Just wondering what happening to some of the old users that once was here..
So what happen to Zeichen? Does Anyone knows ???
And may i ask how do you know this?
I may be wrong but I believe Zeichen asked for her account to be canceled and since we don't have that ability, it was simply banned. But we need to ask the mods.
I'm honestly not sure. bsh will know
I dun goofed. Zeichen was not Analgesic, Analgesic was Zaroette. My bad. Disregard.
Zeichen asked for their account to be banned.
She had beef with RM.
Analgesic is Zarroette? That does explain why she's so b*tchy all the time lol.
Analgesic is Zarroette? That does explain why she's so b*tchy all the time lol.
Yeah, mate. All the time. Whilst walking to work. Whilst walking from work. Whilst walking. Whilst eating. Whilst happy. Whilst sleeping. Whilst praising my students. Whilst watching memes.
Sounds accurate.
You must have tinnitus.
Relax -- it's just a joke :)
I can hear a high frequency ringing with every post you make. This is obviously not tinnitus.
Why would someone asked to be banned?
You'll have to ask them.