If you were humble, you would ask the rightful interpreters of scripture to teach you about it.Instead, you lean on your own understanding.
I do. Because I haven't seen or heard any logical or rational explanations for anything I have raised concerning these unreliable, ambiguous, half stories that make no sense.
The church simply doesn't believe the things you say,
So? Am I supposed to be wounded and hurt because "the church" doesn't believe me? LISTEN!, I don't give a flying fig whether " the church" believes me or not. It is their job to convince me contrary to what I believe, you clown , if they care too. They haven't managed that yet, because I answer back and question and investigate. I wouldn't just sit there and soak it all up and accept it all as "gospel truth". And you have no chance of doing so while you never even try to answer my queries.
and it is our scripture, not yours.
Grow up
You are arrogant if you think you can overthrow 2000 years of tradition.
Behave yourself. These unreliable, ambiguous, half stories "overthrow" and contradict themselves every other verse. This is where you have to then totally rely on faith and the words of your leaders <<<<<< see that word - to accept them as truth. They are NOT TRUTH?
So you tell me, after OVER "2000 years" have you worked out how Jesus turned water into wine? NO YOU HAVEN'T, HAVE you clown? and neither have those clown elders have they?
Your words are backed with no authority.
That's debatable, and depends on what you recognise as "authority". I know I am better read in these scriptures than you are or ever will be.. And many things that I belive are backed up by academicis, scholars and extremely well educated authors. Unlike you, who relies on ever changing interpretations of words and whole verses in the scriptures where lies and deceit have become the norm in trying to explain away these unreliable, ambiguous, half stories
You are like a little yappy chihuahua.
Try listening to yourself you clown.