How would you call a person that identifies as "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and says that demonic moaning is her pronoun?
Ben exposes devils in our society
Public class Gender{
Private String name;
Private String Gender;
Private String pronounFirst;
Private String pronounSecond;
Public Gender(String s1, String s2, String ss1, String ss2){
name = s1;
Gender = s2;
pronounFirst = ss1;
pronounSecond = ss2;
//Other methods not shown
In this case, I am an object that can be created by:
Gender intel_06 = new Gender(“Intelligence_06”, “Male”, “He”, “Him”);
However, it is also possible to create:
Gender a1 = new Gender(“aaaaaaa”, “aaaaaaaaaa”, “aaaaaa”, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”)
In which we shall use the strings as according to the positions in which they are being defined in and placed in.
Suppose we define:
Public void getFirstPronoun(){
return pronounFirst;
Public String assignAttribute(Gender a, String b){
String temp = a.getFirstPronoun();
temp = temp + “ is a “ + b;
return temp;
For example:
assignAttribute(intel_06, “debater.”);
This will return:
He is a debater.
assignAttribute(a1, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa$%^&*^%$%^&aaa”);
aaaaaa is a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa$%^&*^%$%^&aaa
That is exactly how we should use pronouns when weird ones such as that resembling the attributes of an attack helicopters are used. If one’s pronoun is Nor/mal, we should expect terms like malself and “nor who speaks” to be used with that kind of subjects as the receiver, at least. If they fail to use such terms in their day-to-day life in place of such as “he”, “she”, “they”, etc. then they are a hypocrite.