..."During an interview with CBS News’ Lesley Stahl broadcast Sunday on “60 Minutes,” Greene was asked for her stance on the 2018 massacre, which left 17 students and staff dead. Two years before she was elected to Congress, Greene responded to a comment on Facebook calling the shooting a “false flag” operation."...
Another Fox news nutter Trumpeteer shows nutter-n-head.
Lies to Leslie Stahl only to have her words fact checked on Facebook.."“We fact-checked,” Stahl replied. “Before I got to this interview.”
Greene offered a word-salad comeback, derailing the discussion."..
Greene offered a word-salad comeback, derailing the discussion."..
Integrity is not a word or behaviour many of these Trumpeteers are familiar, with. Nuts starts at the top and in this case as all the others, it starts with nutter Trumpet.
End-date-fro humanity 2065 aprox.