Abortion is always wrong and should always be illegal and discouraged

Author: Best.Korea


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Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Abortion is always wrong and should always be illegal and discouraged

1) Today's people think they are very smart and special
Somehow, people these days have convinced themselves that they are very smart, even smarter than God. Their stupidity shows itself. When they talk about abortion, it is like they lose their brains entirely. They say: "abortion is good". Is a false statement. They are deceived by the satan.

2) There is no justification for abortion
Abortion is murder. You have no right to kill your child. There is no situation in which it is justified for you to kill your child.

3) They start making up nonsense excuses.

The list of their nonsense excuses being:

3-1) "What if a woman is raped?"
No, you do not get to kill your child if you are raped. Being raped does not give you any special rights in this society. You do not get to kill anyone if you are raped. In fact, you should consider it enough that you arent forced to marry your rapist, and then you should move on with your life and raise your child which you are lucky to have in the first place.

3-2) "Woman's body belongs to woman"
That sentence makes no sense and is circular.
The woman, who only exists thanks to God, belongs to God. The God, the creator of life, is also the owner of life. So when a God asks you: "Why did you kill your child?", what will you say? You thought it was a good thing to do? You thought that, after being gifted with life, you can use your life to take away life from others? You support death and God will reward you with death.

3-3) "What if a woman's life is in danger"
No, you do not get to kill your child if your life is in danger. What kind of a mother sacrifices her child so that she may live? The real mothers sacrifice themselves for their children. This should really be taught more, because people keep forgetting it.

4) The modern society is a worshipper of satan
After you have sacrificed billions of children to Satan, you should not be surprised when God destroys your society and replaces it with those who are worthy, noble and good. Your society, that supports corruption, gets more and more corrupt every day. With that, every day it gets closer to its own collapse. God will replace your society with society fit for service to the God, the society that doesnt kill its children and society that doesnt spill its own seed. Your time of judgment comes closer and closer. Be not surprised by the God's wrath which you caused. Did you not say before: "Where is God's punishment?"?
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Of course it's wrong as many things in this life. That's not a reason to make it illegal, though.

It's like wars, it's wrong and horrible since they only bring doom, but it's a necessary evil when a country has nothing to do but resort to it so to not get crushed by another country.
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If a husband and wife with 2 kids are on a boat in the middle of an ocean and it is hit by a huge ship causing it to sink. The husband mages to save one child right away but the wife and the other child are to far apart to save both. Which should the husband save, the wife or the other child?
TheUnderdog's avatar
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Somehow, people these days have convinced themselves that they are very smart, even smarter than God.
I’m just courious as to how far this argument goes.  Like the Bible says that premarital sex is adultury and therefore anyone who has had premarital sex is an adulterer that would burn in hell.  You may not have had premarital sex, but 97% of people don’t wait until marraige.  Would you ban premarital sex?  I think it’s a mistake to have premarital sex, but banning it is too authoritarian.

Abortion is murder.
There are 2 interpretations of this.

The first is a positive statement: That abortion is murder.  Positve analysis for those that don’t know is what currently is.  Legally, abortion is not murder because if it was, right now, women that get abortions would be tried as murderers and put to death or life imprisonment.

The 2nd is a normative statement: That abortion SHOULD be tried as murder.  If abortion is murder, you would be executing 800,000 females a year for the crime of abortion since it would be murder.  If you oppose the death penalty, it would be life imprisonment (for 800,000 additional women per year).  I would respect it if the man who impregnated them also got this sentence, but that means in 5 years, you would have 8 million additional prisoners.  For reference, America’s prison population is about 2 million I think right now.  So a 400% increase in the prisoner population; wow!

You do not get to kill anyone if you are raped. In fact, you should consider it enough that you arent forced to marry your rapist, and then you should move on with your life and raise your child which you are lucky to have in the first place.
I don’t think it would be wise to consider kids a blessing no matter what.  If one REALLY believed that kids were a blessing no matter what, then they should have no problem adopting.  If you’re willing to adopt, it makes more sense to adopt a kid than to accept the kid you got from rape.  Children aren’t always a blessing.

The woman, who only exists thanks to God, belongs to God.
There are times when if you create something, you own that something in the context that is your property.  If you create a business, that buisiness is yours.  But if you create a human being as god did, god doesn’t own that human being.  If a parent creates a human being and that human being makes billions of dollars, the parents aren’t entitled to that.

I respect that you’re willing to criticize the left, but America is not a theocracy.  If abortion is to be banned, it should be solely on scientific grounds, not religious ones.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Like the Bible says that premarital sex is adultury and therefore anyone who has had premarital sex is an adulterer that would burn in hell.
The Bible says: if a man lays with a woman, he is to marry her. So if they were not married before having sex, they need to marry after having sex.

 You may not have had premarital sex, but 97% of people don’t wait until marraige.  Would you ban premarital sex?  I think it’s a mistake to have premarital sex, but banning it is too authoritarian.
I would not exactly ban premarital sex. I would just make it a law that if you have sex with a woman, you become married to her.
The moment a man lays with a woman, they are married.

Today, woman has sex with multiple men, therefore committing adultery.

The teens who are exposed to sexuality have greater lust and end up committing adultery by having multiple sexual partners.
The inevitable result of that is pregnancy.

If we obeyed the Bible, the pregnant teen would marry her partner and would stay married to him forever to raise the child they created, assuming she had only one partner. The marriage would be the best option.

But since we live in this society, the teen is encouraged to have an abortion since marriage is not popular anymore.

So the teen is exposed to sexuality and encouraged to create a child, only to later be encouraged to kill the same child in the womb. That is satanic and foolish.

According to the Bible, a woman cannot be married to multiple men. A woman and a man who have sex are considered married.
I would prevent adultery by imposing forced marriages onto people who have sex.
The consequence of having sex would be marriage.

Legally, abortion is not murder
Is true only if by law you mean the human law. God's law is such that even spilling the seed is a crime.

If abortion is murder, you would be executing 800,000 females a year for the crime of abortion
If the punishment for abortion was execution, we would not have as many abortions as we do now. Abortions would not be encouraged nor would anyone dare to say to a teen: "You have to get an abortion".
Plus, no one would dare to even publicly admit that they had an abortion, nor would anyone dare to support abortion publicly, nor would anyone dare to recommend abortions.
The abortion would become less safe, causing additional punishment for women who kill their children.
So yes, I support that abortion is to be punished. Whether the punishment should be execution or prison is a good question. An execution does serve better to set an example and it saves resources.

 If you’re willing to adopt, it makes more sense to adopt a kid than to accept the kid you got from rape.
Killing your child to adopt another child is nonsense.

But if you create a human being as god did, god doesn’t own that human being.
God, being the creator of all life, has final say on all life.

If a parent creates a human being and that human being makes billions of dollars, the parents aren’t entitled to that.
The parents and the children are created by the God. The God has authority on them, has given life to them, and will judge them. The children dont belong to parents, but to God.
The God gets the final say, not humans.

If it was just an adult and his parents, in that case the adult should listen to his parents due to them being his creators. In that case, the adult would have the duty to obey his parents. However, it is not the case of just an adult and his parents. The God is the creator of them all. He created first humans and has created the conditions for the life of all humans. For that reason, all humans are to obey their creator the God.

The comparison would be: if someone saved your life, you would be grateful, no? You would be ready to reward the person who saved your life.
But the God created your life. So be even more grateful to God who is the only reason that you are alive right now.

If being created by God isnt enough, maybe being judged by God will be more convincing.
Best.Korea's avatar
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I would respect it if the man who impregnated them also got this sentence
The man should be punished if he supported the abortion. However, if a woman says that she acted on her own will and that the man opposed to abortion, then there is no point in punishing the man.

TWS1405_2's avatar
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Abortion is always wrong and should always be illegal and discouraged (sic)

1) Today's people think they are very smart and special
Somehow, people these days have convinced themselves that they are very smart, even smarter than God. Their stupidity shows itself. When they talk about abortion, it is like they lose their brains entirely. They say: "abortion is good". Is a false statement. They are deceived by the satan. (sic)
First and foremost, your declarative statement here is hilariously ironic. As is the rest of your post laced with grammatical errors. And yes, I know, grammar doesn't define, credit or discredit an argument; but it sure does dismay people from taking you seriously if you cannot even write a grammatically correct sentence. 

Second, this rant and rave has absolutely nothing to do with the topic/debate/discussion on abortion. It's nothing more than an ad hominem argument in a vain attempt to discredit others before they even get a chance to say their peace. 

Third, you're one to talk about "stupidity," given your track record here at DART and excuses to deflect from your pedophilia ways. 

Last but not least, abortion is good, and it is a factually accurate statement. Oh, and it is not "the satan," it's just "Satan." No "the."

UNICEF has been tracking/monitoring issues/matters that concern girls and women for some time, to include "Early childbearing can have severe consequences for adolescent girls." For them, abortion is good and very necessary. Adoption is not an option. Pregnancy wreaks havoc on a female's body, regardless of her age, but more so upon the youthful. Indigent girls or women have no business being pregnant let alone bringing another human being into a world already littered with degenerates and indigent orphans and unwanted children worldwide (in excess of 90,000,000)!!!!! Even actual born human beings have responsibility for further un-conceived human beings by maintaining the earth and keeping it viable for future generations, NOT by OVERPOPULATING the world and depleting its resources before future generations can be born. 

2) There is no justification for abortion
Abortion is murder. You have no right to kill your child. There is no situation in which it is justified for you to kill your child.
No, abortion is NOT murder. Period.
Murder is solely a felonious crime involving two (already born) human beings. 

Lay-dictionary definition of MURDER:
1. the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
transitive verb
1. to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice

Legal-dictionary definition of MURDER:
(a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.  Every murder perpetrated by poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing; or committed in the perpetration of, or attempt to perpetrate, any arson, escape, murder, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, aggravated sexual abuse or sexual abuse, child abuse, burglary, or robbery; or perpetrated as part of a pattern or practice of assault or torture against a child or children; or perpetrated from a premeditated design unlawfully and maliciously to effect the death of any human being other than him who is killed, is murder in the first degree.

As established by 1 USC 8, a "person", a "human being", a "child" and an "individual" as including born-alive infant, are defined as follows:
  • (a) In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the words “person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual”, shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.
  • (b) As used in this section, the term “born alive”, with respect to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or "extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.
  • (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affirm, deny, expand, or contract any legal status or legal right applicable to any member of the species homo sapiens at any point prior to being “born alive” as defined in this section.
  • (Added Pub. L. 107–207, § 2(a), Aug. 5, 2002, 116 Stat. 926.)

  • Societal rules, policies, customs, norms, laws, etc. are all premised on a shared acceptable understanding of reality backed by pure logic and knowledge of that reality. As such, the social psychology of human society in the United States of America and the legal parameters used by local, state and federal governing bodies establishing clearly defined terms for the purposes of statutory law make it unequivocally clear that a pregnancy HAS NO RIGHTS! It is NOT [a] person. It is NOT [a] "child." 

    Even before 1 USC 8 was written, the 14th Amendment made it perfectly clear that before ANYONE was bestowed all the rights, privileges and equal protection of the law they must FIRST be either BORN or NATURALIZED. 

    3) They start making up nonsense excuses.

    The list of their nonsense excuses being:
    3-1) "What if a woman is raped?"
    No, you do not get to kill your child if you are raped. Being raped does not give you any special rights in this society. You do not get to kill anyone if you are raped. In fact, you should consider it enough that you arent (sic) forced to marry your rapist, and then you should move on with your life and raise your child which you are lucky to have in the first place.
    But for the rape the girl/woman would never have become pregnant. All the girl/woman desires to do by her choice, a personal liberty that she has and the pregnancy DOES NOT, is to restore herself to the place/status she was BEFORE the violating rape. So yeah, she gets to terminate her pregnancy. It is NOT a fucking child. 

    Over 89-94% of ALL ABORTIONS take place BEFORE 14 weeks gestation, the majority of those are BEFORE 6 weeks gestation. Fetal viability isn't attained until 22-24 weeks gestation. NO "baby"/"child" involved in the overwhelming majority of abortions. Period. Fact. Period. 

    And to say a girl/woman who has been violently violated is "lucky to have in the first place" a pregnancy, is so patently misogynistic it's damn pathetic. But I am not surprised coming from a pedophile like yourself. First impressions are lasting impressions, and you first came here lambasting about having sex with children and the right of children to have sex with adults. So yeah, you're a fucking pedophile and it surprises me not that you're taking this IGNORANT position on abortion. 

    3-2) "Woman's body belongs to woman" (sic)
    That sentence makes no sense and is circular.
    The woman, who only exists thanks to God, belongs to God. The God, the creator of life, is also the owner of life. So (sic) when a God asks you: "Why did you kill your child?", what will you say? You thought it was a good thing to do? You thought that, after being gifted with life, you can use your life to take away life from others? You support death and God will reward you with death.
    Of course, that sentence makes no sense and is circular because your dumbass fucking wrote it. 
    No one ever wrote such a grammatically incorrect statement, other than you. 

    An individual's body is their temple. One's temple is their property. Whatever happens externally or internally to it, by choice, is of their own choosing. That's why it has ALWAYS been called "personal liberty."

    "Liberty is the right of a person to do as they please, assuming their actions do not violate any laws or infringe on the rights of others. What is personal liberty? Personal liberty's definition is the right of individuals to be free of arbitrary restraint or bondage. In short, personal liberty allows people to live as they choose without interference from others unless it is for a good, legally-established reason."

    The legal definition of liberty is the right a person has to behave as they like, subject only to interference for appropriate government reasons (such as the protection of other citizens' liberties)."

    "Although the traditional concept of liberty was freedom from physical restraint, the Court has expanded the concept to include various other protected interests, some statutorily created and some not.1 Thus, in Ingraham v. Wright, 2 the Court unanimously agreed that school children had a liberty interest in freedom from wrongfully or excessively administered corporal punishment, whether or not such interest was protected by statute. “The liberty preserved from deprivation without due process included the right ‘generally to enjoy those privileges long recognized at common law as essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.’ . . . Among the historic liberties so protected was a right to be free from, and to obtain judicial relief for, unjustified intrusions on personal security.” 3

    A girl/woman, as with any boy/man, maintains sole custody/control over their own person/body. Period. No girl/woman is ANY man's personal incubator. 

    3-3) "What if a woman's life is in danger" (sic)
    No, you do not get to kill your child if your life is in danger. What kind of a mother sacrifices her child so that she may live? The real mothers sacrifice themselves for their children. This should really be taught more, because people keep forgetting it.
    Yes, she does, Potentiality =/= Actuality. If the woman dies of ectopic pregnancy, both die regardless. What a waste of the pregnant female's life who could logically and plausibly conceive again with a normal and healthy pregnancy, bringing another wonderful (actual) human being into the world. But according to your logic, fuck them both. 

    4) The modern society is a worshipper of satan (sic)
    After you have sacrificed billions of children to Satan, you should not be surprised when God destroys your society and replaces it with those who are worthy, noble and good. Your society, that supports corruption, gets more and more corrupt every day. With that, every day it gets closer to its own collapse. God will replace your society with society fit for service to the God, the society that doesnt (sic) kill its children and society that doesnt (sic) spill its own seed. Your time of judgment comes closer and closer. Be not surprised by the God's wrath which you caused. Did you not say before: "Where is God's punishment?"?
    Bible thumping holds no weight in any debate/argument. Begin a proposition with a false premise, you conclude on an equally false conclusion. 

    In short, the only one in this thread that you started who demonstrated their stupidity, as you claimed it, is all on you. 
    Best.Korea's avatar
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    if you cannot even write a grammatically correct sentence.
    Is a false statement. You should really read what I write, and get the message.

    Last but not least, abortion is good
    Is a disgusting lie. You do not get to kill children or sacrifice them. There is nothing good about it. I suggest you go to church and pray. Maybe you can still be saved.

    UNICEF has been tracking/monitoring issues/matters that concern girls and women for some time...For them, abortion is good and very necessary.
    Is a blatant lie. It is horrible to say "if you are poor, you should kill your children" and "if you are a young mother, you should also kill your children". Do you admit that you support these satanic commands? If you do, you are doomed.

    Pregnancy wreaks havoc on a female's body, regardless of her age, but more so upon the youthful.
    Is a very stupid thing to say. Pregnancy creates life. Young mother doesnt get to kill her child. Young mothers who have children, need to care for those children and not kill them.

    But then you go further and expose yourself completely:
    "already littered with degenerates and indigent orphans and unwanted children worldwide (in excess of 90,000,000)!!!!!".

    Littered? So now you hate orphans too. Your solution to help unwanted children and orphans is to kill all the unwanted children and orphans. Is insane. We do not kill children. It doesnt matter if they are orphans. They deserve to live.

    NOT by OVERPOPULATING the world
    Is not an excuse for murder. You do not get to kill people because the world is overpopulated. You do not get to kill your 5yo daughter and then say in the court: "there are too many people in this world anyway". We dont solve the overpopulation by killing people. Even if we did, why would we choose to kill children? I believe that in the proper society, the evil people such as abortionists would be killed along with other criminals and the population would be reduced. However, the overpopulation doesnt exist right now, since this Earth can support plenty more people. "The resources are running out" is a very ignorant thing to say, since the only essential resource is food and water, neither is running out. If they do start running out in the future, then society simply kills the abortionists and other criminals to reduce the population.

    Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being
    Is a completely twisted sentence. God's law is the most important. If God's law says that seed is not to be spilled, then the seed is not to be spilled. If God says "thou shall not kill", then that is true and we will obey that.
    If you choose human law over God's law, then you are the devil.
    By God's law, abortion is murder.

    personal liberty that she has and the pregnancy DOES NOT, is to restore herself to the place/status she was BEFORE the violating rape
    Is a stupid sentence. Your liberty does not give you the right to kill your child. Your child has rights just like you have rights. "You were raped" does not equal to "You get to kill your children". The children need to be protected and cared for, not killed when you please.

    Over 89-94% of ALL ABORTIONS take place BEFORE 14 weeks gestation
    Is a very stupid thing to say. There is no age at which you are allowed to kill your child. It doesnt matter if the child is an unborn baby or a 5 year old. You do not get to kill your child. Child has the right to live. It does not magically gain or lose such right. The right to life exists, given to us by the God, throughout the entire life of an individual. The life starts from seed.

    It is NOT a fucking child.
    Is a false statement. The entire point of abortion is to kill the child so you dont have to care for it.

    And to say a girl/woman who has been violently violated is "lucky to have in the first place" a pregnancy
    Is a false statement. Every child is important and should be considered important and precious. Being pregnant means being lucky. You get to create and shape a new life given by the God. You do not have any right to kill a child or to take out your anger on a child. The child, being life, is protected by the God's command: "Thou shall not kill".

    The legal definition of liberty
    Is what confused you. God is your owner and you are to follow his commands. You have liberty that God gave you, which is the liberty to follow God's commands or reject them and burn in hell.
    God's law is above human law. You should follow God's law if you want to be good. God's law is eternal.

    A girl/woman, as with any boy/man, maintains sole custody/control over their own person/body. 
    Is an obvious lie. Your body belongs to God. After you are gifted with life, you cannot deny your child the life. Life does not belong to you, nor did you create it. Instead of enjoying the life God has given you, obeying God and multiplying, you choose satan and child sacrifice. In other words, you choose death. You choose to kill your child for your pleasure.

    Yes, she does, Potentiality =/= Actuality. If the woman dies of ectopic pregnancy, both die regardless.
    Is a false statement. As long as the child in the womb is alive, you are not allowed to kill it. It is protected by the God's law. It is alive. God created it.
    You would be wrong about your claim "potentiality". The child in the womb is not potentially alive. It is actually alive. You do not get to kill the child because you feel endangered. We are not animals. You live for your child. You do not sacrifice your child. To make matters worse for you, first borns are dedicated to God and are most beloved by the God. So when you sacrifice your first born child to satan, can you imagine the curse that you place upon yourself with that act?

    What a waste of the pregnant female's life who could logically and plausibly conceive again with a normal and healthy pregnancy, bringing another wonderful (actual) human being into the world. But according to your logic, fuck them both.
    Is a false statement. You openly support the random murder of billions of unborn children, and billions more to come. You do not care if mother will die or not. Even if the mother is likely not to die, you would still approve of her if she chooses an abortion. Your sick atheistic world view exposed you as the little servant to the satan. Thats why you call orphans "litter". You cannot contain yourself from saying evil things, as the mouth speaks that which the heart is full of.
    The child, as long as it is alive, has the right to life. You do not get to kill a child when you think there is a chance it will die. You do not get to kill a child when you think there is a chance child's mother will die. You do not get to destroy the actuality of life when you fear of death. The life, living and existing, is the most precious thing created and directed by the God. Each one of us may die at any moment. You may die due to your child. Your child might even become criminal or murderer. You do not get to kill your child based on such opinion.

    So yeah, you're a fucking pedophile and it surprises me not that you're taking this IGNORANT position on abortion. 
    Is a false statement. I would encourage you to go to church and stop supporting the murder of unborn children. You are obviously a deeply disturbed individual, but with God's power you can be saved. Dont think that God has abandoned you.
    TWS1405_2's avatar
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    Not going to read your uneducated sophomoric cherry picking retorts, quoting out of context, straw-man arguments, and otherwise nonsensical drivel.

    You clearly are not taking this debate/discussion seriously. As such, given your retort above, all you’re doing is behaving like a troll. As such, you’re a waste of my time. Anyone’s time for that matter. 

    Should anyone else care to reply to the factually accurate position(s) I made above, feel free to do so with zest and zeal. Just not the ignorant gibberish like observed above by BK. 
    Best.Korea's avatar
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    Not going to read your uneducated sophomoric cherry picking retorts
    Is a false statement. You are obviously struggling with sin. You dont want to read the Bible. You dont want to hear the word of the Lord. I cant do much for you if you dont want to save yourself. You have become corrupt. There is no life in you. I will pray that God shows you the path.
    SkepticalOne's avatar
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    I can't tell if you're being serious or trolling. 

    There is no justification for abortion
    Sure there is: Rape, incest, fetal death, fetal inviability, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy causing threat to mother's life, and, last but not least, personal decision not to be/remain pregnant.

    Best.Korea's avatar
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    Sure there is: Rape, incest, fetal death, fetal inviability, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy causing threat to mother's life, and, last but not least, personal decision not to be/remain pregnant.
    Is a false statement. All of those were refuted above. Please read the post before commenting. I dont feel like repeating myself even if you are lazy and think others should feed you with knowledge while you sit back and do nothing.
    TWS1405_2's avatar
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    TWS1405_2's avatar
    The Bible is bunk and for ignorant weak minded people. 
    TWS1405_2's avatar
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    TWS1405_2's avatar
    I can't tell if you're being serious or trolling. 
    Really? It’s so obvious he/she/it/? is trolling the f**k out of DART, yet again. 

    Best.Korea's avatar
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    The Bible is bunk and for ignorant weak minded people.
    Is a false statement. There is nothing weak minded in fighting for rights of billions of people to live. All societies that are good are founded partially or mostly on the laws of the Bible and the moral system of the Bible. Some atheists admit that the morality of life is perfect and should be upheld by all. When you give in to pleasure and choose pleasure over life, you have chosen death. Because of pleasure, over one billion of children were aborted. To support such a thing is madness.
    TWS1405_2's avatar
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    Blah blah blah drool 🤤 slobber 🤤 blah blah blah. That’s all anyone sees with that retort. 
    SkepticalOne's avatar
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    All of those were refuted above. Please read the post before commenting.
    I've read the thread and have not seen the refutation you mentioned. I have seen insanely ignorant or intentionally absurd positions though. Either way, further engagement would be a waste of my time. Have a nice day.
    Best.Korea's avatar
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    Are false statements. The atheists dont have morality or logic. Thats why you two cannot possibly engage in discussion with me. You can only repeat refuted points and pretend like you are valid. You are not valid. It was already explained to you. You do not get to kill children. Is it really so difficult to understand that you are not allowed to kill children?

    It was already explained that the Bible has perfect moral system based on principles of protection and increase of life.

    You two prefer death over life. Thats exactly what the God will give you.
    Best.Korea's avatar
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    Best.Korea's avatar
    further engagement would be a waste of my time.
    Is a false statement. You will have plenty of time to waste in hell. Maybe then you will understand why killing is wrong, but it will be too late.
    TWS1405_2's avatar
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    Are false statements. The atheists dont have morality or logic. Thats why you two cannot possibly engage in discussion with me. You can only repeat refuted points and pretend like you are valid. You are not valid. It was already explained to you. You do not get to kill children. Is it really so difficult to understand that you are not allowed to kill children?

    It was already explained that the Bible has perfect moral system based on principles of protection and increase of life.

    You two prefer death over life. Thats exactly what the God will give you.


    Talk about projecting there, pion. 

    The Bible is bunk full of endless and relentless violence where even GOD itself MURDERED men, women, children and beasts when HE didn't get his way. Perfect moral system MY ASS!!!!
    SkepticalOne's avatar
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    I'm not worried about eternal torment in an afterlife. I'm am not a Christian. 😉

    A person who accepts the extreme views you represent here is an exponentially greater threat than any Biblical damnation.
    Best.Korea's avatar
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    Best.Korea's avatar
    After being presented with logical arguments, you and ScepticalOne both backed down and conceded, both being unable to refute my arguments.

    You say: "The Bible is bunk full of endless and relentless violence where even GOD itself MURDERED men, women, children and beasts when HE didn't get his way. Perfect moral system MY ASS!!!!".
    Is false.
    You dont understand the morality of the Bible. You dont understand that in order to protect and increase the life, sometimes it is necessary to kill.  The two commands being "thou shall not kill" and "thou shall multiply and fill the Earth with life". God kills in order to increase life. When you abort children, you dont do it to increase life. You do it to destroy life. You say to a woman: "you are free not to have children, and if you happen to get pregnant you may kill your child". The destruction of life. You have encouraged women not to be mothers. By doing that, you have destroyed their children. You produced death, not life. Further, you say: "if pregnancy endangers your life, get an abortion". The pregnancy always endangers life. The abortion is never justified, for the only way for there to be life is for mother to risk her life to create her child. So when you say: "dont risk your life", then you destroy all life. Atheism, being based on death and failed logic, has nothing to offer to the world but death. It is utterly a failed society of atheism. There is no morality without God. Those who love God love life. Those who hate God hate the life.
    SkepticalOne's avatar
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    After being presented with logical arguments, you and ScepticalOne both backed down and conceded, both being unable to refute my arguments.
    I was presented with rumors of logical arguments. Nice try though. 
    Best.Korea's avatar
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    I'm not worried about eternal torment in an afterlife. I'm am not a Christian.
    Is a false statement. You should be worried in this life too. Atheist world view always fails. You have no morality. You cannot be good, since God doesnt give rewards to the atheists.

    A person who accepts the extreme views you represent here is an exponentially greater threat than any Biblical damnation.
    Is a false statement. You do not get to say who is a threat. You say that woman can kill children for her pleasure. You are seduced by some strong satanic curse. As other atheists have pointed out, being atheist does not mean you have to go around saying women should be killing their children. In your case, it clearly does mean that you feel the urge to perform abortions, indicating demonic presence.
    Best.Korea's avatar
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    I was presented with rumors of logical arguments. Nice try though.
    Is a false statement. You dont have any logic. You were presented with clear truth that you denied due to being seduced.
    TWS1405_2's avatar
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    After being presented with logical arguments, you and ScepticalOne both backed down and conceded, both being unable to refute my arguments.
    No statement regarding you and the use of the term logic (in any positive capacity) simply do not belong together. 

    Neither SO nor myself backed down let alone conceded. We just know when to stop beating the proverbial DEAD HORSE!!!
    Your so-called arguments were not arguments, they were mindless rants with a lot of asinine Bible-Thumping. 

    TWS1405_2's avatar
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    TWS1405_2's avatar
    God kills in order to increase life

    TheUnderdog's avatar
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    TheUnderdog's avatar
    The man should be punished if he supported the abortion. However, if a woman says that she acted on her own will and that the man opposed to abortion, then there is no point in punishing the man.

    Situation 1:
    Man: wants abortion because he doesn't want to raise the baby.
    Women: Doesn't want abortion.
    Your response: Raise the damn kid; if you didn't want kids, you shouldn't have had sex.
    The left response: Raise the damn kid; if you didn't want kids, you shouldn't have had sex.
    The right response: Raise the damn kid; if you didn't want kids, you shouldn't have had sex.

    Situation 2:
    Man: Doesn't want abortion
    Women: Doesn't want abortion
    The left response: Don't abort
    The right response: Don't abort
    Your response: Don't abort.

    Situation 3:
    Man: Doesn't want abortion
    Woman: Does want abortion
    The left response: Abort the pregnancy.  Your body your choice; have all the sex you want.
    The right: Raise the damn kid; if you didn't want kids, you shouldn't have had sex.
    Your response: Raise the damn kid; if you didn't want kids, you shouldn't have had sex.  Abort, and you should get killed, but the man wouldn't be killed (if it was reverse, you would just have the man pay child support which is less severe of a punishment.)

    Situation 4:
    Man: Does want abortion
    Woman: Does want abortion
    The left response: Abort the pregnancy.  Your body your choice; have all the sex you want.
    The right: Raise the damn kid; if you didn't want kids, you shouldn't have had sex.
    Your response: I want to punish the woman (with death?) and the man (with death?)  The reason why this is in question marks is because I don't know.

    The punishment for the man in situation 1 should be the same as the woman in situation 3.

    b9_ntt's avatar
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    b9_ntt's avatar
    Exodus 21:22 clearly shows that the life of the mother was considered more valuable than the life of an unborn child.

    Leviticus 27:2 and Numbers 3:15 show that children less than one month old were not considered people.

    Genesis 28:34 shows that abortion was sanctioned.