What did you enjoy the most about them?
What were your favorite tournaments?
NAQT, short for National Academic Quiz Tournaments. I enjoyed it very much, and definitely more than my teammates from my high school, because I just answered everything in their place. It was challenging in general and I just find myself a strong player when it comes to something like this as years of DArt training has made my English-processing speed extremely rapid compared to everyone else I know(and possibly a good portion of Americans)..
I used to host a rap battle tournament on DDO. I'd always get 8 sign-ups but only half of them actually participated. I stopped hosting it after 3 runs. I don't remember who won all of them; I only remember someone named Jonbonbon won the second one.
Jonbonbon beat me in a debate where I argued that we should cure starvation by murdering fat people and feeding them to the undernourished.