Soon the government will not be able to pay all it”s bills because Republicans are using the debt ceiling as leverage to cut spending (actually the growth of spending)
Why the sudden desire to cut spending? Because we have a Democrat in the White House.
What if the spending cuts cause a recession? Perfect, then Republicans can win back the White House in 2024
So when we get to the point the country can’t pay all its obligations because it can’t borrow more money, who should get stiffed first?
The answer should be obvious. Don’t pay the people in Red States. After all, it’s their Congressmen who are refusing to raise the debt ceiling.
So when cuts become necessary, and the Treasury Department has to choose who doesn’t get paid, start with Social Security checks to people in Red States.
That should light a fire under the ass of these Congressmen. No Social Security for people in Texas, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and so on.
Biden isn’t going to win those states regardless, so he isn’t losing anything politically. Plus this is payback for Republicans raising taxes on Blue States.
Fair is fair. Blue states pay most of the Federal taxes in this country, Blue states should keep getting paid.