Space as XYZ { 3D 90 degree-ness } or as abc-d. More on that further below.
In the following set of Pi-powering the / diagonal is division symbol. Remmber, that, Pi is only relevant to curvature as enclosed space as a circle, that, is a conceptually { Meta-space } symbolic representation of a dynamic vector { amplitude and direction } trajectory, that comes around to meet itself.
.............Pi^3 { XYZ } 31.00 62 7 66...80299820175476....... is transcendental .
..Pi^4 { XYZ-d } / 4 = 24.35 22 7 27...58500609309110..0....... transcendental
...............Pi^4 - 31 = 66 40 90 9 10...34 00 24 37 23 64 40 transcendental
......................Pi^4 = 97.40 90 9 10...34002437236440
In the above Pi^4 and Pi^4 minus 31 we find that, within the first 23 positions there is six 0's and five 4's. I chose 23 total positions because of those 0's and 4's, however, I also take note, that, the prime number 23p, is the initial break in the the pattern of twin { twoness } primes i.e. 2p-3p-5p-7p....11p-13p...17p-19p...23p-( 25 not prime ) great circles of 4-fold cubo-octa-hedon aka the Vector Equlibrium { VE }
To make specific comparisons of the above set of four Pi-powereings, here below Ive used texticonic charactors to signify those for relative comparison because of same same, or significant identities.
............Pi^3 { XYZ } >31< . 00 >62< '7'---66....... 31 great circle planes of 5-fold icosahedron { 30 chords }
Pi^4 { XYZ-dt } / 4 = [ 24 ]. 35---22---'7'-- -2'7'....... 4-fold cubo-octahedron has 24 chords { 25 great circles }
...............Pi^4 - 31 = 66 --4 '0'- 9 '0'--9----1 '0'.....34 00 [ 24 ]......3723....644 '0' transcendental
......................Pi^4 = 97.40 90 9 10...34002437236440
Regarding XYZ-dt. The small d is a spatial reference to Hyper-space concept of abc-d wherein, cartesian { 90 degres-ness } XYZ is relabeled as abc and d is the 45 degree angle { / } going inward --volumetric diagonal, not surface diagonal-- toward a corner of another cube { Hyper-space } cube inside the outer cube. See Micho Kakus book Hyper-space erego string theory basis.
I have another URL vid { go to 2:40 Sabine hossefelder to see diagonal / time } that shows how the same 45 degree-ness { / } angles is also used with for time [ t }. So I express as dt because its is relevant both i.e. as a 4th spatial { / } hyper-dimension and to time-t { Einsteins relativity via Minkowski / }.
Pi is geometrically spatial-space association and using time-t as part of space-time coordinate system was established by Einstein.
..."“In the work of Ramanujan, the number 24 appears
repeatedly. This is an example of what mathematicians call magic
numbers, which continually appear, where we least expect them, for
reasons that no one understands. Miraculously, Ramanujan's function also
appears in string theory. The number 24 appearing in Ramanujan's
function is also the origin of the miraculous cancellations occurring in
string theory. In string theory, each of the 24 modes in the Ramanujan
function corresponds to a physical vibration of the string. Whenever the
string executes its complex motions in space-time by splitting and
recombining, a large number of highly sophisticated mathematical
identities must be satisfied. These are precisely the mathematical
identities discovered by Ramanujan. (Since physicists add two more
dimensions when they count the total number of vibrations appearing in a
relativistic theory, this means that space-time must have 24 + 2 = 26
space-time dimensions.)”
In Synergetics there is two kinds of cosmic two-ness.
(See Fig. 1073.10.)
Integral system is threefold twoness = 6.
Integral Universe is fourfold twoness = 8.
Spin twoness .....................2 is additive { left-right } see Hyper-space's Plus 2 above
Duality twoness.................2 is { concave-convex } multiplicative
Interrelationship twoness 2
Environmental twoness....2 8
I chose to divide my cosmic Pi-time 66.4 ---or rounded as 66--- because of the number 7's relationship to irrationality to our tainted and off-center cosmos, i.e. seemingly chance, random-ness, chaos etc. So many factors involving number 7 { heptaons interna irrational angles } ex 7 surface axis related to cubo-octahedron{ VE }, and the sames resultant set of 87 { 73 LINK } primary great circles of Universe.......4-fold 3, 4, 6, 12 { totals 25 } and 5-fold left-skew 6, 10 15 and right-skew 6, 10, 15 { totals 31 }.
66 / 7 = 9.42 85 7 1 42 85 714 28 57 14 the 7th overall position is the number 1, a repetively closed system
66.4 / 7 = 9.48 571 4 28 57 14 28 57 14 28 57 the overall 7th position is number 4....a repetively closed system
The triangle { circlidean } is the minimal closed system. The tetrahedron { spherical } is the minimal closed outer surface of a convex positive nature.
...its concave nature is inside-------
The torus is minimal closed system with outer positive curved surface and inner { not inside } negative curved surface
Closed = regenerative Universe { Cosmos }
Singularity { null geodesics } = violation of 1st law of conservation..naught is created nor destroyed, only transformed from one phase of existence to another, and this translate as or equivalent to occupied space 1st law. Or so I speculate. In my space-time torus scenarios, our sine-wave /\/\/ associated physical reality has the potential to not exist, because,
our occupied space physical reality is an invaginating resultant of occupied space contractive/attractive Meta-physical Gravity ( ) and repulsive/expansive Meta-physical Dark Energy )( invaginations from the the outer and inner surface to create the inside physical reality as volume { body } of existence.i
Here above Meta-physical is not the the dictionary definitons of meta-physical. Gravity and Dark Energy are beyond/Meta, our resultant physical reality. This may also explain why Universe is not truly expanding, even tho it is what we may be mis-percieving. It may be that via myriad set of space-time tori, that, reality inside the torus, is moving toward disspations ---null geodesics of all photons--- into a gravitational field, and then,
our physical reality reappears from the inner Dark Energy field and starts the process over of moving towards the outer surface set of nodal events I call the Gravitational field.
We have three primary kinds of Meta:
Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts ergo ego identity { i }
--------conceptual line of demarcation---------------
Meta-physical Gravity ---not been quantised nor quantified ergo Meta/Beyond
Meta-physical Dark Energy ---has not been quantised nor quantified ergo Meta-Beyond
Logical, common sense, critical thinking does exists as Meta-space concepts/ideas/intellect and ego