If it's hygienic I'd try it out.
Insects suit factory farming conditions overall actually, they don't give a shit about freedom so I wouldn't have an ethical care beyond that they aren't unnecessarily dewinged and tortured like that (legless etc).
I'd want it to be largely natural insects farmed in a natural way and we are eating cooked dead bodies.
The main problem is they taste shit, I imagine it's one of the driest meat types out there even more than turkey. In fact I almost 'know' because insects are more similar to reptiles and I know people who have reptiles say they are even drier and blander than chicken.
Insects are rarely herbivores, meaning they are actually bad nutritionally and for digestion. Humans did not evolve to digest carnivores well. The propaganda saying insects are so good ignores how much less of a percent we'd get, they'd largely be fiber, as in their legs and equivalent of a skeleton would help shit pass through.
If we stuck specifically to herbivores the most obvious option is the well-liked butterfly and people will get all 'omg they're too cute' based in their animal rights. To be fair, I kind of agree not with that but I would not want such creatures dewings and deformed to keep them in place while farming.