeptic poll from Sept 2020 to 2019 
The poll's data was released in 2019. Even if it wasn't, the point still stands and you haven't addressed the effects of the media's lying by omission at all.

But how do you explain it? How do you explain the American public's highly delusional view of police on Black violence?

  • I don't think Americans exagerrated sense of police threat to black people can be blamed on foreign interest.
That's right. We blame it on the lying legacy media for poisoning the American public with such a distorted view of reality.

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
Whoa, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that the American media exists solely for foreign people to read. It's not like you'd want to it keep the American people informed of what is going on in their country! It's much better to distort police on Black violence to the point wherein Black people think they need to riot against police brutality!
  • That is not what your source reported.  Did you read your source?
The poll's data was released in 2019. 
  • So now we have two falsehoods and one quite stupid misreading.  
    • Skeptics CUPES polling was done September/Octobober 2020- it's right there in the first line
    • CUPES-007 was published was published Feb 20, 2021
 Even if it wasn't...
  • WTF You don't know for certain?  DId you actually read your source or did you just repeat information your masters told you to repeat?  I think it is pretty clear now that you are just repeating information that you've never even looked at, much less researched.
But how do you explain it? How do you explain the American public's highly delusional view 
  • Maybe most Americans are nearly as lazy and prejudiced as you are about finding their facts.   Let's assume the avg. American polled tried no harder than you did to come to a conclusion, the difference being they didn't lie about researching their opinion the way you have done.

Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
Whoa, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that the American media exists solely for foreign people to read. It's not like you'd want to it keep the American people informed of what is going on in their country! It's much better to distort police on Black violence to the point wherein Black people think they need to riot against police brutality!
  • That is not what your source reported.  Did you read your source?
Calm down, Ukraine flag.

I'm making the point that the American media should be informing the American public, rather than stirring up race riots with distorted reporting. Do you not agree with that? Do you think legacy media should continue to heavily distort reporting?

The poll's data was released in 2019. 
  • So now we have two falsehoods and one quite stupid misreading.  
    • Skeptics CUPES polling was done September/Octobober 2020- it's right there in the first line
    • CUPES-007 was published was published Feb 20, 2020
The crime statistics quoted in the infographic come from 2019. How else are we going to know about crime statistics for 2019 if they are crime statistics for 2020? Lol.

 Even if it wasn't...
  • WTF You don't know for certain?
Nope. I'm just demonstrating that there's no world in which you're right.

But how do you explain it? How do you explain the American public's highly delusional view 
  • Maybe most Americans are nearly as lazy and prejudiced as you are about finding their facts.   Let's assume the avg. American tried no harder than you did to come to a conclusion, the difference being they didn't lie about researching thier opinion the way you have done.
Can you prove that most Americans are "lazy and prejudicial", or are you lazy and prejudicial and just make up reasons based on nothing?

You don't think it has anything to do with Black police deaths being reported anywhere from 11-21 times that of White deaths? Are you going to address that fact at all, or are you going to keep skirting around that lying by omission done by legacy media?
oromagi's avatar
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I'm making the point that the American media should be informing the American public, rather than stirring up race riots with distorted reporting. Do you not agree with that? Do you think legacy media should continue to heavily distort reporting?
  • Your failure to comprehend your own sources'  central argument is the problem here.  I can't force you to be less bigoted and sideblinded in your information than you are.
    • Here is how YOUR SOURCE explained the 11-21 times reporting:
      • This latest piece… actually reminds me of how astonished I was when seeing how much news coverage black police shooting victims receive in other countries/regions of the world--from Afghanistan and Myanmar to Somalia, Vietnam, and Poland. Everywhere.
      • But social media is a game changer.  And clickbait content sells and travels everywhere.  I also suspect media in some countries likes to highlight this stuff to distract from their own internal issues ('see how racist and creul life is in the US?')
      • And Goldberg's source goes on to clarifiy:
        • No evidence it started in US media. Analysis of 98 million news articles across 36 countries quantifies. Exception: state-controlled media from China/Russia/Iran using wokeness terminology to criticize/mock the West

The poll's data was released in 2019. 
  • So now we have two falsehoods and one quite stupid misreading.  
    • Skeptics CUPES polling was done September/Octobober 2020- it's right there in the first line
    • CUPES-007 was published was published Feb 20, 2020
The crime statistics quoted in the infographic come from 2019. How else are we going to know about crime statistics for 2019 if they are crime statistics for 2020? Lol.
  • LOL.  You lied when you said:  "A 2019 survey asked people "  and then when I caught you lying, you doubled down, "The poll's data was released in 2019. "   THEN you lied a third time saying, there's no world in which you're right.Caught telling one lie to cover up another  you're like, "oh well,  so what?"
    • Let's agree that your research ability  is not to be trusted on this site.  But then I already knew that based on the corruption of your conclusions

Are you going to address that fact at all, or are you going to keep skirting around that lying by omission done by legacy media?
  • Your own source explained it to you in his first  tweet. 
    • social media,
    • clickbait, 
    • foreign interest,
    • enemy bot disto
  • Regretably,  your overripe and malodorous prejudices vs. black people has rendered you incapable of digesting even very simple, tweeted  information.  
  • Re-read this forum from the top.  The only one telling lies here is you.

TWS1405_2's avatar
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Race-Baiter: How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation
Author: Eric Deggans

Ben Shapiro explains more on this media disinformation campaign : regarding the Allen Mall shooting and others committed by blacks that don’t get equal media attention. 
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
I'm making the point that the American media should be informing the American public, rather than stirring up race riots with distorted reporting. Do you not agree with that? Do you think legacy media should continue to heavily distort reporting?
  • Your failure to comprehend your own sources'  central argument is the problem here.  I can't force you to be less bigoted and sideblinded in your information than you are.
    • Here is how YOUR SOURCE explained the 11-21 times reporting:
      • This latest piece… actually reminds me of how astonished I was when seeing how much news coverage black police shooting victims receive in other countries/regions of the world--from Afghanistan and Myanmar to Somalia, Vietnam, and Poland. Everywhere.
      • But social media is a game changer.  And clickbait content sells and travels everywhere.  I also suspect media in some countries likes to highlight this stuff to distract from their own internal issues ('see how racist and creul life is in the US?')
      • And Goldberg's source goes on to clarifiy:
        • No evidence it started in US media. Analysis of 98 million news articles across 36 countries quantifies. Exception: state-controlled media from China/Russia/Iran using wokeness terminology to criticize/mock the West
Yes, no evidence it started in US media, *BUT* the US media certainly continues it, doesn't it? The 11-21 times stat certainly demonstrates that the US continues these lies by omission. Now you're also lying by omission, whether you understand what that means or not.

And again, the US media should be reporting accurately on what is going on in the country, and not pandering to a global audience, partially whom of which want the US to rot. Lying by omission is causing Black people to riot in the streets because they think police are severely racist against them. What you are wantonly indifferent to (US media lying) is causing race riots and racial hatred.

I honestly don't understand why you're okay with the US legacy media purposefully distorting the truth, unless you too want the US to rot.

  • Let's agree that your research ability  is not to be trusted on this site.  But then I already knew that based on the corruption of your conclusions
I linked everything for people to see. Even if I wanted to lie, people could just click the link and see that I'm lying. So, I say that people can click the link and see that I'm right.

You're not even arguing for anything that has real impact. Whether the data or polling data came from 2019 or 2020 is a petty grievance. The real issue here is that there are people out there thinking that more than 10,000 Black people are dying at the hands of police in a year. We should be addressing what is causing that problem.

There's no argument for you here.
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
An error in search of counterargument
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
Thanks for the concession.
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
I've never seen any of these before, so I might have a look.
