Response to "What if I own no land" - Growing Plants In Containers Using Artificial Lights

Author: Best.Korea


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Growing plants doesnt require you to own land. 

Plants easily grow in containers indoors using artificial lights and temperature.

Artificial lights make it possible to grow plants indoors the entire year, which is useful.

Of course, if you have a window that is sunny, then you need no artificial lights for that spot.

Lets talk about how its done

First, lets make one thing clear. Focus on plants that produce a lot.

Swiss chard is useful. It produces a lot and has some calories in it too. Plus, its too easy to grow.

Spinach and lettuce are tasty too and produce a decent amount.

Beetroots have edible roots and leaves, and some calories. Easy to grow.

Peas have lots of vitamins and calories. Easy to grow.

Potatoes produce a lot. They have a nice amount of calories in them. Easy to grow.

Onions, garlic make your food tasty. Plus, their leaves are edible and contain some nice calories. Easy to grow.

Tomato and cherry tomato are tasty and easy to grow. I wouldnt say they are too nutritious, but its nice to eat them.

Carrots have some nice calories in them. They are easy to grow.

Strawberries are where it gets fun. They are small plants that fit in almost any container. Easy to grow.

Parsley is easy to grow and has edible root too.

Now, if you dont want to do manual pollination, dont plant strawberries or tomato.

Next step is to buy seeds of plants. Seeds are usually cheap.

Now time to choose a container.

Usually, bigger containers are better. You can make them out of cardboard boxes and duct tape.

Next, you need soil. Soil can be expensive if you are buying it. However, obtaining it from nature can be a risk. But you  have to either buy soil either get it from local forest or grassland.

Once you have the soil, break it up with hands so its very loose. Then place it in container to fill it up.

Next, you need artificial lights. When you buy them, make sure they are suitable for growing vegetables.

Next thing is compost. Buy some compost and put 1 inch of it on top of the soil you placed in container.

Next step is planting seeds. Make sure you plant seeds at proper spacing. Plants wont grow well if crowded. Make holes and place 1 seed per hole. This will save you money on seeds. Dont cover the seeds with too much soil or they wont grow.

Once seeds are planted, water them.

Next day, touch the soil with your finger. If the soil's surface is dry, water it.

Set up artificial lights to provide light for the plants.

Once plants start growing from seeds, make sure to water them when top 1 inch of soil dries and feels dry to the touch.

As plants grow, add some more compost around them, but dont bury the plant too much. Only a little.

Make your own fertilizer and use it so plants grow even better.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
Even if you own land,  for some of the very best plants, it's still safest to grow them the basement with artificial lights.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
True. Plants grown indoors are much better protected against pests and weather.

Plus, vertical farming is possible with artificial lights, further increasing productivity.