Very well. You will be banned tomorrow, sometime between 9:00pm and 11:59pm, EST. Consider this your advanced notice, so no advanced notice will be forthcoming the day of the ban. The ban will last two days.
You want to say goodbye for a 2 day ban? I mean, sure, go ahead.
- Kaiser Bsh1.
How did I get that 24 hour delay? How am I not permabanned? Why am I showing off or happy if I'm banned. Reasons behind my methods will always remain idiotic and cryptic to most, if not all. I'm a madman who may as well be locked in an asylum as far as some of you are concerned.
I will spit the truth here and now, listen or not, your loss either way:
What you see before you, no doubt seems retarded,
As DDO was dying you thought RM had long-departed,
Some of you saw me here like 'wait a minute, you're an OG here? I thought that you just started.'
Even as I returned I learned that burns mar a rep permanent long after the scars hurt,
The thing is I could wing it as a safe-playing bitch,
Live every day like I'm already in a ditch,
Piss no-one off, act overly-reformed, fight no foe, neither rebel nor snitch,
But what the fuck do you all know about the younger me and the long-lost wish,
That some day this minnow would be preyin' on fish,
That I'd slay all the sharks, lead the dolphins on a mission, wasn't winning competitions it was bein' brilliant and resilient,
It was helping the whole police force more than they'd ask of a general civilian,
I've seen corruption on sites, Moderation teams you'd conclude were Sicilian,
I've seen lax mods, crack-snorting lapse-in-judgement scat mods,
I've seen users pledge allegiance, snitch on no one, threatened-with-bans-just-to-turn-'em-into-rat mods
I've seen white-knight polite, sycophant lost souls, weak-back mods,
Seen the envy in the dark-knight ban me just because I'm back mods,
Seen the tyrants blaring sirens just to make the people have their back mods,
I just said 'back mods' three times and it's still skilled as fuck; that rational-madman gambler faking fear, you go all-in up against my full-house; whack odds.
Honestly, I don't regret the shit I stirred on this site,
I'm a Sith in the night, in the day a Jedi Knight,
I harness the darkness, bring out the worst in the scum,
I'm the troll who out-trolled the anti-troll-troll of DDO, think of the levels that I'm on, bitch run,
You don't know 'bout the history, only know official stories,
I could sit here having not inspired many of the updates, the block button been a whore to the mods as those that abhor me love to call me,
Instead I am a rebel, a highly-disciplined devil, I'm not asking for glory, don't applaud me or award medals,
Just gimme #1 debater, as I invert a gangbang and fuck all of my haters,
I dirtied myself for the right amount and right reasons, so Vader,
Come again and choke-hold me, I'll eat you for dinner later,
Take that as kinky because threats are outlawed and what-not,
But understand the kingpin of exposing threats to the site by taking them on's coming in hot,
So if I end up eventually permabanned, I'll admit I suck and my rep should rot,
But if not I played it perfect, as risky as a justifiably rational-playstyle coulda got,
I will never be a simpleton and never be a bot,
I'm the one to bring the kneedpads out and BITE OFF A MOD's COCK,
So before you think you know my thinking, think you're a Pimp to this itty bitty thot,
You better put in the work, 'cause when it comes to endurance I'm the nitty gritty God.