------> sperrmazoa........( ) egg aka zona pellucida
----->---->------>---->---->(-> ) head of spermazoa enters the egg , ergo, now it can literally be called an egg-head.
Then the head splits open releasing its either X or y genetic material, inside the egg ( !@#$*%& ), if an X, or,
( ^&* ) if the less complex y, that,then recombines separately to be come 23 chromosome sex cell .nuclei, to then combine with the eggs 2 chromosome nuclei
The egg{s} exists before the born out debater{s}. Logic, and critical thinking, in order to find truth does not occur with the fertilized egg. All debaters are human, not all humans are debators, except those who have access to their mind?
..." Philosophy for Children encourages children to think for themselves at the same time that it encourages them to think with others.
......However, philosophy is often viewed as more a
matter of solitary reflection, perhaps involving exchanges between a
few other solitary thinkers—something to which the
“masses” are neither privy nor attracted.".....
Scenario 1} biologic life starts on Earth by the collection of elements into molecules > RNA > DNA > egg >and then millions of years later a complex adult female debater appears on the scene.
Scenario 2} the fundamentals for all that exists ---ex a finite set of 92or more chemical elements--- is mapped/coded in and eternally existent, Gravitational-Dark Energy space { occupied }, ---we can call the finite egg{s}-of-space-- that, is not observable by humans ergo, meta-physical i.e. beyond our physical reality.
Then physical reality, ---as observed time----, is born out from the encoded Gravitational-Dark Energy space { occupied }. How does this born-out phenomena occur and, why asks the adult female debater? Then answer can be found in my Cosmological Scenarios thread.
The debater cross the road to find the truth of what exists on the other side, relative to what exists on the side their currently on. To know the relationship { relativity } of one to the other.