>How have you been? We need to catch up some time :3
>Why won't you answer my question?
It's not that I "won't" answer your question, it is that I have been thinking about "how" to answer it -- and I am still thinking, though I'll give you my thoughts now.
I never regarded having the most posts on the site as being a particular accomplishment. I had a reasonably good debate, voting, and posting record on DDO, but my overall favorable reputation mattered more. To the extent that having the most posts had "any" value, that value was reinforced by the fact that I never engaged in post padding (e.g., senseless posts in the "Record Attempt at Most Posts" thread) or any other nonsense meant to artificially inflate my record.
Even still, "what" I said in relation to both the breadth of topics on which I wrote, and the depth of my competence to speak on them is what made the fact of my having had the most posts meaningful. I could and did move seamlessly between politics, philosophy, psychology, literature, science, art, and music. I also learned a lot along the way, both about myself and about others.
That set of interactions enabled me to meet many interesting people, make a lot of friends, and do so in a way that I think reinforced DDO's function to cultivate the intellectual interests of its members and challenge one another to communicate more effectively and do so while expanding out knowledge bases.
Here, I think DebateArt -- regardless of how the site came into being -- has a lot of potential. While we all (or at least some of us) have some familiarity with what was going on in the background when DDO was attacked and when and why DebateArt came into being, there is absolutely no question that this is an objectively better, more functional, and more well designed site on nearly every technical level. So, there's at least some of the necessary preconditions for not only continuity with DDO, but improvement.
That said, the site's long term viability is something that I'm not exactly sure about. I think there are about seven possible reasons why this site could have been created, three of which are probable, and four of which are only possible. I think that there was a specific goal in mind and that this site was a very, very effective way to build the kind of relationship needed to cultivate that relationship. I also think that the site's creators will also probably see at least some return on their investment in the short term -- if their goals are what I think they are.
But at this point, I'm basically irrelevant. I'm functionally indistinguishable from a church mouse here. My name, after all, is "coal" -- an increasingly obsolete power source. I may have been part of what fired DDO, but I doubt that I will ever serve such a function here. To be sure, it feels good to occupy that position. I am here without all of DDO's baggage, and that is a good thing.