if you cannot even write a grammatically correct sentence.
Is a false statement. You should really read what I write, and get the message.
Last but not least, abortion is good
Is a disgusting lie. You do not get to kill children or sacrifice them. There is nothing good about it. I suggest you go to church and pray. Maybe you can still be saved.
UNICEF has been tracking/monitoring issues/matters that concern girls and women for some time...For them, abortion is good and very necessary.
Is a blatant lie. It is horrible to say "if you are poor, you should kill your children" and "if you are a young mother, you should also kill your children". Do you admit that you support these satanic commands? If you do, you are doomed.
Pregnancy wreaks havoc on a female's body, regardless of her age, but more so upon the youthful.
Is a very stupid thing to say. Pregnancy creates life. Young mother doesnt get to kill her child. Young mothers who have children, need to care for those children and not kill them.
But then you go further and expose yourself completely:
"already littered with degenerates and indigent orphans and unwanted children worldwide (in excess of 90,000,000)!!!!!".
Littered? So now you hate orphans too. Your solution to help unwanted children and orphans is to kill all the unwanted children and orphans. Is insane. We do not kill children. It doesnt matter if they are orphans. They deserve to live.
Is not an excuse for murder. You do not get to kill people because the world is overpopulated. You do not get to kill your 5yo daughter and then say in the court: "there are too many people in this world anyway". We dont solve the overpopulation by killing people. Even if we did, why would we choose to kill children? I believe that in the proper society, the evil people such as abortionists would be killed along with other criminals and the population would be reduced. However, the overpopulation doesnt exist right now, since this Earth can support plenty more people. "The resources are running out" is a very ignorant thing to say, since the only essential resource is food and water, neither is running out. If they do start running out in the future, then society simply kills the abortionists and other criminals to reduce the population.
Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being
Is a completely twisted sentence. God's law is the most important. If God's law says that seed is not to be spilled, then the seed is not to be spilled. If God says "thou shall not kill", then that is true and we will obey that.
If you choose human law over God's law, then you are the devil.
By God's law, abortion is murder.
personal liberty that she has and the pregnancy DOES NOT, is to restore herself to the place/status she was BEFORE the violating rape
Is a stupid sentence. Your liberty does not give you the right to kill your child. Your child has rights just like you have rights. "You were raped" does not equal to "You get to kill your children". The children need to be protected and cared for, not killed when you please.
Over 89-94% of ALL ABORTIONS take place BEFORE 14 weeks gestation
Is a very stupid thing to say. There is no age at which you are allowed to kill your child. It doesnt matter if the child is an unborn baby or a 5 year old. You do not get to kill your child. Child has the right to live. It does not magically gain or lose such right. The right to life exists, given to us by the God, throughout the entire life of an individual. The life starts from seed.
It is NOT a fucking child.
Is a false statement. The entire point of abortion is to kill the child so you dont have to care for it.
And to say a girl/woman who has been violently violated is "lucky to have in the first place" a pregnancy
Is a false statement. Every child is important and should be considered important and precious. Being pregnant means being lucky. You get to create and shape a new life given by the God. You do not have any right to kill a child or to take out your anger on a child. The child, being life, is protected by the God's command: "Thou shall not kill".
The legal definition of liberty
Is what confused you. God is your owner and you are to follow his commands. You have liberty that God gave you, which is the liberty to follow God's commands or reject them and burn in hell.
God's law is above human law. You should follow God's law if you want to be good. God's law is eternal.
A girl/woman, as with any boy/man, maintains sole custody/control over their own person/body.
Is an obvious lie. Your body belongs to God. After you are gifted with life, you cannot deny your child the life. Life does not belong to you, nor did you create it. Instead of enjoying the life God has given you, obeying God and multiplying, you choose satan and child sacrifice. In other words, you choose death. You choose to kill your child for your pleasure.
Yes, she does, Potentiality =/= Actuality. If the woman dies of ectopic pregnancy, both die regardless.
Is a false statement. As long as the child in the womb is alive, you are not allowed to kill it. It is protected by the God's law. It is alive. God created it.
You would be wrong about your claim "potentiality". The child in the womb is not potentially alive. It is actually alive. You do not get to kill the child because you feel endangered. We are not animals. You live for your child. You do not sacrifice your child. To make matters worse for you, first borns are dedicated to God and are most beloved by the God. So when you sacrifice your first born child to satan, can you imagine the curse that you place upon yourself with that act?
What a waste of the pregnant female's life who could logically and plausibly conceive again with a normal and healthy pregnancy, bringing another wonderful (actual) human being into the world. But according to your logic, fuck them both.
Is a false statement. You openly support the random murder of billions of unborn children, and billions more to come. You do not care if mother will die or not. Even if the mother is likely not to die, you would still approve of her if she chooses an abortion. Your sick atheistic world view exposed you as the little servant to the satan. Thats why you call orphans "litter". You cannot contain yourself from saying evil things, as the mouth speaks that which the heart is full of.
The child, as long as it is alive, has the right to life. You do not get to kill a child when you think there is a chance it will die. You do not get to kill a child when you think there is a chance child's mother will die. You do not get to destroy the actuality of life when you fear of death. The life, living and existing, is the most precious thing created and directed by the God. Each one of us may die at any moment. You may die due to your child. Your child might even become criminal or murderer. You do not get to kill your child based on such opinion.
So yeah, you're a fucking pedophile and it surprises me not that you're taking this IGNORANT position on abortion.
Is a false statement. I would encourage you to go to church and stop supporting the murder of unborn children. You are obviously a deeply disturbed individual, but with God's power you can be saved. Dont think that God has abandoned you.